Pramila Jayapal Calls Out Pelosi Aide’s Corrupt Plan to Sabotage Medicare For All

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Pramila Jayapal Calls Out Pelosi Aide's Corrupt Plan to Sabotage Medicare For All

78 thoughts on “Pramila Jayapal Calls Out Pelosi Aide’s Corrupt Plan to Sabotage Medicare For All

  1. Nancy Pelosi is corrupt?

    How shocking and surprising.

    The fact that 99% of the nation isn’t behind Bernie by now is just really sad. Americans supporting corporate politicians are just shooting themselves in the foot.

  2. This is evidence of the odious part of the operation of the machine.
    Trusting Establishment Democrats is like trusting someone who is sneaky, convincing, but yet not worthy of trust.
    Thanks for revealing the horrible nature of the Establishment Democratic Machine.
    Their program should make every citizen turn away in disgust.

    • +wanderbär I swear, everyone in this administration is like some sort of fictional villain: a caricature of brazen, completely shameless, over the top corruption. What’s so odd is how much they all _look_ like slime bags without your having to know anything about them. (It’s like we’re stuck in the ‘parody’ dimension… Either that, or we all got sent to Hell & nobody saw fit to tell us.

    • +Hakura Chii Absolutely. And now the president called immigrants animals. The language of genocide. I’ve been predicting these things since he got elected. He and his whole bunch of villainesque administration are dangerous. They and their enablers (fox, koch brothers etc) must be held accountable.

    • I don’t know if his name is mud but he obviously shakes hands with beef. And he’s not part of the Trump administration per se, he’s working for a corporate Democrat. The old party vs. party back and forth won’t fix this.

  3. Pelosi is the top corporate Dem (and she’s got the millions to prove it) in the House so it’s no surprise her top aide would be launching a campaign to try and sink Medicare4All.

    • oh you are another voice for trump 2020 where would yiu put trump on the corporate scale then compared to Pelosi

    • +James Humphrey And you appear to be another of the brain dead “vote blue no matter what” crowd. No guts! That’s what got us Trump!

    • Once we have Single Payer/Medicare For All, then those greedy ‘for profit’ insurance/drug companies will be forced to compete against the actual real cost of healthcare instead of charging their greedy profit oriented monopoly prices. Toooo bad… sooooo sad that they’ll have to lower their greedy murderous profits while having to provide higher quality care and service for those who would choose to buy healthcare from them instead of using Our Public Option of Medicare For All.
      I’m sure the greedy Republicans and foolish *Trump* *Apologists* will all cry bitter tears for those poor poooor greedy Billionaire CEO’s! Sooooo sad.
      Go to Bernie Sanders website. 
      Go to Tulsi Gabbard’s website.  
      Go to Elizabeth Warren’s website.
      Go to Thom Hartmann’s website.   
      Go to PatrioticMillionaires .org. 
      YouTube Dr Richard Wolff.   
      Inform yourselves!   
      Because if you don’t even know what your choices are, then YOU HAVE NO CHOICES!    

  4. Nancy Pelosi’s main job is to prevent a Progressive movement in Congress. It is not to lead the party of to challenge Republican initiatives. As a bonus, the Democrats might do ok in 2020, but that is secondary to suppressing the popular issues

    • Private insurance companies aren’t the sole problem. We also have to think about Pharmacy Benefit Managers aka PBMs who ruin price negotiations and hike the cost of care even when the drug/insurance companies are doing their jobs. What’s not being clarified to people is that you still get to keep your Health Savings Accounts or HSAs if you ever have to pay for anything out of pocket. If Medicare For All passes in it’s entirety most people won’t have to save up so much money just for health care and HSA money can put toward so many other things like cosmetics or even preventative care etc. Another thing to remind people of is that the private insurance companies will simply move into the medical tourism market (which is a multi billion dollar, GLOBAL industry) if Medicare For All ever passes. They already have their exit plan mapped out trust and believe.

  5. Nancy Pelosi is a deranged psychopath! I’m a native Californian and its so frustrating that the people of her congressional district have not voted her the hell out of office!

    • +DR. DRAGON they certainly had all the systems in place to fix the New York primary election….it is the downside of those solidly blue states: the corporate “Democrats” have had a lot of time to rig things in their favor to block newcomers. It’s hard fighting that uphill battle (which makes AOC’s win even more impressive)

  6. Pelosi needs to be primaried . She has been such a hindrance to progressives . Fking sellout old hag needs to go .

    • +TCt83067695 she only got lucky. Cuz it was hard time to determine if we needed experienced leadership to combat the Republicans in house no matter how corrupt. But Pelosi won’t last anyway. Progressives eventually will take over government one way or another

    • +Gotham Thot Slayer that can only happen if ppl show up to vote.
      4million more ppl voted for Hillary over Bernie in 2016 including so called progressive states like California and New York.
      Paula Jean Swearagin lost her race to Manchin of all ppl. So did Nixon vs Cuomo. So did that Brett guy.

      We cant keep blaming ppl like Pelosi and feinstein when they were actually voted in. Ppl need to start showing up otherwise we get the govt we deserve.

    • the old hag part is ageism progressives don’t stand by ageism remarks – respect for old people young azzwipe !

    • +Gotham Thot Slayer She won 68% of the vote that’s not just lucky. I don’t like her either but don’t delude yourself thinking you’re on the verge of victory when you’re only at the start line.

  7. Nancy Pelosi is openly against Medicare for all, her top aide isn’t speaking out of turn, he’s promoting her agenda.

    • fuk U azzwipe Americans hate their senior citizens and the young are the most age discriminatory that you find – young dumb full of cum

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