5 thoughts on “Who will stop Medicare Privatisation?

  1. Well Jordan & the other idiot I won’t even name….. Why have the LNP set
    up a privatisation task force? Why did those flatly denied documents go to
    cabinet, the ones Malcolm was copied in on the email?
    The Libs have ALWAYS tried to kill off medicare since Malcolm Fraser. It’s
    Liberal, it lies.

  2. The Liberal Party have openly confirmed on numerous occasions, and have
    reinforced that they have no plans to privatise medicare. Malcolm Turnbull
    has stated “Medicare will never be privatised under our government.” Stop
    with the scare campaign, it’s just giving people a false representation of
    what the liberals policies are attempting to achieve.

    On another note, I find Labor’s political campaigns and video’s a lot more
    friendly and welcoming. If only the liberals could figure out how to run a
    campaign for the people.

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