Howard Schultz’s Lies About Medicare For All Are NOT Paying Off

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Howard Schultz’s Lies About Medicare For All Are NOT Paying Off

61 thoughts on “Howard Schultz’s Lies About Medicare For All Are NOT Paying Off

    • +Johnny Gamer lol, “when the rich are eaten” youre too cute, must be a college student. One day when you grow up youll stop blaming others for your problems, the hatred and jealousy in your heart for those who are successful will soften, and youll begin to focus on yourself looking inward for what you need to succeed in life rather than looking outward to tear others down. However little you think you have, i promise you it’s not because i or others have more. We are not your problem. We dont hope you fail or stay poor. Good luck lad

    • And also sponge votes off Trump. Moderate Republicans who hate Trump might decide to cast their protest votes for this guy instead. He’s actually great for the left. Democrats hate him and independents usually love progressive candidates so any votes he gets will be from disaffected Republicans reducing Trump’s vote count further

    • I think it’s good that he’s running. If you don’t like him, don’t vote for him. But it’s better for there to be options.

    • +JWil42 No that’s a sad misconception the mainstream media on both sides wants to popularize because THEY like centrist candidates.

      Democrat voters will be focused on beating Trump and they won’t mess around. Independents usually like progressive and nationalist(meaning hostile to free trade) positions(In fact that’s why Trump lied about providing universal healthcare) It’s only fiscally conservative(but culturally liberal or indifferent) people and neverTrumpers who will vote for this guy. That’s practically all Republican votes.

  1. I’m not sure if he’s actually lying or just completely stupid. I mean becoming a billionaire off a food chain doesn’t take a genius. It just takes good presentation and location. Schultz just thinks he’s a gift from god and a super genius for simply enjoying our economic system and getting lucky. Only to the corrode that system to the point no one else can do it in the same manner. Its not his fault he’s so insulated he can’t tell what the political and economic weather is outside. Everything just looks grey from up his tower

  2. Quite the word salad, Howard. The dressing tastes artificial. Iceberg lettuce with carrot shavings. From a billionaire to America, with love.

    • Who all the pigs announce to run
      We already have Castro (creepy oportunist)
      Gillibrand (Demagogue Mondale 2.0)
      Harris (A strict law enforcer who not Even was at the streets but proseciting minorities for foolish things, and aqciting Mnuchin for serious crimes, and taking his money)
      Booker (Pharma Booser)
      Warren (Coward Dukakis 2.0 and a fraud)
      Klobuchar (another Minnesota moderate…)
      We just need Biden and you will get all the porks together

    • +joe hilner This is one of the few places where i disagree with jimmy dore when he says bernie should’ve created 3rd party with AOC and tulsi. It’s not easy at all. and bernie hasn’t got lot of time in his hand.
      On the contrary I think its you that haven’t learned the lesson. like kyle said they would rather lose to the republican than win with people to their left. If bernie creates 3rd party, the establishment would never compromise with him, according to jimmy dore’s wishful thinking.

    • He is correct under Obama care. Premiums and deductibles went up tremendously under ACA. We don’t know how much the Government will charge us in taxes for Medicare for all and will it lower our premiums and deductibles? Who knows.

      But with competition in private insurance companies, they can be so much cheaper than health care and cover more than what the Government provides. Competition helps drive the prices.

    • +Tyree Foster isn’t that what we had before ACA? I still remember everything being expensive and people not being covered because of pre-existing conditions.

  3. It’s getting hard to prioritize who i dislike the most.
    As far as what is “un-American” i’m feeling that at this point things which are described as “American” are really bad for the average person. Except for apple pie. Apple pie is good. I vote for apple pie to be president.

  4. I don’t like going conspiracy theorist here but…it feels like the billionaires sense the sands shifting and had a big bondfire meeting and decided to send Howard out to try and stop these changes but forgot that Howard has the personality of a bag of lettuce..iceberg too..not the fancy spring mix bags.

    • Bruce Ching Wolfwarrior how much money would those actually raise? I just hear complaining about spending. Centrist and conservative policies cost billions (that’s with a “b”). Progressive policies cost trillions (that’s with a “t”).
      America’s debt is not from not taxing enough or the rich not paying their fair share. America does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem. The answer is not to spend more. It is to spend less.
      And again, the military is only 14% of the national budget, and is a national necessity. And it is not bloated, because it is not just responsible for one country; under NATO (and other treaties and agreements), it is responsible for over 30. If you think the US should cut their military spending, maybe get all our allies to increase theirs first.

    • Wolfwarrior I asked for actual numbers, not claims. Your comment here has confirmed what I have thought for the past month: progressives are just Marxists in sheep’s clothing. Your ideas of equality will wreck the economy. The only way to effectively redistribute the wealth is to destroy the incentives to create wealth.

  5. The rich just don’t get it..the dogs have been kicked long enough and they are ready to bite.
    YELLOW VESTS for everyone!!

  6. If this idiot keeps running his mouth, the Starbucks board of directors is going to disassociate the company from him just like Papa John’s did with their founder.

  7. He’s right. It’s un-American. It’s Canadian, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, French, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Austrian, German, Greek, Australian, Etc.

  8. its not just taxes.its,not worrying about changing jobs because u wont have health care.not worrying about deductables.whats covered,whats not.

  9. So, his job as President,as he sees it, would be to fine tune corporate lobbying techniques. Now that’s leadership on behalf of the people, if I ever stepped in a pile of leadership on behalf of the people.
    I think it’s safe to say that Howard Schultz’s 2020 run is at an end. Buh-bye.

  10. She still lied by omission about the source of the figure of 2 trillion in savings, attributing the number to Bernie, failing to mention that he was actually quoting a Koch brothers funded study, that, given it’s source, probably underestimated the savings by a wide margin.

    By saying the numbers were Sanders’, she let all the anti-Bernie establishment pricks who want to block Medicare For All, a plausible reason to dismiss the stat because they don’t like the source. Good reporting for them, but still pretty poor.

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