Hospice – An Evil Racket Paid for by Medicare

The Alt Cancer Cure that withstood Decades of Medical Scrutiny

See also:A Concentration Camp Located in Mississippi

Hospice – An Evil Racket Paid for by Medicare.
With almost 90% of revenue coming from government medicare, the enterprises that manage hospice facilities have been growing larger & larger and becoming more profitable at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer and to the detriment of the patients that are under their care. There exists a major financial incentive to bring in as many patients as possible into the system and to keep them there as long as possible. The institutions that manage hospice have a guaranteed source of revenue from the government via medicare, so they will market heavily to doctors to bring in as many new patients as possible. It take two doctors to sign off that a person be sent to hospice and often these doctors do not actually see the patient but rather review only the paper medical records. The financial incentive to bring in more and more patients into the hospice system is so great that often, after a very long extended stay, a "terminally-ill" patient will be released because it has become very evident after several years that the patient will not die after-all. And this determination that a person will live come about without attempts to cure the disease or life-threatening ailment, since hospice care is about comfort and pain-management versus treating disease. Some hospice institutions are having as high as a 78% rate of patients that left hospice alive (in Mobile, Alabama). Extended stays are very profitable for the entities that run hospice case, since there are far more costs associated with patients when they first come in and also if they die. To keep a patient inside the hospice facility only requires the judgement of a doctor that is employed by the hospice facility. So it is quite obvious how there could be a tendency to keep patients there unnecessarily. The real solution for these socialists, who profit at taxpayer expense, is to give them a full dose of their own medicine.
The overall situation is best summed up as extreme elderly abuse by large corporations whose revenue is 90% supplied by the U.S. government at taxpayer expense.

Hospice – An Evil Racket Paid for by Medicare

28 thoughts on “Hospice – An Evil Racket Paid for by Medicare

  1. Are there any countries using the Lakowsky energy system for health or is the arm of the American medical establishment have a head lock on all medical centers around the world?

  2. Since 2010 they talked about putting my mom in Hospice. Let them in end of last month and my mom went downhill after I listen to them about giving my mom morphine. I kicked them out.

    • *Update* My mom past away on December 2nd. From bedsores from the morphine and waiting to get her to Advance wound care. She died right down the hall from Advance wound care in Hospital.

    • I’m sorry for your loss. I’m taking care of my grandmother who has Alzheimers. I’m starting to wonder about hospice’s intentions since I mentioned I wanted to take my grandmother to the emergency room and be examined by a doctor if she was having the flu or something. They told me if I did that they would remove her from hospice. I feel it is my responsibility as a caregiver to give her every opportunity to survive as long as possible and not neglect her health needs. Maybe I’m wrong about this I don’t know. Something is wrong if I must watch my grandmother die from something preventable and not provide her with the help she needs?

  3. In hospices’ defense, we have criteria for admittance. A patient must have a terminal diagnosis and meet Medicare criteria to qualify. THEIR criteria.  For example:If a patient can put more than 6 words together in a day, they don’t qualify for hospice for Alzheimers. If a patient can walk across the floor with just a cane, they don’t qualify for hospice for Parkinsons.
     We look hard at our recommended patients to qualify them. Not because of the money, but how can we help??? It is difficult to get an MD to recommend hospice. They are geared toward saving, and many doctors look at hospice as giving up on their patient.

    The first admission criteria qualifies a patient for 3 months. After that, we as hands-on nurses and MDs must demonstrate decline in the patient to keep them hospice qualified. In other words, if you are getting better, you are no longer hospice appropriate, and you will be discharged. Hospices get a 1-time payment from Medicare for each admitted patient. All costs for that patient come from that 1-time payment. We cover skilled nursing care, home health aides, chaplain services, social workers, volunteers, durable medical equipment such as beds, oxygen… many other services up to music therapy!  That payment is only once per PERSON, not per admission. So, lets say your loved one gets admitted to hospice. They stabilize, 3 months later are not appropriate and discharged. Good for them!… 6 months down the road, they take a turn for the worse, reapply for hospice and get readmitted. The company does not get another lump-sum payment from Medicare. It already happened. We will take care of that patient in the same manner no matter what. I personally have a patient who is on service for their 3rd time. and the services are the same as if it were their first.
    In fairness, I must say that it also happens that we admit a patient onto our services and they pass quickly…some within a couple of weeks, some days, it has even been hours.

