3 thoughts on “When and How to Sign Up for Medicare – Getting Started With Medicare

  1. Thank you so much for explaining all this. I have a question regarding Social Security benefits and it costing less for part B. Would it be better to sign up for Social Security at the same time at age 65 or wait until I’m 66? I would be getting Social Security through my ex-husband’s social Security benefits. I am concerned about the $134 versus the $109. What the part B premium stay at $134 forever or or return to $109 if I waited till I’m 66?

  2. It’s not as rare as you think that someone didn’t sign up for part B and didn’t have health insurance after 65.

  3. I’m 66 and in the workforce. I have “creditable” medical coverage (not all coverage is creditable. It’s important to find out about one’s coverage). But, for continuous Part B coverage, I will need a form signed by my employer saying I have been covered up to the point Part B begins. The form is printable online. What I don’t understand is if I have to produce my Medicare card, even though I’m currently covered by an employer and have their card.

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