Word for Word: Medicare Chief Pans Medicare For All (C-SPAN)

Seema Verma, the chief of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), called Medicare for All, a "bad idea," saying it would dilute the program for seniors and drain the federal government's resources. She argued that providing Medicare to all Americans would cost $32 trillion. By 2022, she said, it would take up 58 percent of federal spending, compared to 28 percent currently. Administrator Verma discussed the idea as well as the current state of the Medicare program at a conference hosted by America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) in Washington, DC. She also discussed the Affordable Care Act and the Trump administration's initiatives aimed at lowering health care costs. The CMS administrator oversees a $1 trillion budget and health care for 130 million Americans. Full video here:

Word for Word: Medicare Chief Pans Medicare For All (C-SPAN)

27 thoughts on “Word for Word: Medicare Chief Pans Medicare For All (C-SPAN)

    • The Congress controls spending, not the President. Obama didn’t steal anything out of Social Security, the GOP-led congress did, because the GOP is a corrupt cabal of crooks and liars.

    • nalvar82 FYI, there’s a Republican in the Whitehouse, the Republican Party controls the US House of Representatives, the Republican Party controls the US senate, 2/3 of governors are republicans and 2/3 of state legislative body’s are Republican. This despite the fact that republicans do not have those kind of majorities amongst the electorate. Vote out democrats? No vote IN progressive democrats to end gerrymandering and the various voter suppression techniques. We need balance not more imbalance.

  1. She’s wrong
    Another corrupted individual trying to tell the sheep; we won’t care for you, just give us your money and believe what i say, (my Mercedes needs tires)

    • +culeros6 Cheaper than the current system does not mean it’s the sole choice to make. How about this, the government takes it’s hand out of my wallet and let me choose what the hell I want to do with my money.

    • +TheLoneWarrior That will still allow the pharmaceutical companies to make their prices as well as hospitals & insurance companies. The Gov created the monster pill pushers, it’s time they fix it. If Gov had to deal with all the cost, they will not allow pharma to charge them like they charge the people. Heath insurance companies shouldn’t exist, they are another part of the problem. Car insurance, home insurance etc. that’s different.

    • +culeros6 So the government created a problem with shitty policies and you want the government to solve the problem they created via shitty policies, via more shitty policies? Are you serious man? I don’t think you understand where the government gets their money, the people. Have you heard the stories of the government agencies taking out thousands of dollars for single toilet seats, thousands for birthday cakes, ya know that stuff? And you somehow think the government is gonna force pharmaceutical companies not to gouge their prices? Even if they do force them to somehow, and nothing goes wrong, which by the way something ALWAYS goes wrong when a government does something, you realize the taxpayers pick up the tab right? Let me give you a number real quick that will hopefully change your mind on this whole thing. Out of all taxes US citizens pay, 1/3 are completely wasted, via misspending, useless departments/bureaucracy or maybe even just being “unaccounted” for. If that doesn’t change your mind on wanting to government to run a several trillion dollars industry I dont really know what will.

    • TheLoneWarrior he laid out the repeatedly proven fact that M4A is cheaper for the country and you’re coming at him with the “gov is inherently shitty so never have them try to fix broken things” talking point? FDR, bro. fucking lawl and facepalm

  2. I don’t think many insurance-premium-paying Americans expect to get to keep their premiums without paying some sort of contribution to their health insurance. Where did she get that idea? I pay $6,500 per year, THEN have a $6,500 deductible before my insurance covers anything. Imagine having an ‘insurer’ with the largest possible pool of insureds – approximately every American. Large pools of insureds are the most stable and allow for broadest-scope coverage.

  3. Medicare for all doesn’t kill private insurance… and how does guaranteed payment from patients hurt doctors? Seems like a reliably unified system would cut down on admin costs… if the people running the federal Medicare department had confidence in their own abilities.

  4. Ten seconds in, and she is blatantly lying, period, full stop. She has no clue about sovereign spending we do all the time to fund the multiple military adventures that are truly draining both blood and treasure. We can never go bankrupt nor ever “run out of money”, the simple truth is this, taxes do not fund government spending. Full stop.

  5. [ 100% Anti-American ] This Is Why People HATE Mr. TRUMP. Mr. TRUMP And His Minions Think Americans Are Ignorant, Gullible People. Perhaps, He’s Correct To Some Degree. However, Mr. TRUMP Fails To Recognize MOST Americans SEE RIGHT THROUGH HIM AND THE FALSE PERSONA HE WANTS To Portray. [ The END Is Near For Mr. TRUMP ]

  6. ObamaCare was Democrat ripoff now Democrats are bent on destroying Medicare system for all retired Seniors that work there entire life paying into with there hard work and I’m sure there always better alternative for medicare besides the medicare system in Canada isn’t that great.

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