    My main issue here is when the speaker says, “Its all about pain management, things like that.. not even about finding a cure…” (@1:43) Hospice by nature does NOT cure. We offer comfort and symptom control. If you are still seeking cures for your condition, Hospice is not for you. We are for patients who, for whatever reason, have decided to die with dignity, surrounded by loved ones, as pain free and comfortable as possible. They either cannot(because their doctors tell them there is nothing else they can do) or choose not to take active measures to try to extend their terminal diagnosis.
    Speaking from a bedside nurses’ standpoint, we do not just “give people drugs”. If a patient declines medication, we don’t give it. If a patients’ FAMILY declines medication, we don’t give it. Part of the hard thing for people to understand is that Hospice approaches patient care from the aspect of, “we don’t have to try to fix it any more.”
    Many people have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they or their loved one can come off so many maintenance drugs they have been taking for years. All those years on Lipitor? You don’t need it. Namenda for early onset Alzheimers? If you have been accepted to Hospice, your dementia is so advanced ,Namenda isn’t helping anyone but the pharmaceutical company. But I digress.
    I help my patients go through something that we will ALL go through, even the speaker. I help teach them, clean them, allay their fears, anxieties and pain. I teach their caregivers and families, and I help them understand what is happening and why .

     Is it perfect? no! Are there companies that look at the dollar first? Yes. I am thankful that I don’t work for a “dollar first” corporation.
    I love what I do. And I get my reward from the little things: the relaxation in a 93 year old mans’ eyebrows as he hears from his loved ones via a phone held to his ear. The peace of helping a husband say goodbye to his wife in a quiet bedroom, of a wife saying goodbye to her husband with their daughter at her side.
    No machines, no franticness, no hospital scary words and activities.
    A good death. One of calm, dignity and surrounded by love.
    Who wouldn’t want that?


    • I’m sure as HELL NEVER PUTTING ANYONE I LOVE IN HOSPICE. I saw all of the crap up close and my care has put the weight back ON MY MAN. HE’S EATING DRINKING.WALKING AROUND.LOVING ME-LOVING LIVING AND BOSSING ME ABOUT TOO! AND YES HE HAS AN INDOLENT TUMOR. MORPHINE effects are ADDITIVE YOU ARE BASICALLY MURDERED THROUGH OVERDOSE. So SURE IT APPEARS “PEACEFUL…….” Just as BIRTHhas been unnecessarily Co-opted by hospitals and medicos, so has DEATH. BOTH are tough. But they should cause people to become DEEPER. I am NOT SAYING-JUST SUFFER EITHER. ZIP am saying ALWAYS respectfully OBSERVE HUMAN RIGHTS! (The Family’s & THE person who is ill.)

    • +Lisa McGuire yeh they prescribed my grandmother sleeping pills that knocked her out for 2 days. It was supposed to be for her sundowning. We dont give them to her anymore.

  4. From what I’ve seen with my grandfather being under hospice “care”.. I’ll take care of myself before stepping foot into another one of those murder mill shitholes.

    • +Marshall welsh (MrMarshmellow81) Thank you for your honest comment. I had some bs trolls from the hospice industry on here.

  5. people need to know whats going on in nursing homes with hospice. in nursing homes if you are on hospice your medical problems will be ignored, whether it be a cold, flu, bowel obstruction, breathing problems, fever, etc. the nursing homes love this becouse the nurses and CNA’s dont have to spend time on the resident. when the resident is given enough sleeping pills to not be able to eat or drink they are left there to starve & dehydrate to death…often with the OK from the family who just wants their loved one to die and get out of the way. to be on hospice in a nursing home means you are putting a huge sign on your chest that says “I dont want any medical treatment for any sickness I have or will get, I WANT TO DIE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, HELP ME COMMITT SUICIDE”.. hospice worships death and dying. its criminal whats going on in nursing homes. THANKS sir for this video!.

    • It is really awful to stroll the halls of the nursing home and see a hospice patient lying in a dark room, no window, no light, alone, in bed, dying. No one there to hold their hand. To tell them they are loved. To listen. To help them pass. To give them a good death. The CEO is out of town at a meeting. The two nurses (most are badly understaffed) are tending to the latest score of tonights baseball game on the television. The medtech is counting meds. The dinner staff have all gone home. No visitors. No one cares. She will die alone in a dark room. without love. Hospice will tell everyone what a great job they did. how compassionate they were and collect the $$ and move on to their next victim. Life goes on.

