Sen. Bernie Sanders: ‘Medicare for all’ is ‘not a radical idea’

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, discusses GOP tax reform and his universal health care proposal on "This Week."

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Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'Medicare for all' is 'not a radical idea'

44 thoughts on “Sen. Bernie Sanders: ‘Medicare for all’ is ‘not a radical idea’

    • Don’t forget he was going to pocket a million dollars donation to military until a news reporter showed up and started investigating and then he made the donation immediately when story published, but yeah, he loves the military.

    • To be honest, I don’t like Trump that much, but draft dodging shouldn’t be a bad thing.
      The Vietnam war was something most Americans didn’t want to get involved with, and the draft meant that any random man would be sent to war to die in a war that the Americans didn’t even choose to fight in. It was decided by the government, not the people, so I think that Trump dodging the draft isn’t really that bad

    • how many tours did Bernie do? Oh, right…ZERO…he was too busy being a professional protester…just like the gutless cucked libs today.

    • +Charles Charlemagne-Martel
      Well of course Bernie didn’t do any tours, he didn’t make it past the primaries so there was no point, especially considering that his funding was quite limited compared to Clinton’s and Trump’s. If he made it through the primaries he probably would’ve toured

    • Lor M. His net worth was like $500k worth that is a small apartment in DC and his house in home state after like 20 years in congress, Trumps buddies like Flynn made as much from Russia and Turkey in less than a year trying to sell off our govt, Trumps cabinets spent more than that on private jet trips in past few months,.

    • Lor M. Yeah, Bernie’s part of the 1%, that’s why he can’t stop talking about income inequality and helping the common man (us). Are you stupid?

    • The estate tax affects only affects that part of estates above $11million. Bernie’s nowhere nearly as wealthy as that. Trump is, Mnuchin is, Price is, McConnell is, DeVos is, Cohn is — Trump’s circle is cutting taxes for themselves and lying about its effect, which is an ugly abuse of the office.

  1. Bernie how many millions you own and yet you still talk about socialism. What a hypocrite.He is only a talker not a doer

    • chase, Bernie is complaining about he rich and how they need to pay up, but he becomes rich themselves. It is similar to a drug addict telling people to stay off of drugs. Or a pedophile to tell people not to be perverted. It is OK for Bernie to be rich selling a book he wrote in Walmart. But when the Walton family is rich by providing a service others are willing to pay for, than that is wrong.

    • Nobody is complaining about rich people. Nobody. He, just like the other 85% of our country, are complaining that the system benefits the very richest people on the backs of everyone else. It has nothing to do with being rich. Being rich has absolutely nothing to do with his statements.

    • Bernie is far from rich. Yes he made a million on his book but he’s far from rich. I’m doing ok and i have 3 times bernie’s net worth. Trust me this isn’t rich. Rich is 50 million and higher

    • The Thinker crazy how Republicans were saying the same thing about Obama when he was running. It’s almost like a broken record kind of thing.

    • Bernie thinks like all other communist and socialist dictators in the world. They want the wealthy to be persecuted,the public to be poor while they themselves are rich and prosperous.

    • meanwhile, he and his wife are lawyering up after its been exposed that they stole money from his wife’s college…you Bernie cucks sure are gullible.

    • powdered_h2o I’m “arguing” that Medicare and social security is a form of socialism and they are successful in terms of what they are meant to do.

    • powdered_h2o Damn then we should probably charge parents for sending kids to elementary school…and anyone whose house burns and forces the fire department to come…or the cops to show up if a crime takes place cuz you know socialism doesn’t work…and while we’re at it lets let all the sick and disabled people who can’t care for themselves die because helping them would be to socialistic

  2. “Bernie Sanders makes money from being a senator and writing books, therefore he should not talk about economic justice” – An idiot

    That may sound harsh, but only an idiot would protest someone with a voice championing the lower classes, regardless of their occupation.

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