Bernie Sanders: I Will Offer A Medicare For All Single Payer Bill 7/27/17

Bernie Sanders: I Will Offer A Medicare For All Single Payer Bill 7/27/17

35 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders: I Will Offer A Medicare For All Single Payer Bill 7/27/17

    • Dillon Evans single payer system does work dude, in place in many countries already with incredible success. I don’t believe it would lead to an increase of taxes, but rather to a redistribution of them. All the best from Great Britain 🙂

    • D B What I know is you guys have a government healthcare and then private healthcare. This creates a 2 tier healthcare system as people with money buy private healthcare.

      Single payer is to help the poor, which is fine. The problem is the long wait lines and reduced availability of medicine.

      His state should pass single payer first before advocating for a national single payer system.

    • Dillon France, Germany, Great Brittan, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Holland, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Israel, japan, Australia, New Zealand….. You’re right. All those dumbasses and their high standards of living, education and healthcare outcomes don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Private for-profit insurance companies are awesome!!! right?

  1. Maybe if you and the ELITISTS IN CONGRESS (on BOTH SIDES) stopped bringing in OPIOIDS TO THE US (by the truckloads and plane loads )ILLEGALLY, we wouldn’t need to worry how much $$ in Medicaid funds each state would need to treat the addicted! You are all a disgrace for what you’ve done to the youth and the Vets in this country. Bringing in Opioids from foreign countries like India and Pakistan and than watering them down to half and quarter strength so as to keep them in pain , asking for more and to get them addicted! All the while you DC insiders pocket the cash bribe to look away and act as though its someone else’s fault. PATHETIC!

  2. I’ve lived years in the U.S., have family and friends in the US., and have lived more than half a century in Canada.  Single payer wins hands down. No contest!
    1. covers everyone
    2. costs far less per capita, but it’s free at point of use so no one is deterred from getting hc they need when they need it
    3. Insurance companies can’t drop you (because you don’t even have to deal with insurance companies).
    4. you can’t go bankrupt over med bills. (Compare that to the  US system, where hc costs are a leading cause
    of personal bankruptcies.) 5. preexisting conditions are covered.
    6. you don’t lose your coverage if you lose your job, and no one is “locked into” a job just for health care coverage
    7. no co-payments, deductibles or caps
    8. no claims to file
    9. No burden on businesses.
    10. No bureaucrat, public or private, comes between you and your doctor. (Compare that to the US system where HMO’s and insurance corp bureaucrats tell you whether you can get treatment, what type of treatment you can have, what doctor you must see, whether you can go to the hospital or not and if so for how long.)
    11. Compared to the US system single payer system produces, according to the World Health Organization, as good or better hc outcomes by medical condition.
    12. When the rich and politically powerful are served by the same hc system as everyone else, they will try to move heaven and earth to make it work.

    Single payer, contrary to the Republican propaganda, is NOT “government controlled health care” nor “socialized medicine”, nor “government takeover of all health care”. It’s just a hc FINANCING system. You just see your doctor, get whatever treatment the doc prescribes, and the single payer administration pays for it. It doesn’t interfere with you or your doctor. It just spreads the costs and contributions out over the entire population.

    Doctors, clinics, are still private and compete for customers and strive for efficiency in order to reduce their costs and increase their profits.

    Under single payer the private insurance companies still do a thriving business, offering “Cadillac” plans that cover the frills, like a private room if you are hospitalized, that may not be covered under the single payer hc financing system.

    Single payer is also a powerful tool to reduce the cost of health services and prescription drugs. Think of it this way, if a buyer from the local Mom and Pop hardware store and a buyer from Home Depot go to a widget supplier, who do you think will be offered the lowest price? There is a powerful incentive for competing health service providers and drug suppliers to offer the lowest prices to the highest volume buyer. it’s why, for example, Canadians pay far less for prescription drugs than Americans do for the exact same drugs made by the exact same suppliers.

    Republicans are now promoting that people should join large risk pool co-operatives to get better prices. Single payer is the largest risk pool co-operative possible – the entire nation.

    • as long as you allow people to opt out and not have to pay the taxes into the system. I am fine with a single payer that is elective and that the cost is evenly distributed across all people involved. every opted in citizen pays the same rate regardless of wealth.

    • Henry Jamison – there are 5 times more people living in the USA, than in the 5 country’s COMBINED that sanders likes to brag about their healthcare. Please go read about how their economy is fairing under their healthcare. Sanders, for some reason, doesn’t mention that. And, sanders also doesn’t mention that the cost for his plan will also be added to our already 20 TRILLION deficit. Sanders so called plans to pay for his healthcare was proven to not cover the cost by the state in Vermont in 2011, by the senate in 2014, and by other economist when he ran for president in 2016. Also, sanders lead economist agreed with those other economists when they pointed out what was not covered under sanders plan. So, did sanders stop touting his healthcare plan once it was shown to him again that it would not cover the cost? NO, he simply started saying that different economists disagreed on the costs. And, not that his plan to pay for coverage simply was proven insufficient for the third time.

  3. Bernie is a liar.
    We have had Medicare for years and that won’t be taken away from disabled or children.
    People were better off before OCare.

  4. Bernard Sanders is leading the future of this country. It’s time the U.S. catches up with the rest of the world. #Bernie2020

    • You seem to love this statement so much that you insert it into every comment positive for Senator Sanders and those who support him. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Prove your claim, or retract it. If you aren’t that smart, or brave, or convinced of your position, at least shut up.

  5. Obamacare simply doesn’t work. It may work for some who are lucky enough to get the subsidies, but for the vast majority, it simply doesn’t work. Obamacare was sold on lies told by President Obama who promised that people could keep their doctors and their insurance plans they liked. Its chief architect said that they were counting on the stupidity of the American people for its support in the Congress. They were counting on millions of young people to pay for these expensive plans to pay for the subsidies of the poor and elderly. Instead, the young people couldn’t afford the high cost of the premiums and the deductibles that were promised to come down which ultimately didn’t. Now these young people opt to pay for the tax fine which is far cheaper than the monthly premiums, and a s result, the money doesnt come in for the subsidies leaving the plan at a deficit. Now since three Republican turncoats decided to defect and vote for the status quo of Obamacare, it will eventually implode upon itself and then no one will have anything. No money for anything, no health care. tHINK ABOUT that BERNIE.

  6. He could have been president if it wasnt for hillarys blind, naked ambition and crookedness. We got a clown instead

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