34 thoughts on “Here’s what you need to know about the left’s “medicare for all” idea

  1. *The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.*

    Margaret Thatcher

    Some dreams can come true but sadly most of them belong in fantasy land

    • Social health care was adopted in the UK just after WW2, therefore, it has expanded in line the population and over the many years allowed millions of kinks to be ironed out. For instance, Free ambulance service eventually created ambulance stations where crews waited at points (street corners) away from hospitals for quicker response times. Air ambulance. Both Services are free _(even to foreign visitors)._
      The actual infrastructure is mind-blowing, the cost is stupendous and to suddenly think this can be implemented on mass is delusional.
      People are going to flood the system. Drug companies won’t discount NY _(an essential part of free health care)_ because it has become socialist. NY will run out of money before the dream is fully up and running.

  2. Medicare is just a talking point. The real goal is Federalism and centralized government control of all aspects of civilian life. Most of these social programs are supposed to be under the individual States remit.

  3. I’m an Australian and our health care system is so deficient that I had to wait over 2 years to get a cataract removed. In the end they sourced it out to private practice. Gota love government run institutions.

    Nuff Said

    • +Errol Foster you have just validated my original post. Thank you. As I said back then, my grandfather had two cataracts removed for free and had no waiting time to speak of, ( read, apart from the wait between eyes as you mentioned, I think it was 4 to 6 weeks, but don’t quote me on this). However back then the health care system then was funded by The Golden Casket Agency. The doctors were paid what they wanted, there was enough money to make sure that there were enough doctors coming through the system so there was no appreciable waiting list.

      Since medicare the health system has gone into the toilet and the government is using the money that would normally be put into the hospital system here in Queensland into the socialist/communist global agendas or whatever they want .. might be fattening their own political wallets with damn pay rises the rest of us would be better off getting.

      I waited and am still waiting for my second eye to be done. 12 months and counting. How long do you have to wait between surgeries Errol???

      Nuff Said

    • +justunicorn001 I personally was told 12mnths for bowel scan and ended up being done in less than 6 mind you I had no symptoms just a check up. But with all of the new private hospitals coming on line I can see the waiting times being extended as the governments seem to be less and less inclined that way but as I said earlier it is the doctors choice at the length of the wait not the hospitals as the doctors want more insured people as they pay more from stories I have heard the person who is insured can be out of pocket thousands of dollars as the doctors all ways over charge them as there is no control of the fees the government or medicare pay 85% of the scheduled fee and insurance pays 15% so you pay the remaining monies outstanding have you ever seen a poor doctor

    • Errol Foster I am not and never have been talking about the private doctors in private practice. I’m talking about hospitals as they are the ones that were so affected by the change from Queensland’s better health care system funded by The Golden Casket to the now federal chaos we call medicare.

      The hospitals are over run, they don’t have the resources they used to have. Governments have screwed the hospital system. Even as far as the nursing and maintenance staff being understaffed because of the lack of money. In fact, I think the doctors are doing an amazing job with what meager funds the federal government hands out.

      Article from Queensland health

      The GP referral letter will be reviewed and assessed {by the hospital}. If the referral is accepted, you will be put on an outpatient wait list to see a specialist. A specialist at the hospital will prioritise your need for a consultation and allocate you an outpatient urgency category.

      In Queensland, there are 3 outpatient urgency categories with recommended time frames for consultation:

      Urgent (Category 1) – specialist consultation recommended within 30 days of being added to the outpatient wait list .

      Semi-urgent (Category 2) – specialist consultation recommended within 90 days of being added to the outpatient wait list.

      Non-urgent (Category 3) – specialist consultation recommended within 365 days of being added to the outpatient wait list.

      Those times to wait are AFTER you’re assessed by the hospital. In my case because I had one good eye to start with I had to weight 12 months to be put on the wait list, I was then put into Category 3. As you can see I had 2 years from the time I first noticed my eyesight was failing and got a referral to the time I actually got it done. The reason they farmed my surgery out to private practice was because they hospital still couldn’t get enough doctors to do the surgery inhouse within the 365 day period.

      There was no wait list when my grandfather got both his done because the hospitals had the necessary funds to give quality health care.

