Tulsi Gabbard: I support Medicare For All and I want to tell you why

As President and Commander-in-Chief, I will end the wasteful counterproductive regime-change wars, and reinvest those trillions of dollars in the needs of the American people.

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Tulsi Gabbard: I support Medicare For All and I want to tell you why

20 thoughts on “Tulsi Gabbard: I support Medicare For All and I want to tell you why

  1. Tulsi Gabbard is the only woman who will crush the skull of the Neocon establishment. They are on their last breath. Finish them off once and for all by voting for Gabbard in 2020.

  2. Thank you, Tulsi <3 Ending anti-competitive and monopolistic industrial practices saves money whilst producing better, more affordable services for everyone so that we can all join in 🙂 xo

  3. no flip flopping like Kamala did afterwords, no medicare “buy in”, just the genuine article.. That’s what you find in #Tulsi2020

  4. Absolutely.
    We have had universal medicare in Australia for 30 years.
    It is the core social insurance that a government MUST invest.
    The health of the nation IS the health of the nation and it is the business of the nation.
    However, medical science always outstrips a nations capacity to pay for it.
    So there must be limits to what the social health insurance affords.
    Let private companies insure those who seek immortality, but let them not invade the domain of natural lifetime health.
    If your nation IS a nation, it will pool the nations risk.
    Health is the first risk.
    Education is the second risk.
    Income is the third risk.
    Above these three, let communities choose the distribution of their own pool.
    Corporations are artificial communities. They are sick and broken.
    They will pool their risk to their own dark ends until they are healed.
    But that is another subject.
    A nation is made of communities.
    Communities must endorse a nation or there is no nation.
    If there IS a Nation?
    It will serve the communities which empower it.
    Tulsi will win if USA is a nation.
    We will see.

  5. The great moral dilemma for radical centrists:

    *Losing jobs by eliminating for-profit insurance industry*
    *Losing tens of thousands of lives every year due to lack of healthcare*

    Which is worse? I’m radically moderate and “pragmatic” so I must say they are equally bad.

  6. The framing of this question was just as stupid as when an MSM host suggested that stopping the Wars would only lead to lost jobs in the manufacturing industry. Sigh. So stupid, and as usual, Tulsi, you handled it brilliantly.

  7. Medicare for all, sans the HMO’s already installed in Medicare, including Pharmacy HMO contractors.
    Single payer. Jettison Health Care Insurance and HMO industries, just more bloodsuckers. Vision and
    dental should be covered as well. Cuba has medical system at small fraction of the cost, and with far
    better health of population.

    A kid was asked on some show what he wanted to be in life? He said a doctor.
    Then the host asked him why did he want to be a doctor. He said because he wanted to be rich! Out of
    the mouth of babes. Am doctors, far too many, see healthcare as a private interest of the doctor class.
    As lawyers see the Law and Justice as private interests of the lawyer class. So much for American values.

  8. Common sense and genuineness. We need more people with this strong of character in politics. Thank you for your service and perseverance ma’am.

  9. I’m not USA citizen’s but Tulsi American And free world’s need president like u @ we All need peace &prosperity,Development

  10. My problem with this is experience has taught us government is incapable of doing anything beneficial because of big business influence…what we need are term limits to curb the career politicians…then we can get rid of the lobbyists

  11. “Focusing on preventive healthcare, and trying to make it so that less people are getting sick in the first place is a great investment we can make in this country. I believe that we have to come at this from a comprehensive approach, a holistic approach, as we look to bring down the cost of healthcare, and make sure that everyone who needs that care, who wants that care, can access it.” Wow! Wiser words were never spoken, and such elegantly! Truly impressive. Tulsi is the future!

  12. People need to quit allowing any & All pundits to shove ,  the
    candidates of their choice ,  down our throats , people have to learn
    to think for themselves , learn to follow a candidate and listen to
    them speak and learn what their policies are until we do ,  they will
    continue to choose for us !  Tulsi 2020 Because I know What She
    Stands For !

  13. America’s worst enemies are in Washington and the MSN

  14. President Maj. Tulsi Gabbard-Commander in Chief
    Lets make it happen!
    Clearly there is no one more qualified
    Anyone should be able to see that.
    Tulsi 2020 and 2024!
    Look to the future!

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