Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

The healthcare system is unsustainable; without a Medicare for All system, only the wealthiest will be able to afford decent care – Wendell Potter on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

47 thoughts on “Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

  1. The only way to sort out our government, is to take, ALL donations from business out of the system. Make lobbying outlawed. By the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE. Not business.

    • Donations are a small fraction of the problem. Huge amounts are spent on attack ads against anyone who doesn’t tow the line, and then that money simply doesn’t appear for people who do. Regulating the negative spending it more tricky, esp as people don’t tend to understand it as well as the idea of simple bribes.

  2. Non profit insurance companies??? In America they would call that communist. People helping others without making a profit is unthinkable. Capitalism is all about making huge profits and exploiting customers (and workers and the environment).

    • +reference2me

      Check scandinavian country’s were i live. Dumbass. Not everything is coimmunist !!!! Ppl like you are dumbed down americunts.

    • +reference2me How can you be so brainwashed! You agree to some of our socialist programs such as grade school, police, firefighters, parks department, etc but not healthcare?!! God forbid we take just one percent of the trillions we spend to bomb 8 countries, maintain 800+ military bases, and pay for the healthcare and college for every Israeli citizen and give our own Medicare for all! It has been proven in a study ran by Libertarian economists that Medicare for all would save us 5 million over 10 years vs our private insurance system. You won’t lose your doctors, idiot. Health should be a right as in the right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Why do you bring up Cuba as an example when every developed democratic country has a form of Medicare for all. Thank goodness, people like you are becoming the minority in the US. 80% of us want Medicare for all. How the hell would catching up with the rest of the modern world turn us into communist?

    • +dystoniaify For profit insurance companies are the problem with Healthcare…

      For profit Prisons are also a problem.

      Some things should not be 4-Profit ‼️
      Predatory capitalism.

  3. Socialism is a bad thing as long as it goes beyond the proverbial 1%.
    In capitalist states socialism works all right for the richest.

    • Its the word they fear. I don’t understand it fully. Someone told them it was bad, so for that, if the word is brought up; its war. You are right in saying only the 1% want it… for themselves.

    • Fresno Bob – corporate welfare –
      Tax breaks – incentives – bailouts (without any conditions) – SUBSIDIZES- etc etc – but hey the homeless – those in tent cities – without healthcare – on food stamps – are all bums that want socialism – hmmmmm – thinking here .

      QE’s at $80B a month – bail-out companies only to use that money to build new plants in China Mexico India – damn socialism !!!

    • +Alternate Man yep. Let me add one thing. Welfare for the poor is a good thing. It keeps them alive. The rich on Welfare, not so much.

  4. The writing is on the wall. Too many people are in favor of single-payer healthcare.

    But the oligarchs will drive the current system into the ground to try to squeeze every last bit of profit out of it.

    Honestly, at this point, citizens should just start revolting when politicians refuse to do what the majority of citizens desire.

    The government is meant for the people, not a handful of oligarchs.

    • I’ve noticed that these captured politicians no longer work in our interests. I would gladly start a revolution if I could get a few million people behind me

    • Zack Sherman, I swore an oath to “… support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic…”

      There is no time limit written within that oath.

      If the people rise up, I will fight with them.

      We veterans & service members all swear or affirm the same oath. It is our duty to fight for Constitutional rights.

    • Mark El – you may be surprised at how far you would get just by shutting down – the peaceful revolt can work well but it takes a real movement and momentum of serious minded people saying “enough is enough” and “I will not comply”

    • Alternate Man, I guess. I’m a veteran who was lied into a war. I know that our our politicians, military industrial complex & oligarchs use violence as a means to an end. I know THEY will not peacefully give up control. When push comes to shove & their grip on power is truly threatened, they will attempt to turn forces on the people.

      A peaceful solution would be great, but past experience showed me the sociopaths in charge will do ANYTHING to keep power, so I’m prepared for the worst. If there is a revolt I will fight with the people, for our Constitution.

