If your Medicare Advantage plan terminates your doctor's contract, can you change plans? Does it create a Special Election period if your doctor leaves an Advantage plan? No, sadly this is an all-too-common scenior for doctors and hospitals, but it does not offer an opportunity to immediately change plans.
The latest news story on this happening is here:
We are independent Medicare insurance brokers that offer free advice on plans based on listening, first, to our client's needs. If you would like a second opinion, you can call us 24 hours a day at 1-800-729-9590.
Medicare Advantage Dropped my Doctor
Special Election Plans for Medicare Advantage
Can I change plans when my doctor leaves?
Have questions about the best possible Medicare plan for you? It does not cost anything to get a second opinion. 1-800-729-9590 or visit online at https://SeniorSavingsNetwork.org