Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid!

All of this really affects all of us! I am so very grateful that I seem to always be able to manage all of these things in my life!

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid!

31 thoughts on “Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid!

  1. Debrajoy, my disabled daughter also got a letter from SS (she’d on SSDI) saying they were no longer paying Medicare Part B and so that amount (to pay for it) is being taken out of her monthly check. In her case the amount was about $200. I am retired and my SS is being lowered as well because of Medicare part B costing more. So something is going on probably for all of us. For some folks the “being frugal” only goes so far. If my daughter didn’t have the family to lean on (she is 40 years old) she would be up the creak. I don’t see why the rich are just getting richer at the expense of the less fortunate people. There’s no way someone who is living on the edge can really be prepared to lose more from their only income. If anyone has an accident or needs a car repair or anything that is absolutely necessary, they are going to find themselves in a really impossible situation. Your viewers are all rooting for you and we know that you do very well with what you have, never get things you don’t need and on top of that help others when you can. God bless you and keep you. Isn’t Hazel looking comfy there on the front seat. God bless her too. Take care.

  2. Debrajoy, this just does not sound right. When my husband had been on disability for two years, he automatically was put on Medicaid. He did not have to qualify for it. He did not go on Medicare until he was 65. You also need to be careful. Trying too hard to be honest can end up costing you more than it should. If you are going to claim your AdSense income, you probably should have deducted all sorts of business expenses first. I doubt you would even show a profit. Surely some crackerjack You Tube creators who know the ropes can advise you.

    • Hither’n’Yon I agree. Debra Joy… You really do need to keep an expense record. This isn’t cheating… it’s business! You are reporting gross income… but you need to show the cost you pay in order to get that income … Cameras… software…. laptop… mailbox fee… lighting … travel costs if you make any trips specific to making videos like going to the RTR.

  3. We all have  money woes. You are very blessed to have a roof over your head. Thanks for telling us about your Social Security trials, I am on SSI and partially blind, they give me $650.00 dollars a month and I am 62 in January 2018. I am on Medicaid and I cannot get Medicare yet. Yes you are right if your income is not reported within 10 days of an increase, they may stop your benefits. I send my bank statements to Social Security along with my income and expense report,

  4. I just got a letter from Social Security that they were charging me $150 a month again from my Medicare. They are taking $300 from Octobers check which leaves me less than $900. I am still freaking out. My ex paid $50 extra to his back child support payment for 1 month so they are charging me $500. I am so upset.

  5. $50 – $793
    $595 – $9.5K
    ESTIMATED YEARLY EARNINGS From Youtube with a B- rating not to shabby………..

  6. Sweetie i’m just glad my lawyers helped me with Social Security and got me the maximum… Just never expected to retire so young. You are right though about preparing yourself when it comes to retirement cause Social Security is simply not enough…it helps yes but with rent up so high around us in Southern Cali? Have a nice day dear 🙂 Hi Miss Hazel!

  7. Thank you for sharing info about SS and Medicaid issues. Makes me appreciate out system here in Canada. We have Old Age Pension (set amount) and Social Insurance (set amount) pay income tax on it. Our health care is subsidized or low monthly fee in some provinces. Must be very challenging to not have stable income to count on. Aging is difficult enough without worrying about money. Cheers to you and all. Correction: not social insurance-Canada Pension Plan, contributions by employee/employer and amount determined by amount of earnings and number of years worked. So it does increase by a small amount but not every year! Dee

  8. Hi. The $400 is ONLY for Octobers check! In november they will only be taking out one months medicare payment. in oct. they are recouping Sept.s and Oct. In Nov. they willonly be taking Nov.

  9. You can make it but you can also appeal it and at least ask them to spread that $400 over several months.

    Call them and ask them. Can’t hurt. Social security and Medi-CAL have done that to me. It sickens me that they can take us (who are already way below. Southern California poverty level) and mess with our income. And they send so many notices, nobody can figure out what the hail they are doing or why. It’s crazy.

  10. Hi Debra, I haven’t commented for a while, but I wanted to for this video. I want to thank you for all the information you give us. My husband and I are close to retirement and I am scared to death. Especially when they talk about reducing Social Security in the future by 25% because of lack of money. Also, they talk about how the cost of living will continue to go up. It seems you can be frugal and save, but emergencies rob the account constantly and it is hard to build the account back up again. I too try to be good with my money, but sometimes I have to treat myself to something that is not in the budget. Thanks again, the information you give us is not falling on deaf ears. Hugz

  11. Would you be able to stop your phone from notifying you of an incoming message while you are filming? We hear it on the vidoe. Enjoy your video blogs very much.

  12. The rest of the world truly does not understand why America does not have universal health care. We just don’t get it. Support your politicians and law makers who would have you join the rest of the “developed” world and have health care. Not only should none go broke because they get sick or grow older, health care should not be a profit making business. Nobody should be getting rich because other people are getting sick. Revolt!

  13. Debrajoy, Did you appeal? It doesn’t cost anything and it is your right! You are such a sweet lady and it is obvious Jesus loves you and is looking out for you, love your attitude!  D

  14. If you are earning income from YT it means you are self employed. You should be filling out Schedule C on your tax return which allows for the deduction of all your business related expenses. Do yourself a favor and talk to a tax accountant. California has the expanded Medicaid under Obamacare. You should have all your medical care covered.

  15. It is so hard dealing with the government, especially when we worked so hard to pay into it for when we are “suppose” to enjoy our “retirement” years. On your Subs,,, You just did a good weeding! Your “true” subs have stayed with you, and I have no doubt you will get many more. 🙂 Blessings!

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