      Please don’t tell me that Medicare is a good health care system, it isn’t! It’s ineffective at best and hampered through under funding by the government.

      The reason?

      Because government politicians and bureaucrats are trying to play god with money they stole from an efficient health care system funded by The Golden Casket Agency.

      These are facts Errol, no matter how you want to slice it, our health care has decreased since the government has stuck its nose into what they saw as a honey pot.

      Nuff Said

    • +justunicorn001 I am sorry we do not have these issues in NSW both my wife and myself have never had these issues once we have been refereed to a specialist we have gone straight to the specialists rooms and has all been handled there. Do you go to a local doctor or go to the hospital we both go to a doctor we have been seeing for more than 30 years we are bulk billed for all of our visits and if referred we go straight to the specialist and are treated as public patients so are bulk billed we have on occasion had to buy some scripts ourselves I have never had the issues you are having we are not privately insured. Are you in a city or country area

    • +Errol Foster again, I’m not talking about private doctors.
      I went to my doctor and he referred me to the public hospital system to get my cataract removed because I am an invalid pensioner and could afford to pay for the operation.

      They put me on a wait list, I then got called into to see the specialist 6 mth later, again at the public hospital. The specialist assessed my condition and said that because I had one good eye, I had to stand in line to get onto the category list. Now that all took 12 month and I went back to my doctor because my other eye was clouding over.

      I then went back in and got assessed once again and put into Category three (365 days).

      I got to the end of the 365 days and they still couldn’t get me into the hospital system and because they guaranteed that I wouldn’t wait more than 365 days, they HAD to farm my operation out to a private practice.

      That is the chaos our public hospital system has gotten to. As I said before….Before medicare was brought in, Queensland had no problems funding the public hospitals.

      I know all the other states were not in the same situation and that is why the federal government brought in medicare to regulate the healthcare of our nation, so we all got the same deal. Now for NSW, Sth AUS, VIC, well all the other states it was a step up, for QLD it was a giant step back into the dark ages of health care..

      It’s all about redistributing wealth. Those (QLD) that had a wonderful public hospital system got screwed and ended up with a shitty system, then everyone else got a slightly better system but still got taxed for it and in any case we all now have a shitty health care system.

      Sounds like the Marxist philosophy to me


      That is what the Leftists Labor government wants.

      Nuff Said

  4. Being retired military, part of the benefits is when of age the use of Medicare, which is actually developed for retirees and certain people and families in need.
    And I am fortunate enough to also use the VA. And Tricare. Medicare for all would ruin what is supposed to be and used for ! GO ARMY

    • As a Medicare recipient, after all the raids on the program, it certainly isn’t what was promised.
      First, after paying for the program the 50 or so years worked, I am charged what comes out to be 1/4th of what I get in SS. Then I have a $1,300 deductible before they pay 80%. This does not include dental or vision. Only bright point is no surcharge on drugs, but name brands will not be approved. Even if there is no generic equivalent or life sustaining. Most physicians around me have filled their accepting of Medicare patients. Finding a specialist is worse. There’s more but you get the point.
      Be glad, and proud, you have a VA option.
      And people want this? Time for me to return to work for real health care insurance.

      Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our great country. I hope you’re treated with the honor and respect you deserve.

  5. National Health Service operates in the UK because the government sets the price for each treatment, not the hospitals or Doctors. All that’ll happen in NY _(as in the UK)_ *Good* Doctors and nurses will move to other states where they get paid more.

  6. It’s time to serve an eviction notice to the “Socialist Democratic Party” for failing to uphold the United States Constitution, for forgetting the citizens of the United States of America, for losing sight to uphold the safety of the United States, for incompetency, and above all practicing Communism on the soil of the United States of America.

  7. I have a lot of health issues. I don’t want a socialized health system! I like having choices! I like not having to wait 6 months to see a dr.

  8. All you have to do is as someone in England or Canada and you won’t want socialize medicine. Alex not from Brooklyn, isn’t smart enough to figure out it wouldn’t work. She’s a dreamer not a doer!

  9. Medicare may not work for all, but could be expanded to a group in need of it if the tens of millions of illegals that take advantage of the healthcare system are deported.

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