Is a $100K/Yr Medicare only PT/OT Private Practice Possible?

Regardless of being a brick and mortar clinic or Mobile only, starting a $100K/yr Medicare only private practice isn't as intimidating if you break the numbers down. At an average of $100 per visit a provider would need to treat 20 visits a week in a 50 week year. (Two weeks for vacation.) That would translate into 7 active patients on a caseload coming 3 days a week or 10 active patients if you assume some patients will have a tapering plan of care.

If you are treating 20-visits a week you could choose to outsource your billing and collections at a rate of 5-8% or $5,000 to $10,000 per year. I have videos on the Pros and Cons of outsourcing your billing/collections on this channel.

From a marketing perspective you would been looking for a system that brings 2-3 new patients a week into your business as you discharge 2-3 patients a week.

Remember, these numbers are absent any self pay services, upsells, or additional revenue streams.

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Zero to Paid – Learn Medicare Billing Online Course:

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✔️ If you are interested in learning more about billing Medicare check-out our website at

✔️ And if you just want to learn more about me 😀 check-out my Facebook profile at

If you would like to mail me:
Total Therapy Solutions
5900 Long Meadow Dr
Middletown, OH 45005

Is a $100K/Yr Medicare only PT/OT Private Practice Possible?

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