“Medicare for ALL??” Tucker Carlson Takes on BernieCare Supporter

Tucker debates single-payer healthcare with BernieCare advocate.



16 thoughts on ““Medicare for ALL??” Tucker Carlson Takes on BernieCare Supporter

  1. lol “why get caught up in the semantics of it all” because little things like details are unimportant, right? pinhead. PS. CITIZENS, NOT CINNABUNS as you call them

  2. I am admittedly confused about this, I am not as well versed in the ins and outs of Medicare as I should be. Are we saying that it is still ok for the elderly +65 and older to have Medicare to assist them, but that it shouldn’t be made readily available to EVERYONE “just because?” If those are the talking points, then I whole heartedly agree. There is no way we could sustain that financially. If the point is “NO ONE” should have Medicare, then I would have to disagree. I believe, as we all used to in this country, that we have a responsibility to our elders, primarily our lower income ones, to help and protect them as best we can. Regardless of their financial worth at retirement, they ALL helped contribute to our growth and sustainability as a country and that’s the least we can do as a show of respect.

  3. Only citizens should be covered. -_-

    And also, why do we need to do universal health care? Just introduce legislation to stop companies from charging whatever price they want. Regulate their prices on medicine and care so that it doesnt become sky high. That will make everyone covered without this bill.

  4. The world does not need people the goal of the globalist plan is to eliminate as many as they can through civil war then they will decrease the numbers to fit the plan. There should be no monopoly we have Sherman Antitrust Act almost unanimously in 1890, and it remains the core of antitrust policy. The Act prohibits agreements in restraint of trade and abuse of monopoly power. Google (not so much)Intel and Microsoft other States need to compete with California. Why are movies made in Hollywood? Why is there only Windows and no one competing with them? Any State can do movies even ticket prices will drop. More Actors will find work even the non-political types. Patents that are made in and held by the USA are still USA property if California breaks away do any of the patents for Integrated Circuit Chips go with them? Who are the competition? AMD is located Sunnyvale, CA. It seems the State of California controls it’s own competition to the monopolies. We need to break these up fast California wants to leave the union and join up with Russia. That’s the reason for the obviousness and forms of censorship of anything pro American. Taking down of the monuments they want the civil war between White people and Black people so they can break away like the confederates did. All white and Black people there is the true enemy of the country you are doing their work for them. Break Monopoly’s now and every one will get a piece of the pie. Let them continue to own the internet and we will have to get used to no internet in the USA.

  5. don’t let anyone lie to you about medicare for all! Illegal immigrants will NOT BE COVERED UNDER MEDICARE FOR ALL!

    I support Medicare for All because:

    1. It is the only way to make affordable healthcare available to every United States citizen.

    2. Because private health insurers are only in it for the money, and in exchange for the outrageous premiums they charge, they add absolutely no value whatever to your actual healthcare.

    3. That proof of #2 comes from the multi-million dollar bonuses paid year after year to the upper management of private health insurer corporations…bonuses that come directly from our premium dollars, don’t help our own healthcare, but make those guys richer and richer.

    4. That the current system of many private health insurers creates a spaghetti bowl of different policy requirements, different forms, different payment schedules to providers, different pre-authorization requirements, different deductibles, different co-pays, and the increasing deregulation of those insurers under current Republican leadership has enabled them to keep more and more of our premium dollars, paying out less and less in benefits to those of us who actually pay the premiums for coverage.

    5. That common sense says we have an entity to deal with issues that affect every single American citizen, there is no issue that affects every American citizen as much as our healthcare, and that entity is the federal government.

    6. In representing all American citizens, the federal government has the leverage of representing the entire healthcare market when negotiating with providers, hospitals, and drug manufacturers…much more leverage than any private health insurer.

    7. That the current system isn’t working. We all pay far more for our healthcare than citizens of any other developed nation on earth, yet get less healthcare than they do. When it comes to drugs, we may many times what citizens of any other nation pays for the very same drugs because our government gives the pharmaceutical company free reign to charge whatever they want without interference…which essentially makes pharmaceutical companies the very “death panels” Republicans complained about regarding The Affordable Care Act. If you can’t afford your medications, pharmaceutical companies think you should just die.

    8. Despite years and years of bitching about The Affordable Care Act, which itself was a mediocre compromise law designed to cover more Americans while still allowing private insurers to continue profiting from our health, it is clear that bitching was all there was. They didn’t have any better alternative plan…all they wanted to do was strip Americans of affordable coverage. They can’t agree among themselves what would be a better alternative to The Affordable Care Act, a law even President Obama himself admitted was imperfect, but the best that could pass Congress. As American citizens, we watch the citizens of every other developed nation on earth receive healthcare coverage as a benefit of citizenship in their countries. United States citizens are the only citizens penalized for their US citizenship by not having a benefit citizens of every other developed nation has. Which leads me to ask the obvious question: WHY?

    9. Our Republican government represents the interests of healthcare corporations, and does not represent the interests of the voters, the taxpayers, the citizens. They believe their future rests with corporate “people.” But they are suffering from magical thinking, because if human voters, citizens, and taxpayers didn’t exist, neither would corporations. Corporations didn’t found this nation, human citizen did. Corporations didn’t write our Constitution, human citizens did. It’s time those in our government begin doing their job as defined in our Constitution…representing voters, taxpayers, citizens rather than artificial legal entities (corporations).


  6. I thought beating niggers within an inch of their lives and then lynching them in public was illegal or a hate crime or something now?

  7. I love how she is is referring to “immigrants” and “illegal immigrants” as semantics. Clearly she never had to earn her U.S. citizenship so she takes it for granted and doesn’t know the struggle. Also I’m still struggling to find which Amendment in the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American citizen the right to Healthcare.

  8. Whenever Tucker gets them to the point where it’s obvious that the DNC has lopsided views, they always seem to retort to “well I’m a independent”. No, you’re a democrat, but it’s inconvenient for you to claim it at the moment because Tucker has a nack for extracting the stupidity from that hack of a political party.

  9. Its not healthcare for everyone in the world you Moron Carlson….it’s ALL Americans …we have it in Australia …the Brits have it …all free thinking countries have it ….except “The Land of the free” …lol no wonder your country is not well thought of anywhere else …your lowest paid workers have to rely on people tipping them just to live …..what sort of a fucked up country is that !!!!!

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