Trump’s Budget Devastates Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security

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Trump's Budget Devastates Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security

48 thoughts on “Trump’s Budget Devastates Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security

  1. I can see foreign aid but not the rest of it. The military packages is not going to go to the men & women in their services, but to the companies that supply the military hardware

  2. Remember when he used to claim that he was the only Republican that wouldn’t cut these programs? Well, to all of those on these programs that wanted to take a chance with him, he just screwed you over.

    • Jesse Torres, the people didn’t vote for him, in fact he lost by a lot, it was the 306 traitors to democracy, from the most anti democratic system in the world(except for communism that is)!.!.!.!

    • +dianne No problem, I should have been more clear. The cartoons are the ones I made for kids when YT first started up.Because of my adolescent humour some people think I am a kid on the net.

    • +ETericET Thanks, got it. Adolescent humor is the funniest. It will keep you young at heart. Look at the American Pie movies as well as Harold and Kumar. Those movies never get old. Peace !

  3. Let them make these cuts. Because the majority of his base is dependent on these programs as well and they seem quite eager to die, let’s go ahead and help them. Then, there’ll be no one left to keep electing these pr^^ks.

    • +Uhlersoth77 Hey, I get where you’re coming from. Unfortunately, his supporters don’t care. If anything, your suffering, my own suffering, and, I’d argue, their own suffering as well – it’s all a fetish for them, and that goes double, triple, exponentially more for this administration and their donors/enablers.

      As things stand, what would really hurt the rest of us (and yes, I’m including you and me here) is the Medicaid cuts, and I didn’t need your story as evidence, though it is not unwelcome as such. Yes, Medicare and Social Security factor in too, but those are cordoned off predominantly by age. The fact is that his base is generally older, with the largest group coming from the age range that Medicare and Social Security is for (and this includes my parents; they are adamant Trump supporters despite utilizing these programs themselves), and that they schizophrenicly want these very programs that they tend to depend on gone makes it extremely difficult to give a s^^t about them. They want to go down with the ship, let them. The rest of us will get in the lifeboats – where there are emergency supplies – and head for shore.

      So yeah, this is a VERY cynical view on my part, and I don’t blame you at all for taking offense to it. In my heart though, despite being so heavily jaded, I still want his and their efforts to fail.

    • +David Richardson It’s okay. I wasn’t much offended, but I am living on the edge of despair. and I suppose reading it was disheartening. Though you’re not wrong. The ones most likely to support the cuts are also most likely to call someone like myself a “parasite”, and callously ignore the human costs. The rest are too ignorant on the subject or indifferent to consider the ramifications, large and small. The only bright side I can see is that, for the time being, my thoughts of giving up on life have given way to a righteous anger. It makes me want to fight for a better future. I deserve a chance to get my conditions under control, and re-enter the world as a productive member of society. And I want to not only fight for myself, but for the countless others like me. We deserve hope.

    • Uhlersoth 77 : The republican philosophy is “such is life”. Recently Ivanka stated that during these last 4 years traveling across the nation she has seen that americans don’t want to be given anything, they want to work and earn their salary. We want to try to take the opportunity to advance in our jobs… I guess we don’t want to retire. We just want to die and go to heaven.

    • +Uhlersoth77 First know that you will be in my prayers from this moment on ! <3 ...Stay angry and take that anger and use it for good ! Whoever the candidate of your choice may be, find a way to help, maybe by volunteering, there is always something you can do.We have to vote these damn republicans out of office in 2020 or they will set this country back 100 years. They will steam roll right over us ! They are doing it already.
      I know how you feel about your cats. I have pets, I totally understand, they need us. We are their guardians in this world. Fight for them if not for yourself. Peace, Light and Love. >:D<

  4. The only people that didn’t see this coming was with people who didn’t have a clue about Donald Trump and all these so-called tax breaks (corporate welfare) for the wealthy with no way to pay for it. Except to make up for it by taking it from the poor and the middle class Plus the social safety nets. He has pissed on you and told you that it was rain and you believed him if you still support this clown and are on Social Security who rely on Medicare for Healthcare!!

    • Martha Kaczmarczyk The USA has never been a Christian country. And it wasn’t supposed to be. Religious freedom is in the Constitution but our politicians have their hypocrisy behind the Bible. Injustices have been made into policies and enforced in the “name of the Lord”.

    • Martha Kaczmarczyk there is nothing Christian about USA lol . These yanks think they are Christian just because they celeberate fake holiday called Christmas lol . Last time i checked in the bible Capitalism is totally the opposite of the bible stand for and you yank live with that evil system .

  5. I have no idea, aside from racism, why anybody would support this clown. Trump is literally stealing from his supporters and telling them to like it.

    • ChimeraBlitz007 you get what you deserve. shood have given him his wall so you can put him in front of it and shoot the fool!!!

  6. Donald Trump needs to find money for Corporations and Oligarchs and the working class is the obvious choice to steal from!

  7. Trump came up as part of the New York Mob. It is only to be expected that his administration would behave like gangsters, both domestically and internationally.

    • +Toni Sumblin I used to work for a man who was of the same psychological type as Donald Trump. Absolutely nothing he has done has surprised me in the slightest. Some things I have really sort of anticipated him doing. Just from experience. I have tried to warn people, I’ve about given up doing so. “You do not realize what danger this lunatic poses to the whole planet. He is quiet capable of getting pissed off at some offhand remark by let’s say the leader of China and unleashing full scale nuclear war with no thought given to the consequences.” Something like that. Of course I get accused of being the crazy one. Such an individual has no sense of proportion, is incapable of controlling their emotions, and lashes out blindly and randomly when enraged. And Oh Yes! There is one more thing. Such an individual is convinced of their own perfection and demands worship like some kind of divine being. Born into a privileged position in society they believe they are there because they are superior beings to those beneath them in social standing. Sound familiar.

  8. Do POS Trump not understand that these three programs have their own taxes that WE all pay into? By cutting their budget he is literally stealing money from us. Wow, guess that where he is getting some of that 8.6 billion for his useless wall. Funny how he cry that it only 5.6, now it is 8.6. Funny that I did not know that Mexico pay into these programs. What a POS. That trash Trump is.

    • +Toni Sumblin Trump is just the symptom of the problem, its not going to be that easy. Americans are screwed at this point unless you have wealth and power and can live in your ivory towers. edit: We need a real bloody revolution, burn everything to the ground, and maybe start over if there is anything left.

    • +Toni Sumblin Getting rid of Trump would be like putting a Band-Aid on a injury that stitches. History has shown that the US will just pull itself out of things on its own leisure. The only way to save it would be to mass purge the government. And supreme court. I think the main reason they try to keep a 2 party system is to keep the gridlock and play the blame game with the other party to get out of doing any major projects.

  9. Democrats better get their ads in gear and get that sob OUT!!!HOW MUCH DID THE TAX BREAK FOR HIS ELITE BUDDIES COST??!!!!

  10. Those ‘Gifts’ to the Military…..
    Will NOT be going to our Soldiers, but to the Independent Contractors and the Failed F-35 Repairs!!!!

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