  5. Americans hate socialism,but 99./” of them do not have a clue what socialism really is..Denmark,Norway,Sweden,Germany,Holland and many other prosperous countries are socialist countries in some way..

    • Our media and the oligarchs that own it did a really good job of demonizing socialism with their misinformation in the propaganda they produce. The other problem is these wealthy folks have worked hard to ruin public schools. Most Americans don’t even know we, like Scandinavian countries, are a mixed economy. The problem here is the oligarchs socialize their losses, privitize their gains and squeeze the rest of us for everything we’ve got

    • dystoniaify – I get you – holding on as well but not sure why – to help steer the next generation I think – if they’ll listen. Bless you.

  6. “without a Medicare for All system, only the wealthiest will be able to afford decent care”..
    it is like that now.. Obama Biden sold us out to the drug corporations and health insurance corporations..

    • Healthcare WAS affordable, ask your grandparents ‼️

      Because the 4-Profits weren’t involved…

      Proving we don’t need a govt program ~ govt needs to butt out and stop choosing winners and losers because nowadays ‘we the people’ are always the losers when govt chooses‼️

  7. Obama care is a big joke! The only one’s to who made out was the insurance companies and big pharmaceutical. Taking advantage of sick people is immoral!

    • It was the republican plan. Market based solutions can never work for necessities. There should never be a profit motive on something you need to survive.

    • Exactly. Lots of “insured” Americans are now afraid of going to see doctors due to high deductibles and costs on top of millions of Americans who are not insured. 1 out of 4 diabetes patients either reduced or stopped taking insulin because of the cost. America has humanitarian crisis not Venezuela!

    • That’s because the bought and paid for politicians in govt made the choices, and didn’t care about the PEOPLE.

  8. Republicans deregulated in 80’s and allows for profit medicine. Biggest lobbyists and friends with Reagan. Kaiser Permanente

    • Actually, Nixon started the for profit medical care we have today. He, and the 93rd Congress passed the HMO Act of 1973,

    • Please explain what you mean. I don’t understand. I do think charter schools are bad for our education system

    • A public option would continue the health insurance boondoggle. Much as vouchers for charter schools are a scam.

    • Zack Sherman – Okay, let me try. For profit charter schools select students for their schools that will pad their profits as they drain funds from the public system, while public schools must take all students regardless of special needs, behavior problems and all the rest. Likewise in the health care arena for profit insurance companies select their customers based on profit motive as they also drain funds from the public sector, leaving the sickest and most expensive customers in the public trust.  

    • +Mkl 01 yeah that sounds about right. I could imagine that private insurance companies would draim resources from the public healthcare while simultaneously only allowing healthy folks to get private insurance. We need to make it so private insurance is the smallest part of the dialogue possible. Thanks for the heads up.

  9. My favorite was one Republican during the Public Option Debate prior to ACA said, “We oppose the Public Option because American’s cherish having their choices. If they have a public option, everyone will choose the public option and Americans will loose their cherished choices. More is none , when it comes to the choice of HC.

    • The choices I want are NATURAL REMEDIES (alternative care).

      I don’t like being forced to use the American Allopathic pharmaceutical poisons all their doctors and hospitals are forced to push‼️

  10. American corporations want to control healthcare access because it guarantees slavery. It is easily worth the cost they are paying to get total control of labor.

  11. Yay! You guys got franny Fi again! I loved her on News broke. I never really watched A+j after they killed off her show.

  12. By the time people wake up, people like me will die. Bootstraps didn’t work for me ,and I have basically lost my life.

    • Rick Bishop problem is most people are too stupid to realize what’s best for them. And Fox News is in their ears telling them their taxes will go thru the roof.

  13. The Democratic Party doesn’t like true progressives and will cheat to make sure a progressive doesn’t win the nomination. Of all the progressives Bernie has the best chance of winning. Tulsi, Warren and Yang might have good Issue, but they will never win the nomination. Please work and vote for the one candidate with the best chance to win. Bernie needs 51% of the vote to clinch the nomination before the convention. Please vote Bernie in the Primary.

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