No Is Not Enough: Naomi Klein on Bernie’s Medicare-for-All Bill & Future of Democratic Party

– Last week, Vermont independent Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a bill that would provide universal healthcare by expanding Medicare to include every American. Sanders introduced the bill flanked by doctors, nurses and some of the bill’s 15 Democratic co-sponsors. For more, we’re joined by best-selling author Naomi Klein.

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No Is Not Enough: Naomi Klein on Bernie's Medicare-for-All Bill & Future of Democratic Party

45 thoughts on “No Is Not Enough: Naomi Klein on Bernie’s Medicare-for-All Bill & Future of Democratic Party

    • The liberal mind is only good for protesting, smoking pot, talking about nonsense. Bernie has no clue how to set strategies, go against CNN/NYT, and win. He wants CORPORATE MEDIA to be his friend, while going against CORPORATISM…fucking naive old communist clown.

    • He separates the corporate hacks from the real progressives. Corporate hacks can’t stand someone who isn’t corrupt and they hate that Bernie calls them out.

    • ^ “Calling out” doesn’t fucking DO anything.

      Also progressives are fucking idiots who never really understood evolutionary biology.

    • +Anonymous
      He’s the only one who shows them for who they really are, which is why they attack him so vehemently.. “Evolutionary biology”, LOL! Actually Darwin never wrote about the “survival of the fittest”: he actually wrote about the survival of the adaptable. Species which cannot adapt to a changing environment, usually succumb to it. Bernie has survived the rise of the corporate hacks because he plays their game skillfully while still adhering to his beliefs and it pisses them off greatly. The time of the corporate hack has reached it’s zenith and it’s all downhill for them after this. They’ve painted the average citizen into a smaller and smaller corner and average people have become tired of a smaller and smaller cup of crumbs.

    • donHooligan T H E N why ! W H Y did he friggn sell out to Hitlery ! ? because he and his family were getting death threats and…very huge amounts of money offers as in Elizabeth Warren and many more S E L L I N G O U T mether feckers you! love them for that! friggn hooligan

    • Simply and well put. What we see is a reflection, not of a very small minority, but of most American’s . We think we have superior care, and that a market driven system is best for everything. It’s just not.

  1. 15 Dem cosponsors all safely virtue signaling to progressives knowing the Republicans aren’t likely to call their bluff. It’s no different than Republicans repeatedly passing Obamacare repeals they knew had no chance of becoming law with Obama in the White House. Hollow and empty actions by all.

  2. Because we hold people accountable we are attacking them? Bernie still fighting for us while Hillary plays the victim. Says all you need to know.

  3. Hillary is not a democrat, she’s a republican in disguise, and that’s not a slam, that’s reality!!! She does not represent working, middle class citizens, she represents big money, wall street, big oil, big banks, and especially the military industrial complex. corporate democrats=republicans.

    • real eyes realize real lies That is the description of the Democratic Party, that is exactly what they think. Its people like you who can’t realise they’re not a party for the people anymore, haven’t been since the other sellout Demtard Clinton. The democrats are controlled by the same Zionist pigs that control the Repug party. Same end game different facade.
      Peace ✌️

    • Wrong. It’s not people like me, I’ve voted green for the last twelve years and didn’t vote at all for two cycles before that.-between my name and corporate democrats= republicans, you would think that would be obvious. peace

  4. Capitalism is a RACKET ! Kills everything it touches, just so gazillionaires can hoard as much unearned wealth they can get their filthy hands on .

  5. God I hate seeing the clip of Hillary AGAIN!  I voted for Bernie in the primary and unfortunately her in the general.  I have never heard such an embarrassing list of excuses, scapegoating and dodging responsibility from an candidate that lost.

  6. The ‘money’s establishment have a decision to make ‘a slow death of a thousand cuts ‘ or giant fast leap of a cliff’ either way I don’t really give a dam,but know this ‘IT’S OVER!…

  7. Why on Earth is Kamala Harris being called “the african american”? There is nothing “black” about that woman. I see her, and I see a white rich woman with a white rich womans speech, lifestyle and politics. So what if there was an actual African American somewhere in her lineage? Kamala Harris is at best beige. She has a tan. She is not black by any definition of the word.

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