Universal Coverage: Is “Medicare for All” the Answer?

Panel talk

Universal Coverage: Is “Medicare for All” the Answer?

18 thoughts on “Universal Coverage: Is “Medicare for All” the Answer?

    • how about we just throw out the ones that take bribes and work against our best interests.. your theory is throw out the baby with the bathwater..

    • sandy gibson-I have no problem with politicians serving more then 5 years as long as they are getting things done. The problem the ones that keep getting re-elected just because everyone knows them.


    • What “does” typing in all caps and terrible grammar usage have in common? Hallmarks of loud, frenzied, uninformed, armchair “patriots” that inevitably show up at the arena of public debate with nothing to add.

  2. To explain how different Medicare for All plans would work, use a hypothetical person who has cancer. Present a real world case study of cost and care details.
    How would the cancer patient pay for doctor visits, lab tests, MRI’s, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, drugs, hospital stays, etc?
    Would the person have monthly premiums or a federal tax payment? Would there be deductibles, copayments or other expenses? Would there be wait times for treatment?
    How much money would the person have to pay extra for having cancer? Compare to a cancer patient with both a good and bad private insurance as it is today.

    • +Tiger Tiger That sounds good and i am happy that you have such a great insurance plan. I think universal healthcare works well in places like New Zealand because you only have something like 5 million people to provide healthcare for. USA has over 320 million plus the truckloads of immigrants that are flooding america.Where are we going to get the money to take care of that many people?

  3. Thanks for the discussion. People need to learn about the details of Medicare for All
    What is the purpose of different insurance plans for different people? Are we gambling on whether we will need medical care? Should not everybody just be covered?
    Who benefits from networks that have the out of network problem? You don’t realize the problems until you really need health care.
    There is still the problem that if you get really sick or something like cancer, you may very well not be able to afford the extra expenses occurring at a very bad time in your life.

    • mrfuzztone that’s true. But what we want is accessible healthcare AND affordable. Not just one or the other. The idea of Medicare for all rations healthcare by need while our system in USA rations healthcare by income . We need to achieve both which is why the Medicare for all plan we are about to attempt would be a disappointment. Especially at this scale

  4. The complexity of the control of our Government by outsiders $$$ and unknowlegable insiders will not allow this change to come easily. Meaning it could take a lifetime for something to happen. It could take a decade just to come up with a plan. Unless more non-polititcal forums like this get exposure to help in educating the people. We are in for some long dark times.

  5. Medicare for ALL Single Payer is the answer.. for the gentleman with the almost republican talking points..
    Winners and Losers.. we have those NOW..
    Some people like their current health care.. actually unless they work for a company that provides health care they have access to, what he is describing is they like the doctor they currently see.. Insurance is NOT Health Care it is simply a third party payer.. as long as they get to go to their doctor they won’t even know how that doctor gets paid and won’t care.. Employees take their card to the front desk of their doctor and the doctor sees them just like Medicare does.. I say this with confidence because I have used employer health insurance until i now am on Medicare and I still see the same doctor..

  6. what we need to bear in mind is that Health Care is about Health Care..
    Insurance and what we have now and what Single Payer would be is about how we pay for it.. not about health care itself..

  7. They need to quit calling it Medicare for all because it’s not Medicare it’s an entirely new type of coverage.

  8. Very little diversity of opinion by panel and moderator. One- half or more of population had no one to represent their views. Such is California and Berkeley.

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