GOP Talking Points On Medicare Debunked (TJDS)

Comedians Jimmy Dore and Frank Conniff (Mystery Science Theater 3000) break down how Republican talking points on Medicare are handled by different news anchors on The Jimmy Dore show.


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GOP Talking Points On Medicare Debunked (TJDS)

19 thoughts on “GOP Talking Points On Medicare Debunked (TJDS)

  1. <3 to TVs Frank from the Edge/Moore family in Bergen County NJ! I've been watching MST3K on VHS since I was 10... since before I understood even half of the jokes. Long live Dr. Forester & TVs Frank as well as MST3K, a wonderfully witty and prophetic piece of media which foreshadows the internet, in that it features viewers responding TO movies. In this case in a way that is culturally informative, silly and inherently antiauthoritarian as our heroes (Jole, Crow & Tom Servo) undermine the screen

  2. <3 to TVs Frank from the Edge/Moore family in Bergen County NJ! I've been watching MST3K on VHS since I was 10. Since before I understood even half of the jokes. Long live Dr. Forester & TVs Frank as well as MST3K, a wonderfully witty and prophetic piece of media which foreshadows the internet, in that it features viewers responding TO movies. In this case in a way that is culturally informative, silly and inherently antiauthoritarian as Jole, Crow & Tom Servo undermine the tyrannous screen.

  3. i guess we need to all swoon when soledad asks normal questions that are met with lie upon lie but wtf happended to journalism – the sweet little pushes she gives these assclowns – too bad we have no newspeople with balls anymore- someone who will call these liars out but those days of seeking the truth instead of seeking the seat at the press correspondence are obviously over…

  4. I know this is an old clip but Fucking loving the CNN lady,s bullshit detector, I understand she lost her job ? what dose that say about the United states of Advertising & it,s lame stream media  not that the BBC or other English news networks are any better.Long live the internet love live real media. 

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