Republicans Push Obamacare Repeal By Attacking Medicare For All

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Republicans Push Obamacare Repeal By Attacking Medicare For All

41 thoughts on “Republicans Push Obamacare Repeal By Attacking Medicare For All

  1. a sick joke by the Republicans…..wanna hear the punchline…?……they line corporate America’s pockets with billions of $$$$$$……that YOU pay for with higher premiums…and less coverage.

  2. Oh, they wanna talk about a burden on American taxpayers? How about the billions of taxpayer’s dollars going towards endless war and weapons to places like Saudi Arabia? The _military industrial complex_ and the _corporations/elite_ with their fucking tax havens are the *real burden* on taxpayers. This garbage is infuriating and it’s even worse to know that there are plenty of people out there that will ignorantly/blindly support things like this attack on single payer that are against their own better interests.

  3. My husband was in the military, so we were under a socialist system of healthcare for a few years. The longest I ever had to wait at the hospital was 30 mins, and if you had been waiting more than 15 mins past a regular appointment they would find another doctor to see you immediately. The quality of care was also great. The month long wait for a surgery was the worst thing I experienced, but it wasn’t an immediate emergency. Filling prescriptions was also easier because it could be done the minute you left the patient rooms and the wait for that was also minimal (about 10 mins despite there always being several dozen people there). After going through it all, I can’t find any legitimate complaints or reasons that a system like that shouldn’t be implemented nationwide. The federal government can indeed run things well and efficiently if they want to put the time, energy, and money into it. Medicare for all certainly would help a lot of people.

  4. As a Canadian I’d like to see less American corporations coming into my country and setting up shop and receiving Government subsidies while Canadian owned small business suffers. You guys don’t see how the American government has it’s footprint in every countries economy while the ppl in said country suffers

  5. Guys think about this. America covers about 300 million and doesn’t cover like 30 million. Very rough numbers but hear me out. So we have to pay for an extra 30 million. But the other fucking 300 million THEY CUT OUT THE PRICE GOUGING AND HAVE NO MIDDLE MEN TO TAKE MONEY. Of course it’s going to be cheaper.

  6. I live in Canada. Now… the Canadian healthcare system is in a state of… well, lets just say, we got some issues we need to figure out lol. But frankly, many of us look at the US system and cringe. By in large, Canadians love having universal healthcare, even if we also accept that our particular system has its issues.
    But Universal healthcare itself, well tend to really like it up here. Not many of us would approve of a switch to a private system.

    • How much does it cost to get treatment for strep throat? In the US It is 200 bucks or more. Plus what do you pay for the meds?

    • thatsnotagoodidea i went to the hospital without insuramce with a really bad sore throat that had swolen so badly it nearly closed my throat completely. I now have a bill for over 5,000$ when i spent about 2 hours in the hospital.

    • Can’t speak for Canada but here in Scotland my doctors appointment = zero and my meds would = zero. The tax rate on wages is, As an employee: You pay National Insurance contributions if you earn more than £157 a week. You pay is 12% of your earnings above this limit and up to £866 a week (for 2017-18). The rate drops to 2% of your earnings over £866 a week.

  7. Cut the insane military spending, get out of pointless wars, tax religions/churches, and legalize, tax and regulate marijuana. How fucking dumb and shitty can you be to claim we can’t afford to be well?

    • cutting the current military budget by 10% (it will still be the biggest millitary budget in the world and still be more than all the allies combined) yet you would have the money to fund free medical care for the entire country for decades…

    • Congratulations, @Gumer! You’ve just lost the debate by stating something that EVERYONE WANTS, and called it a joke! You should not use ad hominen attacks to make your point. If you can’t make a smart decision, maybe you should go back to school, and learn something.

  8. I’m from Denmark, and boy do I have something for you guys to hear: there are seriously people in Denmark who think we should privatise healthcare.
    I have no idea how they can be that stupid or egocentric.

    • Gumer Zambrano You don’t get a better healthcare system than the single payer healthcare, it is of course just the usual libertarian bullshit about the divinity of the free market and that the free market can solve all problem.
      They just kind of don’t understand the negative aspects of a totally free market, the negative externalities.

    • yea but thats mostly some right wing politics right there.. Venstre LA and other parties cut the budget from the public healthcare system and then turns right around complaining about how ineffective that the system is and we should privatize…

  9. Remember back in the 80’s – early 2k when the typical idiotic so called self-relying American agreed with Limpball that socialism is bad? Its 2017, the greedy US CEO’s have pushed all good paying jobs to China. Now those fucktards find themselves working at Walmart and all of sudden, socialism doesn’ sound so bad after all!

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