Is Medigap Plan G Better than Plan F ( Medicare Plan F vs Plan G)

Is Medigap Plan G Better than Plan F? We get this question all the time.

Plan F and Plan G are the two most comprehensive Medigap plans available for purchase. There is only one difference between them and that's that Plan G does not cover the Part B deductible.
In 2018, the Part B deductible is $183. In 2019, it will go up to $185.

So if you enroll in Plan G, you will first satisfy the Part B deductible. After that, Medigap Plan G will function just like Plan F for the rest of the calendar year.

Premiums for Plan G are often lower than Plan F, so if the annual savings is more than what you will pay back out on the Part B deductible, then it's well worth it to choose Plan G over Plan F.

Also, beginning in 2020, Plan F will no longer be available for new enrollees. Plan F is being discontinued for those new enrollees on January 1st, 2020. People who are eligible for Medicare before that date, however, will continue to be able to buy Plan F.

Some have speculated that this will make Plan F rates go up faster after 2020. While this is quite possible, we won't know for sure until then.

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Is Medigap Plan G Better Than Plan F (Medicare Plan F vs Plan G)

23 thoughts on “Is Medigap Plan G Better than Plan F ( Medicare Plan F vs Plan G)

  1. I love Medicare, i have a lot of their products, ultrasound, a tension machine, EVERYTHING THEY MAKE is Gold! Thanks for the vid

    • Hi Lana, if you have a family member making Medicare decisions right now, be sure to check out our other video on Medicare Parts Explained. It will help you pull together the basics.

  2. Awesome video – the way comparison between Plan G and Plan F has done is really very impressive. Thanks for such an informative video indeed.

  3. Fantastic and informative review and video on medigap plan.This is highly helpful to all to understand this useful information.Thanks for sharing.

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  5. Thanks for this advice, if you think about a future you need to think about medicare, so you need to pay a little bit more for better medicare.

  6. Firs time I know about Plan f and Plan g in Medicare, it’s so good to know about this, I like the way you compare 2 plans, it’s easy to understand, and your review is very detailed, careful. I think this is very helpful for many people including me. Thanks a lot for sharing!

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