TYT contributor Ryan Grim ( ) takes questions from our Facebook Live audience, filmed simultaneously on HD, the highlights of which are brought to you here. See Ryan Grim's live reports from Capitol Hill as well as edited versions like this at .
Articles referenced in this piece:
Bernie's Medicare For All and Trump's EPA Decree
Really appreciate your commentary, Ryan. You seem to be fair, objective, and especially professional in your delivery. Thanks for helping us to stay informed.
Mark, I shared your comment with Ryan. All the videos he’s done for us (except for today’s live to Facebook.com/TYTpolitics) are in this playlist with the latest at the top: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd1ZuF0LTZc&list=PLqSpk99bLYIS4QZWO6Jzd1-xcNMIMDDSu&index=2
The reason why Trump is repealing those climate change rules is because just like coal, oil and gas companies will soon be rendered obsolete with the rise of green energy and they want to pocket as much money as possible.
I agree and sincerely believe Trump’s presidency is the direct result of a very huge industry(probably a few of them) beginning its death throes.
thoughtlesskills I also heard that some economist fear Trump is creating a economic bubble because his deregulation spree.
I definitely expect one, big corporations will profit big for a short time and everyone else will get to try and pick up the pieces afterward.
thoughtlesskills The pieces of our shattered lives or our shattered economy?
D. All of the above.
*How many health insurance policies do you pay for?*
_Please count with me._
1) Most people have health insurance through your employer this is a benefit you get in lieu of wages.
2) the federal government’s health insurance like Medicare is being taken out of your wages as a tax.
3) every state has their own health insurance program paid through your taxes or fees.
4) if you own a car then the insurance you purchased covers the health care of people in an accident
The cost of this health care
Is figured into the cost of your premiums.
5) if you own a home then your homeowners insurance will pay the health care of anyone injured on your property; the cost is figured into your policy.
6) Veterans Administration military Healthcare is paid through our taxes.
Every one of these health insurance programs have their own bureaucracy.
*These are the six I pay for, month after month year after year.*
*I do not care how bad you hate government, because it is f****** *_common sense._*
*It’s better to have one government agency to do it all
then to have three separate ones, do the same thing.*
Kas Katari I wish ALL the ignorant could see that post !
Kas Katari Good argument! All these “patches” to the system are like the rationalizations to a lie. The most simple explaination is often correct, and the most simple legislation is often better. In this case, the evidence is clear. Even republicans want to believe in a compassionate and humane society (heck, even Trump says he wants to take care of everybody, and I think he really means it – even bad people want to think that they are good), and what that ideal necesitates is universal healthcare.
None, I live in Australia. Free medicarel!!!
Well not completely free, but close enough 😛
Here in Canada, we agree and even the most historically right wing candidates in our history had held up a sign during a debate saying no 2 tier to prove he would not attempt to take Canadian healthcare from Canadians
write your congressmen (yes. snail-mail)
tell them YES on HR 676 (BernieCares)
call them as well
I did already as well as;
YES on HR 1227 End Marijuana Prohibition Act
That two ambulance scenario sounds like something straight out of Cyanide & Happiness.
we’re gonna bring CLEAN coal. we also need to STOP the war on floppy disks! bring back floppy disks!
Bro Dot matrix printers are coming back with clean coal..Hold on my beeper is going of.
bring back the phonograph! steam is the engine of the future! WINDMILLS!!!
Siaka G. Banning fracking is probably the only way to increase coal usage. The jobs got dumped into the valleys along with the mountain tops, and they ain’t coming back. What did coal ever do for West Virginia anyway? It’s Mississippi with black lung.
Imagine all the people who invested in aerosol cans of mechanical rotary TV tuner cleaner and never got to use all of it because they all went electronic. Not fair!!!
Bring back mechanical rotary TV tuners!!!
Standard Definition rules!!!
I want my analog NTSC!!!!
Joe Schmo – I guess it’s up to others to push science and technology forward since we also now have cuts to the NIH and NSF.
we need more of this… explanation with a commentator who knows what hes talking about
There’s no such thing as a free market, there are rules and regulations. For a market to be free there’d be no rules or regulations.
The “free market” always leads to monopolies, at which point it’s no longer a free market.
The free market is not about freedom it is about lawlessness in the market.
is it me or is this guy super likeable?
Good luck getting killing the fake health care free market when they’re funding both sides.
I love the ambulance example. I am going to steal that.
Ryan, it is a pleasure to listen to someone who seriously seems to know what he is talking about. I say “seems” because I do not have enough background to judge whether what you say is true or not. But it certainly sounds believable and I will continue to listen to your commentary until I have a reason to doubt you.
Ryan is soo good. can we somehow get more of this? the dude is such a perfect mix of being professional and casual
He may be allergic to sideburns, but this man is always edifying.
Sound FeelsGoodMan
There is no country in the world with a properly functioning for-profit healthcare system.
I like all the good points he brought up.
I like the point your account name brings up.
TYT should try to hire this guy away from HuffPo, get him full time. He’s knowledgeable, explains clearly, and he doesn’t ramble. He always seems to knows what he’s talking about.