Beto O’Rourke STILL Refuses to Support Medicare For All

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Beto O’Rourke STILL Refuses to Support Medicare For All

68 thoughts on “Beto O’Rourke STILL Refuses to Support Medicare For All

  1. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I supported Beto during his Senate run in 2018 but in hindsight it was only because I was so opposed to Cruz. Listen closely. Beto speaks in flowery language but says absolutely nothing. He has no platform. He is NOT progressive. Cruz destroyed Beto in the debates and if Beto becomes the democratic candidate (heaven help us), Trump will crush him like a bug.

    • Gary Williams – Beto lost to _Ted Cruz!_ Whoever is backing this loser is only doing it to divide the progressive vote.

    • Yeah, I mean, they asked him “Do you support medicare for all?”, nice easy “Yes” question. And he responds, ” *long silence* … Okay, so labels are bad, m’kay, but everyone should have flowers and rainbows and human dignity in their lives, then this country will flourish. A unicorn in every garden and three hot dogs in every bun. Living the dream. Peace.” Or at least, may as well have. Gave a *complete* non-answer, neither yes nor no, nothing relevant, just fluff.

    • Make no mistake, if there was no left wing contender (Green Party, Democratic Socialists, …) in your district, you’ve made a sound choice. Ted “glass the place” Cruz is positively a monster. Of course, if there was a left wing contender, you’ve successfully participated in damaging the overton window of your municipality and country.

    • +Random123456789 Yes you did say poor people deserve to die. People who can’t afford healthcare don’t deserve it according to you. Meaning you believe people who die due to lack of healthcare deserve it. Pretending you’re not a sociopath doesn’t really work when people can see what you’ve said. Your money is not more important than innocent lives. So what if preventable diseases are a thing. That’s not an argument.

    • +Random123456789 Poor people shouldn’t die because they’re poor. Your money is infinitely less valuable than the lives of the American people. No one cares about your money except you. Arguing on that basis accomplishes nothing. Also, being poor it having bad health isn’t always due poor decisions. Even if it was so fucking what. Health isn’t a consumer good it’s biology. You’re not perfectly sane and no one is strawmanning you. Pointing out the meaning of what you’ve stated isn’t a strawman. You can pretend you haven’t been saying poor people deserve to die but to anyone with a brain you clearly do believe that.

  2. The dnc fooled me twice in 2016 and 2018 into hoping bet on my stork and shillary centron won. In 2020 the dnc can’t fool me into thinking their puppet is progressive

    • @tabz47 – Evasion and platitudes are not honesty. He was asked if he supports medicare for all, and instead of saying “yes”, nice and easy, or “no”, which is the remaining option if “yes” was not acceptable to him, he goes on a say-nothing ramble about how everyone should have a good doctor (nice and vague, nothing about how it happens or who pays) that may as well have ended with “Kittens and puppies, God bless America” for all its vacuous populist appeal.

    • +Hazukichan X Both Japan and Hong Kong have it, as well as Canada and Mexico. Also, the Latin European countries like France, Spain, and Italy have it too and their healthcare is ranked higher than the Nordic European countries who have it too. The United States is ranked 37th in the World in Healthcare. 17 other countries have higher costs of living than America and they have it too and pay half as much as America.

    • 0:15 – No, Mike. NO. The left will unequivocally NOT support a candidate who does not support universal health care. Such a candidate won’t have a “hard time” winning the left’s support–it simply will not happen.

      Do you really not understand what a “litmus test” is?

    • ​+tabz47 Neoliberals are often honest. In fact, Hillary Clinton wasn’t lying all the time like people said she was: She was just leaving herself a rhetorical way out in the way she talked. It’s what neoliberals do: They talk a lot, say little, and always have their backup plan already forged into their blahblah in case it backfires sometime later in the campaign. In the worst case, they just answer the question without actually answering it, saying nice sounding things to those who hear, but don’t listen.

  3. This guy sickens me. He’s so good at using the language of the progressive movement to make himself likable and seem trustworthy, even though he’s nothing more or less than a standard, slimy politician willing to say anything to get elected.

    • +Lothar Scholz I agree, and I have no idea why people compare him to Obama, who at least was intelligent and well-spoken. Beto sounds like a vapid idiot to me. I find him hard to listen to.

    • He absolutely said on TYT that he felt M4A was the best iteration of a path to health care for everyone. Then he never said anything like that again, and backtracked to “affordable *access* for everyone.” I was pissed OFF.

    • A fine example of another fake to avoid voting for.
      Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, is the real deal. Him and a few others.
      US citizens, please look into people before you vote. Their records, things they’ve done, laws they’ve supported. A healthy democracy requires voters to know half a damn about the candidates, which is a hassle, but beats a dying country.

    • He’s most certainly an Obama acolyte, but far more transparent that Obama was…or maybe I’ve just wisened up to those “kinds” of Democrats. I call them “trojan horse Republicans” within the Democratic Party…they would be moderate Republicans if our system wasn’t totally careening toward the right. We have a serious leadership gap in our country today: Boomer are aging rapidly, Gen X is dropping the ball (just flat out), while Millennials are still trying to get a grip on things (while facing MASSIVE debt issues, in addition to most young people living paycheck to paycheck, and thus not being able to invest in their own goddamn lives).

    • Actually, his rhetoric doesn’t sound progressive at all. It’s profoundly neoliberal, every single second of it drips thick with bullshit. And I thought Hillary Clinton was bad. Listening to her is almost therapeutic in comparison.

    • It’s not even that straight forward. Which insurance or pharma company has supported him in the past, or might support him in the future? What are his revolving door prospects down the line? What are the interests he might be considering for future senatorial campaign funding? What Washington D.C. swamp monsters is he networking with, and who might be expecting favours of his, or of whom might he want to be able to expect favours of? The swamp is much greater, darker and murkier than it might seem at first. Don’t be fooled, and be decisive: If a campaign smells fishy, it *is* fishy. Adopt an attitude of constructive cynicism towards politics, and cut away every single piece of bullshit you encounter, ruthlessly.

  4. Beta O’Rourke is one of the most conservative Democrats around. How people think he is actually progressive like Bernie is beyond me.

    • They don’t, they just think he is cool. He obviously thinks he can run a centrist platform and get moderate Republican votes.

    • I suppose to some people, everything coming out of the Democratic Party is progressive by default. There are people who claim they’d vote for Hitler if he was running for the Democrats, and one of them sounded like he meant it. Insane.

    • OMG Yes!! Beto announcing his candidacy was an excellent reminder for me to donate to Bernie’s campaign again.!!
      Beto checks all the boxes:
      ✔️Voted to deregulate banks
      ✔️Loves AIPAC
      ✔️Supports fracking
      ✔️Voted with GOP a lot
      ✔️Voted to fast track TPP
      ✔️Broke No Fossil Fuel $ Pledge
      ✔️Didn’t back Medicare4All
      ✔️Didn’t back FightFor15
      ✔️Lost to Ted Cruz

    • +Jason Milton add bipartisanship, aka Republican to the core, hence will roll over like the spineless blob he is in the image of his mentor, Barack Obama the great and he backtracked on not running for president. The ultimate spineless flipflopper

    • We have to call out the MSM fawning over him as the DNC darling, maybe by boycotting them and refusing to watch them.

    • that and he’s always staying on message and you know for a fact he’s sincere about everything he says 😀

    • Bernie’s record says volumes, and when he answers, he starts with yes or no then explains. He always talks about policy.

      Beto’s record is Republican-light side Dem. While he’s not answering a q/a here, he never says yes or no to any policy at all.

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