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Chuck Schumer REFUSES To Support Medicare For All: Wrong Answer Chuck!
Dems don’t lose…they cheat and rig the votes
If Schumer is against Medicare for all, which we all already have access too. I’m a fan.
You (3rd person) have no right to force me to pay for your insurance, nor the right to force someone else to work for you.
Or at least I hope you’re joking.
yes, yes and yes. Thanks for this.
Good ol’ Nancy gets most of her money from the health insurance and health care industries. Everyone in California knows that. And no one has a chance running against her.
I should know Im NY born and raised in Suffolk and this state especially the city and Long Island is corrupt as hell
I read that only the parts of the AHCA that were changed by Trump admin. and republicans were why it was struck down by that judge. Those changes are what made it unconstitutional. Something about the taxing structure that resulted from the changes. That’s what I heard, don’t pin me down.
When are you going on Bitschute Jamarl?
Unfortunately, platforms like Bitchute, Minds, SteemIt, etc. are overrun by alt-righters.
Who cares, free speech is what matters
17 K subscribers and growing! Good job Jamarl!!
Pelosi is bought in case you haven’t noticed. I wonder if they will panic when in the next couple years climate change shows it’s going to end everything. Money still going to be an issue? Can’t take it with you. Green new deal and your probably dead anyway
Ps if they dont vote third party green probably
Why can’t we just make them give us Medicare? Like, Just Fucking Make. Them. I swear to God!!!!!!!
We need millions of people to surround the states’ capitols as well as DC, combining our demand with a national strike.
Well . Schumer and Pelosi support MEK – nuff said?
Even universal coverage is pretty sketchy. You go to a hospital with a broken leg and yeah they are going to help you. Now try showing up with cancer and watch what happens.
show up to a for profit hospital with a broken leg and they will throw in a
fake cancer diagnosis and treatment for the bonus money
The Democratic party is the party of inactivity. The “leadership” won’t fight for anything, and yet they won’t get out of the way. They’re like a ball and chain – they hold us down, and keep us from moving forward.
That is their function.
Popcorn at the ready….