Joy Reid & Media Friends Bash ‘Medicare for All’ With GOP Talking Points

Corporate media attacked Bernie Sanders' newly introduced 'Medicare for All' bill in an attempt to stifle its momentum. In this segment we'll discuss various media attacks wherein Sanders is referred to as a "snake oil salesman," and the idea of single-payer is described as "delusional." We'll also discuss a clip from Joy Ann Reid's 'AM Joy' on MSNBC where she complains about potential tax hikes from single-payer and argues that Bernie's supporters should stand down and not make it a litmus test.

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Joy Reid & Media Friends Bash 'Medicare for All' With GOP Talking Points

71 thoughts on “Joy Reid & Media Friends Bash ‘Medicare for All’ With GOP Talking Points

  1. This video is a segment from *Episode 111* of *The Humanist Report* podcast. If you don’t want to wait, you can watch the entire episode right now—before it hits YouTube—by becoming a $5 Patreon patron! Otherwise, the rest of this episode will be up on this YouTube channel on September 27th. Enjoy the show!

    • Cant we just find the admitted 10 effin TRILLION the pentagon lost and pay for Medicare for all and more?? or cut the defense budget waist for killing people and instead spend it on healing people?? 😉 I refuse to watch MSN anymore!! as well as vote Dem until they get rid of the republican neo-cons with blue ties out of the party and back to where they belong!

    • GDNPB No, we can’t when we have idiots on BOTH sides of the isle happily voting a $700 BILLION raise to our military when we got screwed oiut of 3 TRILLION!!! You don’t just LOSE $3 TRILLION!!

  2. Democrats are insufferable. If the crooked 2016 primary was the stake through the heart, these refusals to fight for single payer and ridiculous attempts to blame Bernie for Republicans’ horrific actions are the nails in the coffin.

  3. HELL YES- WE *WILL* PURGE YOU, DEMS, IF YOU DON’T GET ON BOARD WITH SINGLE-PAYER. That’s what elections are for, dummies- to elect people who will do what we want.

  4. Yes Joy Reid. If they don’t jump onto the Bernie bill, they are done. I want to save people money and their lives. You want to… get paid to be on TV I guess. If the democrat won’t do the right thing, I won’t be voting for them.

    Not that it matters here in GA

  5. Read my lips- RAISE MY TAXES!! I will *happily* pay an additional $3000 a year in taxes to save $10,000 a year in insurance payments!! I’m not a “math surgeon”, but even I can see I will save money AND have better care.

    • the op kingdom seriously, my brother, who makes 375k a year. Under Bernie’s suggested funding mechanisms, he would pay about 14k more in taxes while he pays 26k per year in premiums alone for his family of four. He would save twelve thousand dollars a year in premiums alone, not including company’s and deductibles. High wage earners will benefit from this on the whole. The only people who will likely end up losing are those who don’t directly pay for their health insurance by getting it through their employer, and those who earn over a million dollars a year. However, now people won’t have to take jobs they hate just to get health coverage, which should increase productivity, and entrepreneurs won’t have to worry about their own health insurance or providing for their employees. Because of this, they may be more willing to take the risk of starting a business and thereby create more jobs.

    • Maybe we wouldn’t even need to raise taxes. Just stop pouring money into the military industrial complex without ever questioning it. Seriously. How can the clowns on Joy Reid’s panel talk about the cost of Medicare for all when only a few weeks ago the Senate blindly approved a 700 billion dollar increase in the military budget over the next several years. NO. QUESTIONS. ASKED. By anyone in the mainstream media!

    • Pew research, the Urban Institute, and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget all estimate that the Bernie Sanders model for single payer would cost between 2.6-2.8 trillion dollars per year to operate. That money has to come from somewhere. The rich can’t do it alone I even if you tax them out of existence, which means YOUR taxes go up… A LOT… We would be literally screwing ourselves to get single payer. We would have to make fundamental lifestyle changes I don’t think we are willing to make. And you can’t defund federal programs you don’t like or don’t believe in to pay for it because people who do value those programs will only be emboldened by that and will one day regain power and take it right back from you… Republicans were supposed to not even exist anymore, they are the party of yesterday, yet here they are because liberal programs don’t work like you think they do. And they won’t

    • +Benjamin Moran I’m going to call absolute BS on your figures, even if your physical numbers are correct, which is beside the point.

      In Australia, our system is both private and public and the public part is paid in different ways. Here is how the brackets work, although it’s mostly from memory of a few days ago so bear with me here:-

      Under 70k-80k per year – No Medicare Levy
      Over 80k-250k per year – 0.5%-1.5% Medicare Levy (There are several brackets here, so I just combined them all for efficiency)
      Over 250k per year – 2%-2.5% Medicare Levy (I say 2-2.5 because it always gets mixed up in my head a bit

      All of these are taken out before tax, so you can even claim some of it back on your taxes each year.

