This scene is from season 3 episode 57 "Letter to Gorbachev" in the series "The Golden Girls." In this scene, Sofia Petrillo (Estelle Getty) sings a new song she has made for a talent show taking place. The other girls don't seem too impressed. Since no easy to find copy has been put up, I decided to add this. Although, boredom may have helped. If only it had greater quality.
Thanks for the Medicare
Thats my girl, loved her
Freaking love this show. xD
“GO TO HELL ALL OF YOU ” Lol Sophia and I hate rejection. But they were tripping because I thought it was beautiful 🙂
Hahahahah I loved this scene. Sophia and Rose are the funniest especially when Rose insults someone in a nice way.
Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, Mama Celeste and Pablo Picasso don’t like the song. Lol
♪ Thanks for the medicare. ♪
♪ For blue cross and blue shield, for a hip that finally healed. ♪
♪ Remember, on prescriptions, generic is a steal. ♪
♪ We Thank You Much ♪
+Lili Jordan
+johnxgin1 thanks for the comment XD i burst out laughing XDDDDD
“I took the classic and worked it Sophia style”
Thanks for Obamacare.
For care that is unaffordable, for deductibles unreal.
Remember that the Republicans decided to repeal.
We thank you so much!
Hahaha Dorothy reminded me of Simon Cowell
My teacher sings this all the time
This is going to be the clincher to the thank-you video with the participants help. hehe
funny still three decades later.
Karey-Anne Foster yes!
but yeah. . its cool haha
I’m 14 years old and I’m in tears of laughter XD
The song wasn’t THAT bad lol
It’s like, what I heard: “Thanks for the Medicare…”
What they heard: “Sophia bends over and loudly farts into the microphone for 15 seconds.”
+MetalSandman999 Omg yes. Sophia’s got a major gas problem……
My favorite scene from the entire series. I love it so much. It always cracks me up.
go hell all you
Sophia: Now don’t back i can take the criticism! *3 opinions later* GO TO HELL ALL OF YA’!! hahahahahaha I love Sophia!!
This is hilarious.