Mike Hash of the White House Office of Health Reform gets into deeper detail on how reform would eliminate wasteful subsidies to insurance companies in the Medicare Advantage program, without hurting benefits or care and leaving the trust fund intact. To the contrary, it will strengthen Medicare's long-term stability and save seniors money. September 22, 2009. (Public Domain)

Health care reform was needed before jobs…many companies fled the USA
because of the high cost of healthcare….cut down on the cost and the
companies will come back….simple
Read the bill, everything he said is false. By the way Obama just anounced
1.5 trillion in new taxes. And he already spent ……1.3 trillion. Reality
probably more like 3 trillion spent. Let’s just charge n convict everyone
who voted this through, with treason. And Get them sentenced immediately.
Imagine the efficiency to CMS if they audited claims BEFORE disbursing
MILLIONS of dollars weekly electronically, all done automatically, without
any cost containment or provider security. You are saving a cup of water
from the kitchen sink, while you fill the pool in the back yard.
@robhart45 America will still be here. Just a lil older and hopefully a lil
Buy your own private insurance–why is that hard to get? Nobody’s stopping
you from paying doctors cash. Clearly that’s what you prefer, and your
freedom to do so is intact.
If I have pre-exist medical condition, I want the best medical treatment in
the world can offer not some DMV Govt. run healthcare. Dont jive with my
life because I want to live.
Hey I’ve got an Idea! lets all work really hard and dig a gigantic hole in
the earth. Then lets throw all of our money in it.
Mr. President, I believe you mean every word when you claim that the
healthcare system is seriously flawed, the fat cat insurance companies get
fatter and the working man pays…and pays.. No doubt its not working! I
like the sound of your ‘onecare’ State option. The problem is you have lost
creditibility in convincing us that its cost isn’t going to bankrupt the
Nation. I have children, where will America be 50 years from now?
Pres. Obama, where is clunker for college tuition? Another empty speech?
How do we know which HMOs are receiving subsidies??? those of us who are
receiving Prescription Drugs at an affordable cost with an HMO would have a
huge increase in costs and in many cases unaffordable costs by returning to
the present Medicaid, plus suplemental insurance plus prescription coverage.
not true by a long shot. it is somewhere around 9th or tenth. don’t believe
everything your fox buddies tell you
Thank you for debunking yet another right wing *cough* insurance company
*cough* smear.
If Washington could eliminate waste to cut the deficit, why haven’t they
already done it? Because they can’t. The less they pay doctors for stuff
that costs more than they get paid for it, the more fraud doctors are
forced to commit to make up the loss by accepting medicare patients.
What makes you think there isn’t? There isn’t a difference at all between
Republicans and big business. There is little between them and blue dog
Democrats, but there is substantial difference between progressive
Democrats and big business. That is why politics is so partisan in this
country. Progressive Democrats are in favor of principles of competition,
home ownership and competition. Republicans aren’t for capitalism; they’re
for corporatism.
The bill will reduce the waste. Medicare is a popular program, so popular
in fact that if any politician tries to mess with it, they soon become ex
politicians. Has it ever occurred to you that the public option will be
just as popular?
The big health insurance companies cannot be good for Americans because
their goal isn’t increased health for their customers, it’s increased
wealth for their shareholders. The government on the other hand is required
by law to provide for the common good. It’s only good or bad to the extent
it does or doesn’t do what’s in the best interests of the majority.
Who are you to say that the WHO is an evil globalist organization? Our
largest U.S. corporations are huge multi-national corporations. Many of the
things they do are evil.
Thank you. This sounds like a good idea.