Democratic Senator Chris Murphy Wants To Give Medicare Access To All Americans | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., is working on legislation that would allow individuals and businesses to buy into Medicare. Sen. Murphy joins Morning Joe to discuss his plan and Bernie Sanders' plan.
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Democratic Senator Chris Murphy Wants To Give Medicare Access To All Americans | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy Wants To Give Medicare Access To All Americans | Morning Joe | MSNBC

35 thoughts on “Democratic Senator Chris Murphy Wants To Give Medicare Access To All Americans | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    • Kevin Preston
      how is it unconstitutional?
      the constitution, bill of rights, nothing specifies capitalism or socialism as the “law of the land”.
      you might win the stupid internet question award

    • + Daryl Leckt
      Even if the Supreme Court has broadened the scope of Congress’ authority under the Commerce Clause — it can now reach local activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce — never before has it allowed people to face a civil penalty for declining to buy a particular product. Hudson found therefore that the individual mandate “is neither within the letter nor the spirit of the Constitution.”

    • There is no individual mandate under Medicare for All because it’d be a monopsony that tax revenue purchases; you’re thinking of the ACA. Man, if you want to talk about healthcare, know what you’re talking about in the first place.

  1. You Americans are the only country in the western world who doesnt get it: Health insurance is a basic human right and all other countries have it. Is America that stupid that it cant pull that off?? We have health insurance in Germany since more than 120 years… America is in some regards a 3. world country.

    • Johnf275
      if someone tried that, it’d basically be broadcasting that the person is a socialist and against capitalism.. it’d never pass and that person would only commit political suicide.. whereas the ACA is also socialist.. but its hidden behind the fabricated morals of the left.. so people who dont actually know anything about it get duped into believing its a good thing.. as proved by this thread..

    • Johnf275 I was saying if we do have healthcare as a right why isn’t food and water cause if you don’t have them you’ll die in less than a week
      I don’t believe food water or healthcare should be a right I’m just pointing out the flaw in saying and believing it should be

    • Kuruma Uzamaki
      without water you’ll die in a week or two.. without food it could take up to 40 or so days for you to starve to death.. đŸ˜› but i agree with your point

    • zinov3 Im a little iffy on that cause a long time ago I heard that without either it takes a week or less I think it was my mom and she’s a nurse not sure always thought it was a week

    • I would cut all of them. Right now we’re spread all over the world acting like the world’s policeman. We illegally invaded Iraq when they weren’t our enemies but Saudi Arabia should be, we are funding and training ISIS and Al-Qaeda and now are attacking us, we are still in Afghanistan when we defeated the Taliban and now we’re after their resources, the list goes on and on and on… We’ve been intervening EVERYWHERE…

    • Edward Kim, I agree with you, we do need to cut the defense budget. But here is the thing that you to keep in mind, the Navy is still going to get that new ship class, the Army will still get that new tank, the Air Force will still get that new plane. They won’t get as much, but they will get them. That is a good thing. Cutting Personal affects the lower ranks only. For enlisted, up to E-5 you have to make rank buy a certain year in service, after that you don’t. With officers, it is the same up to O-3 I believe. So we are talking about jobs. Now, for some, this is all they know. They have a family to feed. An E-5, with 3 dependents and 8 years in service makes a little under $35,000 a year base pay. So it is not that much. Now closing bases has other effects then just military personal. It affects entire towns whose economies, in a lot of cases, is centered on the base. So that can affect every single person in that town. I just wanted to give you some perspective on that

    • Dawn Oceanside,

      When you move up the ladder, your value add often comes from your power to coordinate. When two students quarrel, it is the teacher who gets to lose the most. When two employees quarrel, it is their boss who gets to lose the most. When two nations quarrel, it is the trading powers who have the most to lose.

      For a century now, US built its core competency on security and coordination between nations. It was the security blanket for UK in the WW1 and it was the security blanket for UK in WW2. And it got handsomely paid for that both in interest it charged for the loans as well as in key technology. The UK transferred a lot of key national secrets to the US in return for American help.

      When it helped rebuild Europe after WWII, US got favorable trade agreements and contracts for its own companies. Thus, the 50s was a big period of prosperity for the Americans. And same strings gets attached to a lot of US favors (US food aid is like modern-day Marshall Plan with strings attached).

      When it helps the Saudis through its various bases in the ME, US gets to have a large importer that pays a premium for American toys. The Saudis have also infused money into US system in times of crisis like the 2008 and have provided fairly cheap oil.

      When the Americans talk to Indians or Filipinos or the Japanese about their security, they would be carrying a key wishlist from companies such as Boeing, GE, Caterpillar, John Deere, Dow etc.

      When it helps the Israelis with aid, it gets access to key tech (often developed jointly) and gets to decide to whom Israel can sell its key tech. It also puts pressure on the other nations in the region to be on America’s good books.

