4 BIG Medicare Mistakes [& How You Can Avoid Them]❗⚠️

If you’re making Medicare decisions, you’ve probably noticed that the program is not exactly straightforward and easy to understand. It’s full of confusing language, plans that seem awfully similar, a lot of different deadlines, and more than a few hidden costs that can take you and your budget by surprise. Here are the mistakes that I see most often and how you can avoid them.

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⚠️Since I don’t really know you, I can’t give you advice. Please don’t take this video as specific advice for your specific situation. Consult your own tax, legal and financial advisors. If you want to find out more about officially hiring me, check out
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4 BIG Medicare Mistakes [& How You Can Avoid Them]❗⚠️

29 thoughts on “4 BIG Medicare Mistakes [& How You Can Avoid Them]❗⚠️

  1. Thanks, Devin.
    I’m 59 and retired right now, but I’ve subscribed and am soaking up your knowledge so that I can make good choices when it comes time to enroll in Medicare.

  2. Thanks For all the information, bought your book also! I am a Veteran (4 years service) and will be retiring at 64, I am 62 now, I’ve checked into VA medical benefits which I will qualify for with my retirement income. Would you be able to provide any insight into this situation with Medicare and VA medical benefits. Thanks so much for all your information! Tim

  3. Thanks for the link to the booklet. Hope it will help with this bizzaro blizzard of complexity that is supposed to be the role model for an American single payer healthcare system??? Anyway, some while ago I read something indicating that if one delays signing up for at least medicare A then it can be problematic to join up later well after your 65th BD. Any truth to this? My younger wife has good employer provided insurance and I would prefer sticking with it as long as possible and would also like to continue saving money is HSA which one cannot do once signed onto medicare. Thanks

  4. Thanks for the great video’s and advice! I turned 62 last month so I tend to think Medicare will have changed drastically by the time I’m eligible. Still curious and more confused about it than Social Security. Looks like you’re quite popular with almost 6,000 views and 500 thumbs up despite only 14 comments in 2 days!

  5. I applied for SSDI in October 2018, was approved March 29, 2019. My disability began Jan 2016. They went back 12 months. This added to the 6 months to approve was 18 months. As of October 1st, 2019 I will have received 24 months SSDI and I will start receiving my Medicare. I am 61 years of age this month. Just another way to receive Medicare.

  6. I have dyslexia and do not understand. Reading a book or whatever….does not compute. I need a human body and the paperwork in front of me to explain things visually and audibly. Im turning 64. So i have a bit of time.

  7. Advantage plan was cancelled in NJ. Can cause problems with acquiring supplemental later if eliminated in your state.

    • Thanks for the vote of confidence, however, I don’t do supplement insurance. But go ahead and contact me and I’ll get you connected with the pros! 🙂

    • @Devin Carrollhi and thank you, is there any particular resource for those on disability such as advantage or supplemental?

  8. Thank you Devin. What government agency do you have to initially contact during the initial period? No matter what part, or plan you choose?

  9. I see too many people replacing Medicare with an advantage plan. Once they realize their mistake they are out of their open enrollment period and cannot qualify for a supplement due to their health. I recommend finding a good broker for supplement plans and signing up at the beginning of your open enrollment period (6 months before your part b start date) that way you get the lowest rate available. Don’t get plan F because it’s going away in 2020. Get plan G.

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