83 thoughts on “This Doctor Just RIPPED Ocasio-Cortez’s Medicare for all to SHREDS

  1. It’s not the Government’s job to decide our healthcare needs for us, that is a private and personal decision, and is none of their concern or business.

    • +James Cordes And why do you think there needs to be a “free market” in Health care? Presently the “free market” is killing 45000 People every year in America and making another 500000 og bankrupt. I really cannot see how this is a good thing. Except, of course, for the Insurance Companies. They rake in the profits. Meanwhile People are dying.
      I am curious, what “great stuff” is it that the US provides for us in Scandinavia? You are not an important trade partner.

    • comingviking free market creates competition which creates variety. All that variation lowers cost across the board. As anything becomes more available it becomes cheaper.

      As for the things the U.S. provided. Most medical advances come from the U.S. also those Scandinavian countries have no need for military spending as they use the U.S. as their defense.

    • Randy Woodworth Why do you think they want Medicare for all! Facebook Google and NSA is still not spying on all of us as millions of people are not on the internet and do not use smart phones. Medicare for all will have the government having access to our medical records! And watch if they ever get this passed you will be forced to have a once a year physical and blood test!

    • +Gwenhwyfar Rising And then they will finally know Your BMI and serum cholesterol, and will finally be able to take over the world. Oh, the horror. You’d rather die, right?

    • comingviking I am a Life Path Healer! I know how to heal myself and teach others to do the same. There have been plenty of ways to heal yourself for centuries before the American Medical Association took over with their big money to Congress and big advertising. You are responsible for your own health not the government or a doctor who only sees you for fifteen minutes once or twice a year. Pharmaceutical companies make major money by advertising during prime time shows which should not be allowed just like cigarette adds are not allowed. My twin sister was my dad’s favorite out of seven children in the family. So every time she would sneeze she would be rushed to a doctor. She would come home being sicker and more stressed out over the experience. This made me fear doctors. Besides being pregnant four times I only went to doctors three other times in my life. In 2001 one I was very sick and went to doctors who could not find anything wrong despite my skin turning yellow and me not being able to walk very far at all. Most of the time I was flat on my back in bed. Then a friend told me to go to a Healer. I never went to a doctor again until 2015 when I was in a car accident. I believe Doctors are needed for pregnancy and emergency situations such as traumatic accidents. But your will to live is what keeps a person healthy! Your mind runs your body, your body does not run your mind! The Democrats want to control our bodies and our minds! This is why both vegans and meat eaters can live to be 90 or 100.

  2. The US government controls the VA medical care. If that is the model for single payer in this country then the only winners will be the lawmakers whom are cared for by their own private healthcare system. ( not the same as the peasants)

    • I know most people who criticize the VA have never really actually used it and I also know that the VA has had its share of problems in the past. However, once I became 100% disabled and was unable to work (I also lost my private insurance through work) I have used the VA exclusively for my medicals needs and I have nothing but good things to say about the VA. I recently used a private hospital emergency room and the VA paid the entire $8K bill. I also enjoy no co-pays and can order my prescription refills online that come by mail within days. I usually get same day or next day appointments for my VA PCP and if I have specialized needs that take longer than 30 days to get an appointment I can go to any private doctor at no cost to me on the VA Choice Program.

    • orphanof CROM they wont offer it in your city or village- you’ll be considered rural. You’ll have to travel hours and then be put on the waiting lists..in the cities; socialized medicine is horrible!!! My 2 friends died because of waiting in socialized medicine after a stage 3 cancer diagnosis. You people have no idea how awful it is. Yes people in Europe and Canada and uk have it worse by far!!!! We’ve lived in all those countries under there socialized meds and lived in the USA. Usa is so much better. The masses are so dumb. Wake up idiots. Canadians come down to the USA for treatment…duh..inexperienced fools. Its a power grab that’s it and a money maker for the elites…

    • Dave B It all depends on what state you live in and what VA facility you go to. I was a care giver for twenty years and I have seen first hand the differences between VA facilities.

    • +Bob Hildebrand Me too. I am grateful to have universal healthcare where I am not told what to do. Nor do I have an insurance company telling what I am covered for, or requiring me to see their approved provider.

      There are a number of countries where there is greater human freedom than the US and universal healthcare. Quite a few Americans I’ve met really struggle to get their heads around that.

    • +Jannett Snow you can’t honestly believe that! If you do, you belong no where in this debate. Left is fighting every day to give our rights away and control to the government under the guise of ‘helping the people’.
      Do you want to lose your rights?
      There are plenty of other governments out there in which that kind of control exists… you are welcome to it.

    • +Sir Chan Did you listen to what this Dr. is saying? And a conservative you are not, just a socialist trying to fool people who know better.

    • +Ron Weiss My being Conservative does not mean I don’t support universal health care. I am dont march to the same drum beat.
      I have lived in Canada its great for what one pays for every day care. The Pay scales are lower for anyone in the medical profession about 40-50% less true for the UK as well. But for non emergency procedure from MRI to Surgery One must put up with Big Wait times. Its all about cost! Medicine is Big Business in the US Ripping the customer.

    • +Ron Weiss I am a conservative and I dont march to the same drum beat! I have lived in Canada its great for what one pays for every day care. The Pay scales are lower for the anyone in the medical profession about 40-50% less true for the UK as well. But for non emergency procedure from MRI to Surgery One must put up with Big Wait times. Its all about cost! Medicine is Big Business in the US ripping the customer!

    • +David Williamson The people backing the actor AOC are con artist leftist that is. She is an actor answering a casting call position. The evil ones are TYT backed by Soros who backs the TYT. Social Justice democrat group.