      Some of the locations that the U.S. has military bases, such as in India, is disputed. However, the key you can derive is, US forces are concentrated around the key trade routes – Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Malacca Straits and around Japan & Europe, where its key rivals, China and Russia, are to be checked. On the other hand, there are almost no bases in South America, most of Africa – where there are no key trade routes.

      Like the various major powers in the past, US coordinates among the small nations and provides security in return for key access for its companies. China is starting to do the same now and UK has done the same in the past.

      If I were cynical, I would say US rents its military to others in order to secure key economic benefits for its domestic economy. However, realistically it is a trade. US provides one value (security through its bases) and gets one value (favorable trade agreements).

  2. If you really want to know what’s going on in this world and want hope and assurance then please subscribe to this channel dockidds on YouTube please spread this channel to others so they can see it too…….

  3. Bernie Sanders Medicare For All bill also means seniors will have slightly better care than they do now.
    There hasn’t been much talk of it but the bill doesn’t just expand care to cover everyone but it improves care as well.
    When it comes to cost, remember the Federal Government paid for profit private health insurers $300 Billion in 2016.

  4. I’m on Medicare, kept my same doctor all along whether employer insurance, Obamacare or now Medicare. Premiums are affordable, under $150 per month, have the same deductibles and so what’s the problem? You increase capital gains tax to 30% and remove all tax loopholes that prevent taxes being paid by the 1%, you create laws that prevent anyone from filing bankrupcy more than twice while still living a lavish lifestyle, you write into law that people entering government elected positions cannot retain businesses and elected officials cannot invest while in office, you write into law that all persons campaigning for government positions must disclose the past ten years of their tax filings both as individuals and any businesses they own or partially own and they must be currently paid to date on any federal, state and local taxes before campaigning, you prevent anyone from campaigning if they are involved in any way any type of lawsuit as a defendant, penalize substantually corporations and businesses who have their goods manufactured outside of the U.S., cut out these ridiculous subsidies for corporations that are not needed like paying people not to grow crops when they’ve no intention of ever or have ever grown crops, you regulate the pharmaceutical companies and nationally legalize majiana, you decrease military spending so that they spend their budget wisely instead of ordering the wrong color uniforms that cost millions of dollars and other careless expenditures, you set a limited budget concerning Secret Service expenditures so the Presidential family doesn’t abuse this privilege, you install solar power systems on all government buildings and landmarks while still on grid, you establish a law that there cannot be any government shut downs or procedures that produce unecessary costs and injure our credit rating, and you stop this wheeling and dealing for Congressional votes by cutting pork projects. Once that’s done, there should be enough left over to lower our deficit substantially. Any government elected official not willing to abide by at least half of these suggested changes should be voted out of office no matter which party they represent and Congressional members should be limited to 8 years as well as all campaign contributions limited to amounts and to only individual donors.

  5. Murphy is basically saying, “Like medicare for all, but don’t want to swallow your pride and admit Bernie was right? Come on down! You can endorse my bill and you can just pretend you never called single payer a pipe dream to begin with!”.

  6. Of course those worthless donor bought “Leaders” are not going to get behind Single Payer. This is exactly why you Chris Murphy ARE NOT the most popular politician in Washington Bernie is! The people want Single Payer and if we have to walk over you to get it we will. We will replace you with someone who will back Single Payer so you can call your obsolete “Bridge” what you want.

  7. Republicans have long been using the suffering of the poor to enrich themselves.
    It’s Long past time that all Americans have full coverage!
    Stop using illness to make the Rich Richer!

  8. We need more doctors which means more immigrants. Americans are just too stupid and distracted to complete 8 years of school. Also, college is unaffordable and not practical so even if medicaid was for everyone, what good would it do? All it will do is reavel MORE problems with America.

  9. A public option would’ve been amazing in the past….in the PAST! Democrats should be united in fighting for SINGLE PAYER health carr. Say the words

  10. No more obfuscation re: Medicare when every other Western nation manages single payer quite easily. Cut our bloated, over-funded military. Study the statistics and report honestly about the egregious waste, inflated military contracts, etc. We have all the money in the world. Tax the millionaires and billionaires. And, by the way, since professional women still make 20% less than men, cut their taxes by the same amount.

  11. Sitting here in front of Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit watching all the Single Payer Canadians get off the bus from Canada because they can’t wait six months for healthcare. Single payer is a pipe dream. If you talk to these Canadians their dogs get better health care at the vet.

  12. There is always the question: how to pay for the universal healthcare? Well, how are we all paying for the healthcare now? We are all already paying one way or another! And if we cut the cost and skip the middlemen, we will all pay less for the better care. The rest of the world figured it out, it is not exactly rocket science.

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