MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: Medicare For All Is Socialism

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: Medicare For All Is Socialism (September 22, 2017)

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: Medicare For All Is Socialism

3 thoughts on “MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: Medicare For All Is Socialism

  1. How do we pay for wars? 700 BILLION increase that w as just voted in by both dems and Rs??? How does every SINGLE OTHER industrialized country do it?  We are lemmings and fall for this bullshit.  Joe, lets not be an outlier and join the rest of the world with #singlepayer

  2. For God’s sake, if you pay your taxes for those who keep you safe (i.e. police), what logic prevents you to pay taxes for those who save your lifes? It’s much cheeper than to go bunkropt if you or someone in your family gets ill. And to tell people that it does not work is like telling them that the grass is not green. Many countries have had it for decades now. US is not the only country on Earth! Look around you!

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