Congress Wants To Cut Social Security, Medicare—Look What Trump Just Did!

Congress Wants To Cut Social Security, Medicare—Look What Trump Just Did!
President Donald Trump promised to cut taxes and reduce the deficit, but it’s not as easy as that sounds.While the federal government could use with some belt-tightening, it looks like Congress refuses to go on a diet.

They love spending your money on frivolous programs that benefit few.

When it comes time to cut back, they are unwilling to make the tough choices that will save American tax payers billions.

So they went to the President, demanding that he agree to go back on his promise and cut Social Security and Medicare.

Trump proceeded to give them a piece of his mind.

The Washington Times:

Office of Management and Budget chief Mick Mulvaney said he went back to Mr. Trump recently and said they had to look at cutting entitlement spending, and the president rebuffed him.

“He said, look, I’m still not going to do it, but happy to have a conversation,” Mr. Mulvaney said on “Fox News Sunday.” Same thing we — discussion we had in the spring, I promised people I wouldn’t change Social Security. I’m not going to do it…”

Mr. Mulvaney said the White House suggested $54 billion in cuts to discretionary spending this year — programs such as environment, education, federal law enforcement and the like — but Congress has agreed to only about $4 billion.

That leaves entitlements, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps as the other targets — and, analysts said, the biggest drivers of the rising debt.

But Mr. Trump promised during the campaign he wouldn’t touch those big programs, and appears to be holding to that vow.

It’s funny how Congress always want to cut the programs Americans paid into. Bloated costs they fight to keep, but Social Security is always on the chopping block.Hey Congress, how about you reduce spending for those big fat paychecks–including all those leeches that work in your offices? I’m sure you find plenty of cash there!

Instead the frauds in D.C. want to punish American tax payers who paid into the system for decades, denying them their S.S. Maybe they can cut back on programs that help illegal aliens, criminals, and others who exploit our government.

Trump’s determination to protect Social Security and Medicare will force Congress to make cuts in other places. Hmm, maybe they’ll be forced to actually work for a change.

21 thoughts on “Congress Wants To Cut Social Security, Medicare—Look What Trump Just Did!

  1. Social Security is OUR money, we had no choice but to pay into the system and we expect the other end of the deal to be kept.
    Cut congress pay since it comes from tax dollars paid by THE PEOPLE.

  2. Obama already cheated Socal Security Retirement by 9% by cooking the books, and Congress made it almost impossible to retire before you die first.

  3. Cut both congress and DO NOT give Social Security to illegals or those who do not qualify for it, as of now I know Social Security is very hard to quality for!
    Cut welfare, food stamps to those who commit fraud by lying to the government about working under the table and saying their baby daddy doesn’t live there when in fact he does or the fact that they sell drug’s and trade their EBT cards for cash at half the value….I know this because I’ve seen it first hand…I’ve even gone as far as reporting it to the fraud hotline,and in some case’s they never investigate! Tell your damn government to do their job’s especially since they make well over minimum wage with great benefits otherwise cut their pay so those who do deserve the assistance to trying to survive continue to do so.
    I’ll tell you ,I worked 20 year’s of my life ,born with cerebral palsy, had been in an accident (fall) worked up until I couldn’t any longer. Applied for social security and get a mere $758.00 and a slap in the face $82.00 to eat off of, no dental,and a pair of eye glasses every 2 year’s. So they want to cut S.S. ? Screw that, I just barely survive as it is.
    To me and many I know who also have worked and receive S.S.are in the same boat with me trying not to drown!!!! While welfare recipients who do not work get well more then they should in not only cash assistance but their food stamp’s are well over what a SS claimant receives…. A family of 3 gets $458.00 in food stamp’s…. must be nice!
    I’ve seen those carts full of junk, shrimp,steaks,and unhealthy foods and I do smh at the fact it must be nice to eat shrimp and steak off the taxpayer’s dollar’s while I can’t afford but chicken with what they deem is a sufficient amount for me to survive on! So revamp the welfare system not SS and cut government employee’s pay because most don’t do their job’s anyway!

  4. Dem. Trying to hurt us figures fake news that he’s doing it again shut off cnn NBC abc

  5. Cut salaries and benefits of the do-nothing fucking congress … you know, the overpaid
    mother fuckers that make and hand down laws they are exempt from.

    • INFIDEL6 Greetings, Fellow Infidel from His Infidelic Holiness, Attila the Irredeemable, Irrepressible Adorable Deplorable!

  6. Nothing is true except Jesus and God are real we need too rise up don’t put your kids in school teach them yourselves earth is flat people what more proof is needed if you don’t understand its simple logic just research it if not you need some serious help cause your brainwashed this is why there is no law it’s an illusion what makes it real is the publics irrational fear of law, police HA don’t be afraid your up against puppets that will defend there enslavement due too their own ignorance for lack of understanding of reality, we must save ourselves if there is no other place too go then our lives our children’s lives and don’t tell me you love your children when you sit in front of a tv or a cell phone or working 8 hour shifts every day repeatedly when you could be fighting back with knowledge tell people the truth these shadow leader running our world are run by satanist and actual demons and fallen that are working too kill every human on earth and replace them with there selves we’re doomed if we don’t fight back….

  7. The more they cut social security the more it begins to look like a Ponzi scheme.Just think about it and understand what a Ponzi is, a trillion people pay into it but only a few get money back.

  8. Congress already cut the CHIPS program leaving 9 million children without insurance. In recent days, the new administration has announced plans to slash Medicaid by turning it into a block grant. the new bill calls for slashing more than $800 billion from Medicaid, the federal health program for the poor while slicing $192 billion from nutritional assistance and $272 billion overall from welfare programs. #TRUMPCARE.

    • William Mcintyre

      Medicaid block grants to CA will result in most of the funds going to illegal alien and Muslim “refugee” invaders. Medical care for low income seniors will be cut substantially to pay for those invader Maggots!

    • I haven’t seen any documentation on that as being true. I would hope that the people who will receive these benefits would be vetted first to see if they are entitled. The new adminastration did say we now have the best vetting process and I hope that’s true.

  9. Cut all of the old retirees and disabled people off completely force them back to work or let them starve to death and die if they’re that sick give them dr. kevorkian’s phone number they could save so much money they could give their cells a big raise. ????? And truly cut taxes for the rich. !!!!


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