Dems New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

With this legislation, the Left acknowledges that Obamacare failed but is doubling down on government control over your health care.

Dems New 'Medicare for All' Bill

20 thoughts on “Dems New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

  1. We need Medicare for all. It would be more effective at delivering care to people, less costly and less of the funds going into it would be wasted on overhead. In many other countries with some form of universal healthcare, people are better off than we are in the USA.

    • Julio Sumarriva
      Israelites will not kill other Israelites. The Jews have gone through more than enough. If Ben Shapiro would ever run for president chances are I would vote for him.

    • +Anchor Baby then you are for Universal healthcare, I don’t want americans killing americans, I want us to have the best, and by that I mean no worries about bankruptcy, no worries about not having coverage, everything, I want PRIDE in our country, if you don’t see that you are just being naiive!

    • Universal healthcare is achieved by making a big government medical facility where they can use aborted baby parts to genetically engineer your new liver.

  2. The dims are so stupid. Everyone knows if you want to lower the cost of healthcare you need more doctors. Trying to make doctors into slaves is all they are doing. It’s just a ruse for power and socialist takeover. So STUPID!!!!! If they want to address this problem then make a resolution that funds the creation of medical training facilities!!!!

  3. So let me get this right…I have to pay for pro football players that have CTE and MMA fighters broken bones and back yard wrestlers severed arms to be reattached..?

  4. Medicare for all would be the biggest corporate tax cut in history. It will shift partial payment of healthcare by corporations to the employees paying through increased taxes! A huge win for Corporate owners. Bezos and Elan Musk would get personal insurance for the same rates as a McDonalds worker while not paying for employees insurance! Just like open immigration exploits worker and keeps wages lower! The party of the working person? Not!

  5. So how many years do ALL the American people have to pay into the plan before they can get Medicare for all? 20, 30 ,40 years. NO ILLEAGLES SHOULD BE PART OF THE ALL!!!!!!
    SO why would Democrats want Medicare for all. You cant get benifits until you pay into the program for 20, 30, 40 years.

  6. I am a constituent of Harris. I have begged her in 7 letters to help me. I have Covered CA paid for by me and the State of CA. For 2 years Blue Shield has refuaed to pay 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. She and her office refuses to help me in any way. Trust me she cares about no one. I am her constituent with a solvable ptoblem if she would get involved but she wont lift a finger. If you are with the SANDERS, WARREN, or any other campaign i would gladly take your help if you care.

  7. I don’t care about my private insurance 8n fact I hate my employer based insurance. The current system will cost 34 trillion over 10 years which is more….

    • Is it more? Are you sure? You are wrong. The most conservative estimate from a libertarian study is a 2 trillion dollar savings. Check yo facts


  9. When the socialist party takes over if we allow them too, all this free medical services and education would look just like it does in Cuba and Venezuela. In the United States if you pay to go to college to become a doctor, you earn a six figure income you live rich.
    This is what it looks like to become a doctor with that free education the socialist party gives you. After reading this you will put into perspective how good paying for a college loan is.
    Cuba salaries for doctors and nurses.
    At the high end, doctors with two specialties will see their salary go from the equivalent of $26 a month to $67, while an entry-level nurse will make $25, up from $13. Salaries at government jobs in Cuba average about $20 a month, augmented by a range of free services and subsidies.

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