Billionaires Can’t Stop Lying About Medicare For All

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Billionaires Can't Stop Lying About Medicare For All

80 thoughts on “Billionaires Can’t Stop Lying About Medicare For All

  1. Billionaires like to lie and gaslight is so that they don’t need to pay their fair share and so their power is unchecked, effectively an oligarchy

    • +Saga of the Warrior King There are more people in absolute poverty than ever before in human history. The greatest poverty reduction during the last decades has been achieved by China with a centrally planned economy. Their economy is based on five-year-plans that are followed by businesses, strategically important big businesses are owned by the government, banking system follows orders from the government, fiscal policy and credit is rationed by government to promote full employment, there are price controls, their currency is not allowed to be exchanged freely at global markets, capital is not allowed to move freely, etc.

      If someone suggested any of these policies to be followed in the US, people like you would immediately label him as a Socialist and yell Venezuela like an average right-wing moron. Countries that actually followed the free market oriented policies imposed by IMF in the 1980s and 1990s ended up with more poverty.

    • +Saga of the Warrior King pretty sure the greatest increase in government spending and redistribution to the needy through social programs during that corresponding period due to governments having more money to spend is what led to the greatest reduction of poverty. That isn’t the free market using the invisible hand to help the poorest, its redistribution and reinvestment which is needed to keep the system afloat.

    • +Saga of the Warrior King No it doesn’t we have going on 40 years of tax cuts and all that happened is the rich got richer and poor poorer

    • Saga of the Warrior King. No. Higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to reinvest in the company including pay for workers because they can avoid the taxes if they use the money to pay expenses. Low taxes encourages the company leaders to remove the money from the company for themselves and shareholders.

    • +Saga of the Warrior King says:
      “A system based on love of everyone always works,..
      “Not all billionaires. Many are good people,..”
      Billionaires are hardly everyone.
      They are extreme minority by number.

      On top of that, the money changes people.
      They maybe a good person when they started, after they make billions, they may not.
      They would do anything to protect their assets they acquired.

      It’s not good or bad, it’s just human nature.

    • Pretty sure that number is underestimating too.

      Medicare cost is the BIGGEST cost businesses have to cover. And it’s bad because they cant accurately forecast what the year over year increases will be.

      You get rid of that burden you will see a mass increase in profitability in literally every industry…

      It would also increase job security. Most companies are turning to contract labor to AVOID paying for healthcare and vacation pay…

    • +whyamimrpink78
      *”I actually do know a lot about climate change. You know, I am a scientist. “*
      Say I believe you are a scientist. You aren’t a climate scientist. So your position as a bearing to your understanding of climate change is a moot point.

      *”In our discussion on climate change you just ridiculed me.”*
      Oh I did much more than that, but continue…

      *” It seems like I know more than you do on climate change. “*
      But you don’t Mr. pink, you just come up with ridiculous theories as to why the earth might be warming that make no sense whatsoever. Like the temperature increase is due to human entropy.

      And as to the poll thing it’s mostly just you rehashing the same arguments.

      *”Also, Trump rallied on the wall and won meaning people support it. I told you many times how polls are unreliable and even gave you this”*
      But Mr. pink that point is even less scientifically rigorous than polling. You don’t know how many of people who support Trump support the wall without polling. Not everyone who supports Trump supports the wall or even supports him because of the wall. Even if say everyone who supported trump supports the wall, that’s not even 50% of the electorate.

    • Steph J. You just lost your paycheck to paycheck job and have no healthcare now. It’s not open enrollment time. What resources do you have?

      By the way, Medicare for all is not free. We will pay with our taxes but it would be mostly free at the point of care. Nothing lazy about that.

    • Miguel Zurita. It is wrong. You’d deny others their basic needs and leave them on the street as they die.
      People are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and we define that, partly, as Medicare for all.

    • Ant Man. Compassion by a nation for its people is by law and policy. The USA only has compassion for the rich and corporations. Medicare for all would show some of that compassion to the majority of the population that hasn’t seen any.

    • That´s so painful to hear. What about Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Elon Musk. If every billionaire were like them, the world would be much nicer place.

  2. This is so true. One of Howard Shultz’s tweets recently cited a WSJ editorial of all things warning about a “70% income tax” with ZERO CONTEXT on what a marginal tax rate actually is. It’s disgusting watching these people so arrogantly try to protect their ability to hoard vasts amounts of wealth that they will never be able to spend in a lifetime under the guise of “recognizing what Americans want.” You know what Americans want? To not have to start GoFundMe accounts just to cover healthcare costs. To be able to send their kids to college instead of having to have the painful conversation of not being able to afford it. To be able to move away from fossil fuels before we irreparably destroy our planet for future generations. To get money out of politics so that our elected officials respond to what WE want, not for what any corporation wants. BUT, this does tell us that these billionaires recognize our movement and the power we have. They’re afraid. They know we’re going to win in the end. All they can do is try to delay the inevitable progressive movement.

    • +Chris Blair well put. But somehow they are not affordable for the richest country in the world. I think Republicans are basically a real life version of Thanos: just let half the population die and we can all afford everything again

    • Wealth envy will not get anyone…anywhere.
      The fundamental issue is whether you see yourself as a fully functioning citizen.
      We have enormous resources to get any job done without depending on the gov for everything.

    • Why not? People make money off of those old persons in the form of selling them surgeries and medications? You are blind. Ironic.

