Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement
Compare medicare advantage to Medigap.
Compare Medicare Advantage to Medicare Supplement plans.
Medigap or Medicare Supplement

Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement
Compare medicare advantage to Medigap.
Compare Medicare Advantage to Medicare Supplement plans.
Medigap or Medicare Supplement
I own a home healthcare company. I see these types of decisions every day.
Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are granted “carrier discretion” to either
include or exclude specific levels of coverage that would otherwise be
covered by Traditional Medicare. Today’s seniors must be really careful to
read the fine print about the MA plan they join. Cheaper does not always
equate to better. Be educated. And even then, MA plans can do things like
in this video that defy common sense.
+Woody O’Neal Thank you for sharing that important update for the video
about Medicare Advantage. You are so right!!!
Couldn’t agree more Chris!
sound to me like ABC News is trying to make a case for government run
health care
I agree that UHC is a very strong example of bad here. The bigger picture
is that this is something that the Medicare Advantage companies CAN do,
because they make the healthcare decisions when you leave original Medicare
for a Medicare Advantage Plan. We, at the Senior Savings Network, strongly
recommend the Medicare supplement policy, so that the doctor, in his sole
discretion, decides the best course of treatment, not a bureaucrat at an
I luv ya Chris. I just don’t agree with the story…overall. UHC is the bad
guy. Not Part C. The main Part C in my area is light years away from this.