பயத்தம் பருப்புயின் மருத்துவ பயன்கள் | Medicare Benefits of Barbecue | Human Health Tamil |

பயத்தம் பருப்புயின் மருத்துவ பயன்கள்The nutrients needed for the body next to the basic source foods such as rice and wheat are nuts. Most important nutrients in protein are protein-rich. For proteins, protein can easily be obtained from the meat. Protein is milk and milk for vegetarians.

* Without protein, there is no physical growth. A gram of protein gives 4.2 calories. Proteins are made of amino acids. There are 23 amino acids in dietary proteins. It is not possible to create 10 amino acids in the body. So they need to get them from the food.

* Food experts say that non-vegetarian food proteins are better than honey proteins. So the vegetarian diet should include nuts, milk, nuts, soybean and various protein vegetarian foods. In the diet, methhenone and tryptophan are high quality protein acids.

* But lysine is too high in pulses. This is because we eat grains and nuts and get the best protein. Eating a part of eight packets is the right food
20.3 g, 22.5 g, 24.0 g, 24.5 g, 43.2 g, pulses, chilli powder,

* Ayurveda says "puddings" pudding. Do not accept alone (like rice and wheat) Flatness will increase. Nuts are subtleties of the food.Medicare Benefits of Barbecue


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