    • +1911GreaterThanALL they only make that money because of medicare and social security which have significantly decreased extreme poverty among the elderly. You can’t make profit selling medical services at a price that uninsured poor people can afford.

      In any case please continue to defend billionaires like Bloomberg that push stop and frisk and the most restrictive and classist versions of gun control through massive political donations and the financial industry. I’m sure billionaires who view civilian owned guns as externalities and like to enforce their personal morals via law share the same values as you.

  3. Great Britain couldn’t afford it either just after WWII being massively in debt from the war.  BUT THEY STILL DID IT!!!!!!!

    • @HarryGearhart
      I really need to brush up on my Neal Deal Era history and Marshall Plan. I thought it only went to the “3rd world” while the Rockefellers and Rothschilds funded the European revival. I guess I’m confusing Germany’s recovery vs the rest of the world. It seems I still have much to learn.

    • The UK does health care for less than one half of what it costs in the USA and has better outcomes. The American Health Care profiteers have conspired with both political parties and the media to keep this a secret from the American people. The American people are being HOODWINKED.

    • Uh, after WWII that allowed them to start over so they can implement a program like that. It isn’t so easy to change 1/6 of our economy when we are established as we are.

    • Only after America forgave them their debt to us. Maybe if we stop giving money to other countries and taking care of illegal immigrants then we could afford it.

    • +whyamimrpink78 But that still doesn’t change the fact that there economy was decimated. Britain could’ve cut corners with the health care system but they went for the whole package with nothing but the clothes on their back. And it still worked out. There’s no reason America can’t afford it when they can afford a Space Force for crying out loud!

  4. Billionaires Can’t Stop Lying About Medicare For All while our seniors are being neglected and abused in our Nursing Homes

  5. Don’t worry about being a broken record Kyle, keep addressing this issue above all else over and over and over again. This is people’s lives who are literally at stake.

    • +whyamimrpink78 And your concept of how a business runs is shallow. “Hurr durr my knowledge of how a business runs is rooted in high school economics. All you need to do is lower prices and more people will come!” That….doesn’t exactly happen all the time in real life. There are far more variables than that. The vast majority of healthy businesses can handle a rise in wages no problem. The easiest way to do that is raise prices slightly. The harder option would be to cut costs elsewhere somehow.

      I don’t need to pick the brain of someone who equates houses and cars to people in terms of insurance. I know where you stand, and in fact, I can tell most of the time what your point will be in one of Kyle’s videos before I even see your comments, because you’re that easily predictable. Hell, I can tell by the title of the video if you’re going to be found in the comments section. Because of how easy this is, you’re either A: The worst troll ever or B: So obstinate in your worldview that it’s gone to your head.

    • +Kyle , yes, there are more variables. That is why saying raising the min. wage will lead to more people having money and thus you get more customers is shallow. There are more variables. Also, you are saying that other businesses have to adjust so you can benefit as opposed to you adjusting. That is another part of my argument. And no, the vast majority of businesses cannot raise wages. If they could they would to attract better employees and lower turnover. And you can’t simply raise prices as that lowers demand. And some businesses can cut costs elsewhere easily, especially larger ones. Take, for example, a McDonalds franchise owner that owns 15 McDonalds in a city. Saying 10 of them are 24 hours. That owner can reduce the number of 24 hour McDonalds to 5 or simply close down a few McDonalds going from 15 to say 12. That is cutting employment which is saving him money. Smaller businesses don’t have that luxury.

      Healthcare is a commodity much like houses and cars, so you can compare. You refuse to try to pick my brain because you are scared of being pointed out how you are wrong. I just did with you on the min. wage and how you contradicted yourself.

    • +Ant Man so the fact every developed nation other than the US has Medicare for all and pays less percaptia is a straw man arguement.. hmm…. Ok so you want to pay more for Health care?

    • +Joab Johnstone If literally the only difference between countries was medigibmedats for all I would consider supporting it. Saying countries that are vastly different in millions of ways are besides type of healthcare, is confusing correlation with causation.

  6. Why do these so-called patriotic Americans denigrate our nation? They are implying that America is too inept, poor, mismanaged, and dysfunctional to pull off what Mexico, Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Spain, France…(you get the picture) have all managed to do without bankrupting their respective nations. They show a lack of vision, lack of knowledge, lack of confidence, lack of patriotism, not to mention a lack of empathy and compassion.

    • Nooo…we are saying that there are enough resources for most to take care of their health care without gov intervention.
      Why do YOU not see what we can do?
      Why do you want to pick other’s pockets?

    • +Steph J the public funded research on drugs is getting passed to a private pharmaceutical for free and they tag any price they want making it completely unaffordable to the most while lobbying and corrupting the political system to legislate in their favor and hold very long patern right and kill competition from importing the same drugs from other that what you mean the public will pick pocket the billionaire this total con and extreme fraud this neoliberal reagan/ thacher orthodoxy proved it self to be creating a hell on earth for the vast majority of the people is that your best possible defense of 50 year long trickle down catastrophe???????????????????????? whats wrong with you?????????

    • All bureaucrats can be bad. No matter the nationality so how about we keep it with the people and not with the federal government.

    • Jason Gallant or a mandate system
      I want everyone to have care so mandate employers provide good plans, expand subsidies etc
      But don’t take my job as a sales agent, I work long hours and work hard to have a good life

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