Coding Medicare Annual vs. Regular Physicals (Part 2)

Coding Medicare Annual vs. Regular Physicals (Part 2)

Medical Coding Medicare Annual vs Regular Physicals Part 2

Now, after the year has gone by and we go for the Initial Annual Wellness Visit, this is more extensive and it builds on the G0402. Now, if the patient never showed up in that year, you would combine part of the G0402 with the G0438 because you really are building up quite a database on this patient. So, on this visit, you’re establishing the beneficiary’s medical and family history. You’re establishing the list of current providers and suppliers that are regularly involved in providing medical care to the individual.

Once again, you’re measuring height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, and other routine measurements deemed appropriate based on the medical and family history. The physician will detect any cognitive impairment, review risk factors for depression (past and present) and mood disorders. They’ll review functional ability and level of safety. And then they’ll write a screening schedule and a checklist that just span 5-10 years.

As you can clearly see, this is not a complete checkup; this is really just an overview and really establishing the patient’s medical history. And then the doctor will establish the list of risk factors and conditions, furnishes personal health advice and a referral, as appropriate, to health education and counseling. Even refer a mental health provider, anything of that nature. And then any other elements determined appropriate by Secretary of Health & Human Services through NCD (National Coverage Determination).

On the third visit, the Subsequent Annual Visit (G0439), this one is just basically updating everything from G0402 to G0438, and you’re just building and making changes and monitoring and keeping up-to-date with the new providers, any hospitalizations they may have had, anything like that. It has nothing to do with 99387, a new physical exam for patient, or 99397 established.

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Coding Medicare Annual vs. Regular Physicals (Part 2)

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