Donald Trump Supports Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

Consumer-driven healthcare as the dominant model seems a little stupid to me. Why would you want a population that is predominantly health illiterate to be in charge of healthcare decisions? "An important but often neglected aspect of HSAs is that they require an educated and savvy consumer who can devote a great deal of time and effort to understanding their plan and shopping for care." More on Health Savings Accounts:

According to economist John C. Goodman, "In the consumer-driven model, consumers occupy the primary decision-making role regarding the healthcare they receive." Claims are paid using a consumer-controlled account versus a fixed health insurance benefit. That gives patients greater control over their own health budgets."

Donald Trump Supports Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

4 thoughts on “Donald Trump Supports Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

  1. Too bad this is one of the many promises @realDonaldTrump has flip-flopped on. Worse than stealing candy from a baby. #PresidentJackass has to go but needs to take Pence with him.

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