Trump’s Militarized Budget Slashes Medicare, Medicaid, and Clean Energy

Preparing for war with largest peacetime military budget paid for with devastating cuts to the poor, ending environmental regulation, destroying retirement and healthcare. Do divided Democrats have an answer? Lindsay Koshgarian of IPS analyzes the proposal

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Trump's Militarized Budget Slashes Medicare, Medicaid, and Clean Energy

51 thoughts on “Trump’s Militarized Budget Slashes Medicare, Medicaid, and Clean Energy

  1. Look for the Democrat “Resistance” to give Trump everything he wants… again… if not more than he asks for… again…
    And some of them are “having trouble trying to find their position”? Why don’t they HAVE a position? Isn’t that why their constituents put them into office – to have a position, and stick to it? Are the voters as duplicitous and cynical as the people they vote for?
    George Carlin: “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

  2. They killed ML King because he started to point out the real cause of the problems all around the world. Nothing changed, it did get even worse. Martin Luther King was truly unbelievably great man!

    • MLK was a setup puppet coon who led his people to the slaughter! FBI Operative! They killed him at the hospital because he realized the big mistake he made, and went public with it!

    • He was not a Zionist puppet! He really believed that if we had integration, things would be fair and balanced for his people. He realized a few years after that this wasn’t a good move for his people after all, and started speaking out about it. Before he was assassinated, he and Malcolm X were planning to work together with the black labor workers to help them get change. Him, nor Malcolm were Zionist puppets that’s why they were assassinated. There were a lot of Zionist puppets around him though. John Lewis and Jesse Jackson just to name a few.

  3. King tyranny has lashed out yet again for his people “not” we the people. yes, we may not know what’s best for us and now we know for sure it wasn’t trump! Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of us the working slaves.

    • Because of ignorance and gullible delusional mental incompetence the Republican are going to have to become more informed and less gullible and party oriented and vote for the best candidates that are for the people and what’s positive for our country people need to vote wisely in 2020 not party but best candidate

    • +Donald Ganley we had options in the primaries and voted for the wrong candidates of both parties we must be wiser in the election process from the beginning don’t let your vote be wasted on a foolish campaign and candidate be wiser with you vote

    • Rob Genson The “master race” controls the money, the mainstream media, the elections. How can real change be accomplished?

    • +Heroes Vote with your gun because politicians don’t care what the majority of the population wants from government.

  4. If the ultra wealthy are going to become the dictators of the world to rule over the poor starving masses they are going to need q massive millitary. America will become a third world country for the working class and a utopia for the rich with a militarized police force making sure the masses remain compliant and a media to keep them fighting amongst themselves. A wealthy sociopaths pe psychopaths wet dream.
    America was a great utopia for the industrialists when they had slaves and they will try their best to get back to that stage in the worlds stage.

    • Not going to work. Anti ballistic missile systems are still unreliable and even the most sophisticated systems in existence have a reliability rate of getting a successful interception of about 40 percent and that’s only if you cheat in the test of the system by putting a tracking device on the incoming warhead. For modern ICBM systems that travel at hypersonic speeds and have warheads that could dynamically adjust their descent trajectory, forget it. World domination by America is a not going to happen.

    • +dogboydesigns So Syria retaliates against Israel attacks that have been on going for years. Israel occupies Syrian territory and refuses to leave. And you are trying to say that Israel is the victim? I’m pretty sure the OP was about Israel aggression against Palestinian civilians any way, but I see you have an agenda to push for a living. How unscrupulous of you. Did you know that Israel is funding Hamas?

    • +Sandy ​ Sandy Where does all money collected flow to in any system? Those in charge, Israel. The US citizens can’t even get healthcare yet Israel receive US tax payer dollars to then use to fund Hamas in order to make the Palestinian people appear to be terrorists so that Israel can then claim self defence when they shoot unarmed medics, children, reporters and palestinian protesters. Israel is in control of US government, they tell the US what to do what wars they want fighting with US troops and equipment. The Empire is Israel the US is under the thumb of the right wing government of Israel.

  5. Aren’t tRump supporters on Medicare, Medicaid? What will they do when they realize they have to go back to work at 80 because they can’t afford to live on what they have (we all have) worked so hard all our lives! Just incredible.

  6. This is a cold blooded evil person please Lord help your children, this is what the rev Dr Martin Luther king was speaking of.

    • Dazzle Them with their OWN Delusions. Didn’t ewe read the book?
      If you cannot beguile them with the Brilliance of your plan, it’s because they are under-educated, or just too stupid. So, then, if you want them to follow you . . .
      Baaaa’d? THIS is EweToo(b), where “Baaaaa’d” sells. Ewes did not build this. “They” created YouTube. For you, too.
      then the sign flashed out its W A R ning
      with the words that it was F O R M E ng MAGA You’re gonna get so tired of winning. Who can come against us? We’ve got the Mother of ALL Bombs, and weapons like you would not believe. Every nation for itself . . .in the name of Gaud.”

  7. So Trump trust fund baby, Captain bone spurs, wants to keep playing army. He’s Bolton’s, Pompeo’s, CIA puppet. They’re telling Trump this is how he becomes dictator of the world.

  8. The demonization of Russia, Iran, and China is by far the most profitable scam ever used to exploit the American taxpayer. Now, the US elite will use this scare tactic to justify slashing human service programs. Worse, this new arms race will lead to another big war. RESIST!

  9. Military, military…military… USA just don’t satisfy killing more and more innocent other countries.. He want to kill more USA people too.

  10. I remember the debates where Trump said “instead of going to war we should invest that money in our infastructure”… so much for that idealogy.

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