Trump’s Medicare Cuts Interview

About Priorities USA

Priorities USA is a progressive advocacy organization and service center for the grassroots progressive movement. We're committed to standing up to the Trump administration and its allies in order to build an economy that provides real opportunity for all families to get ahead, and to protect the fundamental, democratic ideal of equality for all Americans – regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

More and more Americans are opening up about their challenges getting ahead in Trump’s economy. Good jobs are scarce and paychecks aren’t enough. Health care, housing and child care are cutting into everything.

When the president, other politicians, and the media say the economy is great, it’s like they’re not talking about reality. Sure, Trump’s policies have made it great for the ultra-wealthy, but regular people are paying for it with higher health care costs, tax hikes and Medicare and Social Security cuts. We can’t afford it. And that’s why we’re speaking up. Because if Trump’s economy were really great, it would be benefiting all of us, not just those at the top.

Call the White House. Tell Trump his economy isn’t working for us.
(202) 456-1111

Trump's Medicare Cuts Interview

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