  3. When the Government creates a Healthcare System that they exempt themselves from…that should tell you it is crap!

    • +Wanda Roderick Not really…. in the UK they have a system in place where the politicians and wealthy people can buy private insurance but everyone else has the same plan. They dont want crap insurance for themselves so they will find a way to do that here too. The people with private insurance have shorter wait times and more treatment options available to them. It’s just another thing that will add to the ever growing division of the classes.

    • +comingviking equality of opportunity is righteous and produces the best outcomes. Socialism is the most extreme income inequality … oligarchs and leaders make all the money and decisions… everyone is poor. Most people have no opportunity to end their suffering under socialist control. Welfare state, victimhood is clearly, time and time again the worst model for humanity.

  4. Medicare already denies claims by the hundreds of thousands for it’s beneficiaries as it is. Unless a person has a HIGH coverage supplemental insurance (which costs anywhere between $150-$400/month on top of Medicare premiums), they will have huge medical costs. Its already on the verge of breaking entirely. And yes, I’m sure. I work for Medicare and see it every single day.

    • Jewels: Those who are incapable of thinking for themselves imagine that Medicare is Free. Count the Medicare premiums along with the cost of supplemental insurance in order to keep seniors from losing their homes and it takes half their retirement income just to navigate the health system. They really think Medicare is free.

    • Kem Stewart: The socialistic mindset is in place, as the believers imagine free housing, free food, free education, and free healthcare. The producers of wealth will just disappear and let the masses wallow in the poverty they created by their quest for “free stuff.” As farmers we sweat 7 days a week to produce food for some who are just lazy feeders who open their mouths and shove the food in and breed more just like themselves. We too will get tired of feeding them.

    • You know that the definition of Government is someone else decide for you. The President choose for you, because people in some fields cannot decide for themselves. The Road you use, the Police that guards you, and everything public is something that people forced on you. If you are against a mix of socialism and capitalism, you are for a medieval status, where everyone pay for themselves making the world so damn inefficient.

    • You can argue that there is either too much or too little government… This current system is a disaster compared to free market or universal healthcare

    • +Angoche Island so you propose to provide health coverage to all Illegal aliens? In a time when democrats even want to eliminate ICE and border all together? I anticipate US will become a fourth world country within one year due to civil war, when this happens.

    • Bass 167: Exactly. Look at Florida: Free insulin, • Must be a resident of Florida. “An illegal alien living in Florida with the intent to remain meets the residency requirement for Insulin Distribution Program.” Imagine, that, an illegal intending to remain!!!! That’s in Hillsborough County.

    • Tim Shaw illegal people aren’t “guests”. Someone broke into your home and is living off your food and giving you nothing back in return.

      “Guest” or legal immigrants and others trying to get citizenship actually give back to the U.S. in most cases. They come here actually trying to have a better life and work for it.

    • John Stafford Thank god
      RYAN is gone MN fucking socialist
      I worked 40 years,
      I covered the generation
      before me
      I’m still paying $135.50
      monthly PLUS other
      ER, procedures

  5. Thank you for supporting seniors to have Medicare. We worked all of our lives to build this country. Keep it for seniors.

    • Savage Nation is full of lunatic psychopaths, this lady is totally iies like Hell. Ryan is also totally lier medical Care is not going bankruptcy.He is Jerk!?

    • +Robert Covarrubias I’m just curious can you provide any documentation proving that these people are lying about Medicare? Instead of just stating something can you show us documentation that proves Medicare is not going bankrupt?

    • Check out Epoch Times, Declassified video 9/3/2018
      ” Communism is Satanic by Nature ” it backs up your statement

    • Nationalism is talking of taking away Medicaid and Medicare. If not for Medicare my Cancer surgery nor my treatment would have been paid on, Is Social Security disability Next?

    • +Donnie if you read behind the bullet points that trigger an emotional response it was more about lowering the price of drugs & eliminating abuse and fraud within the system, so research it more, Trump is the present day President some things I agree with him but not all and if the Republic is to stay intact we need to improve upon that not replace it with a proven system that brings desolation, death and oppression in a magnitude that is inhuman and Socialism /Communism already has a proven track record to do just that so rather forego lights out on our Constitution

    • +cheezyridr PS I have taken a PhD class in statistical design. You can’t say that Canada’s medicine is worse than the US’s because of your bad experiences… You can only make inferences on the certain hospitals you went to. You would need a decent number of randomly sampled hospitals in the US and also in Canada and then see some score on how well the hospital treated various illnesses. I am far from convinced from 1 or 2 stories that the WHOLE US medicine is better than the WHOLE Canada medicine. If you tried to use your stories as evidence to a statistician, they’d call total bullshit

    • +stewiegriffinfan18 well, then you should be very familiar with how to do competent research. you should do some, and see if your opinion remains the same.

    • +stewiegriffinfan18 it was my premium from the insurance i had through my job at a very small, (9 employees) company that hadn’t even been in business 4 years

    • +stewiegriffinfan18 Unfortunately, by paying for it, the govt WILL be in charge of your healthcare….and when to pull the plug like they did in England.

    • +stewiegriffinfan18 first of all you aren’t listening like so many of you. All social entitlements are sustained by taxation of some sort. It’s just the same as a ponzi scheme. You have to keep robbing peter to pay Paul. If the riches people get over taxed they leave. Then it becomes the house of cards because there is less investment into new jobs because the went off shore. The middle class gets hammered and sustained job and wages go stagnant and drop. Infrastructure crumbles and we all fall down.

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