28 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren Stands with Bernie’s Medicare for All bill

    • You are a sad, bitter person. Are you a Russian Agent hoping for the destruction of America or do you just work for Satan? No loyal American would post your sort of hate, against people working for a bill to get medicare for all. Instead of posting here, why not do us all a favor: take a walk on a busy highway (at night, wearing your favorite color – black).

  1. I couldn’t be happier. Seeing this party actually trying to embrace its progressive era roots and fight for the people in a way that it hasn’t for decades. This bill may not pass this time around but this is a historic turning point in our country. All over people are standing united and saying very loudly and clearly that healthcare is a right and it looks like their voices are being heard for the first time in an extremely long time.

  2. The next President of the United States is within this group of Sponsors. If a politique isn’t on-board, they will be gone by next November. We will not weaken, we will not ced, we will not stop…. and We WILL vote.

    • I did a little homework:
      According to the Social Security Administration’s Inspector General, in 2013 just over 1,500 deceased individuals in all age ranges were still receiving benefits. They account for only $15 million in improper benefit payments.
      The Government probably spends more than $15-Million on toilet paper for Washington DC alone. It’s a drop in the bucket. Maybe you are confused with Medicare Fraud which is considerably more.
      As for other countries, Cuba provides free healthcare for all (no deductible, no copayments, no nothing). A doctor comes around about once per month and does a general checkup on your family. When was the last time anyone had a doctor make a house-call in this country? I have done my homework, now you do yours.
      My research says among all of the major western democracies our country pays more for healthcare and receives the worst services.

    • You really don’t understand do you ? are Liberals really that Brainwashed to reality ?
      Lets try this one more time…..How many Boat loads of Desperate people do you see fleeing America going to Cuba ( Communist/Socialist ) Country ? VS Boat loads of Desperate people fleeing Cuba ( Communist/Socialist ) Country to come to America ?

    • Every year more and more people are going to Cuba for luxury cruises. It’s becoming a popular vacation spot. I don’t know how many boatloads that makes but it’s more than Cubans coming to our country. đŸ™‚

  3. Wow, everyone is talking about how Bernie and Elizabeth are FINALLY working together! Given their popularity, and the gross unpopularity of Trump, if they were to join forces, as a team, they would win the 2020 presidential election!!

  4. You know what? Everyone in America wants what Senator Warren is supporting in this video! So, why is it everyone is not supporting Senators Warren, and Sanders?? I think that deep down that they do, but are afraid to say so! In 2020, I think that more people are going to head to the poles and willingly elect either a Warren/Sanders, or Sanders/Warren as our next president!!!!

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