      For this cost, with some additional supplements of course which the government pays for as part of the whole medicare system, we get:-

      Free hospital and doctors appointments, starting from birth
      Choice of doctor
      Government negotiation and supplementing of prescription medication
      Private cover if you want it with incentives to switch to one after a certain age/pay grade
      Accountability to government oversight to maintain heath standards

      There is more to it but that’s a super summary. Sufficed to say that yes there is waiting time issues sometimes, usually due to the private part that takes precedence over the public. However, this is only elective based on necessity. Regardless of wait, if you need care or critical care that second, you get it.

      We do not have the economy that you do and yet we can do it, while not taxing the hell out of everyone. Don’t give me the garbage about money when it costs nowhere near what you pay now.

      Oh, as a side note. If you take out private cover, you are actually exempt from the medicare levy, at least in part depending on factors like income. So, in our style of system, of you really don’t have empathy and don’t want to pay for others, just take out private insurance and you don’t, but at least everyone else who needs it can.

  6. It’s not up to Sanders. He can say it’s not a litmus test as many times as the establishment likes. Medicare-For-All polls above fifty percent. It already is a litmus test.

    • If it is not a litmus test first Bernie then he needs to step down, I give Bernie kudos for waking people up but if he is unwilling to fight anymore then thanks for your service and good bye

    • edward rink Sanders said Medicare for all is not a litmus test for Democrats, and he’s right. Most Democrats in congress don’t support Medicare for all, but they still get (re) elected, so obviously Medicare for all is not a litmus test for Democrats. Why is this so difficult for people to understand? I blame it on the schools.

    • Ikallicrates That doesn’t mean it’s not a litmus test. It just means those individual Dems are personally protected from the consequences of cowardice. The point is not to sink every, single Dem in the house or senate if they won’t support Medicare-For-All. The point is to give the party as a whole a very stark choice. If the party gets on board with Medicare-For-All, they get to have a majority again. If they don’t, they can stay in the political wilderness.

      But of course you’d blame the schools. Establishment Dems would love to get bipartisan with Republicans and privatize the schools as they did in Chicago. The next litmus test could be a pledge to stop education privatization and end that anti-school rhetoric.

    • edward rink – Your assumption that I favor privatizing schools proves that you didn’t understand what I wrote . . . not that any more proof was needed.

    • thank you.  And she has her disgusting HRC co-minion on there with her… yuck!  I mean the dishonest Jonathan Capehart who worked with her to lie about Bernie’s history as a Civil Rights protester/advocate/leader.

    • Funny thing is, she use to talk all the time about how awesome Bernie was before that big pay raise MSNBC people got. The truthful ones aren’t there anymore.

    CNN just confirmed that the GOP won’t be voting on TrumpCare!!
    Looks like Bernie’s debate last night was the final push we needed!!
    Bernie 2020!!

    • Bernie is a leader. He’s the person leading against Trump. Not Hillary, not Schumer, and certainly not Pelosi. The Dems say that they will block Trump yet almost unanimously voted for his military budget. Dems never go on the offense, Bernie’s push for Medicare for all is putting the Republicans on a corner. Something Dems have never done in my lifetime.

    • Not that surprising. The newest Trumpcare proposal was just a distraction from Bernie’s Medicare for all proposal. They knew that it wasn’t going to fly and just wanted to shift the conversation again to do corporate Dems a favor so that they don’t have to grow backbones to throw their support behind Bernie.

    • Leppa right!!! And we’ll save billions of dollars a year in administrative cost and in profits from the health insurance industry! Down with the FOR PROFIT health insurance industry!!! Health care is a RIGHT! Hell, if we cut the bloated military budget we won’t have to pay that $200! And have plenty of our tax dollars left over for many other much needed programs.

    • Also, for businesses, they won’t have to spend money on health insurance benefits for their employees under a single payer model (which is what WalMart seems to already do by screwing with employees’ hours so they’re not eligible for benefits). Employees won’t feel like they have to stay in a job they hate just to keep their family’s health insurance. Hospitals and doctors may even make more money because their patients’ won’t be declaring bankruptcy and not paying their medical bills. At the very least, doctors will spend more time being doctors and less time and money fighting with multiple insurance companies just to get paid.

  8. Joy Reed & her guests are hacks that refuse to admit that corprate dems, clinton babies, & republicans do not truly care about the plight of the American People!

  9. I’m someone who is for limited government but I also realize that government has it’s place… health care should be a right not a privilege especially in a first world, civilized country… I don’t understand how health care (much like the internet) is not considered a utility… everyone needs it and most people (should) use it on a pretty regular basis, even if it’s just for your standard check ups and such

  10. MSNBC is owned by a Conservative. They got rid of people like Melissa Perry and replaced them with Al Sharpton and Joy Reed, so that they can control the narrative.

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