Ezra Klein Thinks Bernie’s Medicare-For-All Bill Was Bad Timing

Mainstream media pundit and Vox editor Ezra Klein thinks Bernie Sanders' medicare-for-all bill was bad timing.


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Ezra Klein Thinks Bernie’s Medicare-For-All Bill Was Bad Timing

29 thoughts on “Ezra Klein Thinks Bernie’s Medicare-For-All Bill Was Bad Timing

    • Chris Cull They are weak, but Democrats never hammer on policy specifics. Anyone being honest with themselves knows why. I find it mind boggling how many people say, Bernie is controlled opposition. Then they fail to see that there’s an entire political party dedicated to it.

  1. Hey David. I always appreciate and enjoy your content, thanks for your hard work. I’m curious though… since you’re Canadian what triggered your interest in US politics? Would you consider doing a video on it?

    • I’ve explained it before in other areas; a patron recently interviewed me for his blog and I answered it there and I’m sure I’ve said it on twitter and in other places before, but yeah maybe I’ll do a video on it.

  2. Maybe it’s cuz I’m Canadian, but when I hear establishment liberal apologetically talking about universal healthcare, or dismissing… It’s so profoundly repugnant to me that I can’t feel anything other then revulsion.
    These wealthy, out-of-touch msm-types feel so comfortable equivocating about healthcare, cuz it makes no difference in *their* lives.
    The worst part is, these guys all travel, so they know that Canada, EU, UK, and a dozen other countries have universal healthcare.

  3. I’m sorry–is Ezra Klein a fucking idiot? _Bernie Sanders should have pushed the Medicare-for-All bill back because the GOP will make it look bad?_ Talk about reaching. We know that Americans – especially conservatives, but “moderates” as well – like to play this game in which they pretend that no other developed countries exist when trying to defend their failed policies, from (formerly) marriage equality to law enforcement/drug policy to education to, of course, health care. But even within that framework, there are no credible arguments against single-payer in America right now. None. I’ve read them. I’ve heard them. They all suck. The closest to a credible case against Medicare-for-All/single-payer involves concerns over the cost and taxes such a system might incur…but then one sees that Trump and Congress just inflated military spending by another $80 billion no questions asked and one realises it’s all a load of crock.

    *TL;DR: Ezra Klein is a fucking idiot.*

    • @VanguardSupreme Actually if you understand MMT (Modern Money Theory) there’s not even an argument there, in fact it is because MMT is the reality that they were able to increase military spending, also the cost savings from MedforAll is pretty substantial. Consider this, the admin cost on current healthcare would be eliminated that is estimated at about $1 trillion, workman’s comp insurance could be eliminated, medical coverage on auto insurances policies could be eliminated. Medicare in it’s current form averages up to 73% savings on all services it provides over private insurance, so I am guessing that comparable savings would carry over to the new system if passed. The sad fact is that congress could do this if they had the will to do the right thing, and weren’t simply enriching themselves and their mega donors.

    • Ezra Klein is not an idiot. He’s a foot-soldier for the establishment. He knows what the polling says yet he ignores it and pushes the ‘single-payer is bad for Democrats’ narrative with fervor.

  4. Everyone knew Bernie was going to propose a Medicare-for-all bill. The GOP was going to use the specter of the bill anyway. Their simplest pitch would be to pass this bill or else the dems were going to propose a gov’t. takeover of healthcare. And without a bill to base it on, the GOP could turn single payer into any bogeyman they wanted. Bernie’s bill makes it harder for them to lie about what the progressives want to do.

    P.s. David needs to move to the U.S. already. He already knows more about our politics than most of us do. Lol We need more smart progressives.

  5. They read the polls; they’re just lying, because they don’t want the health insurance & prescription drug, gravy train to stop.

  6. Doesn’t Medicare for all make ACA look less leftist?

    Plus, now we don’t have to blindly support ACA to block TrumpCare. We can offer an alternative.

    It’s like saying, no don’t spend tax dollars building new nuclear plant with waste products that need guarded for millenia. Instead build biogas plants (sorry, channeling fully charged episode on Hinkley point C).

    We need more than “NO”

  7. Bringing single-payer into the conversation is *_exactly_* what needs to happen. You can’t have a debate about healthcare without that being a central alternative to private solutions. Trying to keep it out of the conversation is gross political negligence.

  8. Yes we should wait for a time when the government is trying to strip it’s citizens of medical care because that’s the best time to do it…o wait.

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