  6. you need to update this video to include in home hospice that is just as much of a racket The hospice is doing as little as they can get away with for my mother. they did not reccomend another bed and she now has a huge bedsore and a big sore on her heels where a special shoe would have prevented that all this happened when some in m family chose to go hospice,, NO more emergency room visits no life saving efforts it was the choice of 2 of my family members who are not her primary caretaker i am the primary caretaker and have to watch this crime of hospice being committed before me i would call hospice a fly by night organisation

  7. Thank you for this video. I know someone who was shuffled into hospice in the last couple of months. He has no desire to die and said he does not feel like he is dying. They talked him into hospice. They sent him home and he was sitting with his roommate eating dinner and talking. The doorbell wrang and a girl delivered morphine, lorazepam, haldol n another drug. A paper saying Do Not Call 911 in emergency CALL HOSPICE was given. He assumed he must take the perscribed amount of morphine on bottle which put him into acute morphine intoxication where it mimics death. I came by next day and saw him motionless with shallow breath and purple lips and asked the roommate what happened. I stuck around for two days because I called that Hospice number and the nurse came and another volunteer and said he was dying, in a casual voice! I just didn’t buy it. He did not eat or dring by the 48th hour and I asked hospice to come to the house. They told me they had two people dying and couldn’t show up. I told the person, I thought that’s what this man was doing also. I called the EMTs and they came and checked his vitals and said he must go to the hospital. Hospice came to take him since EMTs said his brother must give directive and he came with hospice. It took them one hour in that room, while the poor man was comatose as they sifted through papers and bottles of pills and inventoried anything in that room. They would not talk to me and acted extremely suspicious. Finally they took him with their own gurney as they bumped his body around and stuck it in a long vehicle with lame blinkers. The next morning he was perfectly fine and had no idea he had been out for two days. As I was visiting him I noticed very strange nurses nosing around. I have researched the hospice gig. They have their own part of the hospital with all the Hospice nurses there separate, even though you are thinking you are still getting that hospital’s care!

    First off if they have an inpatient, Medicare barely reimburses them compared to the cost of the room. They are a completely different facet of care, which they consider Eligibilty and not part of what we consider normal healthcare.
    At least 25% of Hospice patients die in 7 days. Check how many forums people are on talking about how their loved one was put in Hospice and sent home and immediately prescribed Morphine and Ativan. Morphine causes respiratory failure and the poor family believes the drugs were prescribed to help the patient!

    Hospice has a budget and is ridden with fraud. They lose money unless they keep you at home or in the nursing home.

    Had I not stepped in to get the man to the hospital he would have gone 3 days without food or water.

    They are supposed to provide an emergency kit which can bring that person out of morphine intoxication (mimics death) if the patient takes wrong dose or has reaction. No kit came with my friends morphine. Kit has Narcan to save their life.
    There are dozens of heartbreaking stories of unsuspecting family members who lost their loved one in just a few days, when they were fine before taking the morphine.
    They call this death (stealth euthanasia) and it is shocking how money is the bottom line as Medicare has specific guidlines or these Hospices lose money.
    Thank you for bringing awareness to this subject.
    It is under the radar until it happens to someone you know!
    Even read forums of some of the employees venting about their bad experiences working for some very large corporate hospices.
    This needs to stop.
    I was reading it would be wise to find out if doctors own shares in some of the companies. Who gets the kick backs and bonuses for referrals?
    Who could imagine there is such big business in Hospice? Cutting costs and care to the patient is rewarded.

  8. you nailed it these cocksuckers are killing my dad as we speak amd lying to the family i can see it 100% he was getting by til these assholes started their morphine and atavan lost dont know what to do

  9. Hospice is an End of Life benefit, fully funded by Medicare they created to SAVE money. It requires an ELECTION, that means the patient or the Primary Care Giver have to decide this is what they want. They should make this decision with the knowledge that it is an END OF LIFE Care and not Chronic, Curative or Aggressive care, Medicare has a Part B for that and it is the patients and family members CHOICE. There is a REVOCATION process if someone feels they have made a bad choice or change their minds, Hospice is NOT a prison, you can ELECT to CANCEL it at anytime. Hospice is NOT for everyone, you should have a GOALS of CARE conversation with anyone offering you care of any kind If they are telling you and not asking, you have the wrong company). If your GOAL is to live life and have as many days as you can, good or bad then HOSPICE is not for you. If you wish to live as many quality days as you can until you pass away then HOSPICE may be your option. If someone is coming in and the only goal is to dope up you loved one and head to the next visit then you need a new company, however HOSPICE is a symptom management driven company so if you or your loved one has pain, MORPHINE may come into play as it does in the hospital, leading drug used for CHEST PAIN, RESPIRATORY DISTESS, relaxes the smooth muscles of the Lung. Morphine is NOT a requirement AGAIN the patient and family should be driving the PLAN OF CARE, you always have the right to call 911 but that is seen as AGRESSIVE care by MEDICARE so they will not in most cases allow both to happen. Hospice can be a really great plan for those that are fully aware of their TERMINAL illness and do not want to spend their last days in a Hospital, Clinic or Dr.s Office but want to be at home comfortable surrounded by their loving family. It is a choice and you have to do what is right for you and your family.

  10. My Mother who has stage 4 ovarian cancer chemo and rad didn’t work her Dr suggested a skilled nursing home. Day of admission she was prescribed morphine and Ativan both were not needed at the time. After 1 week of her being there we wanted her out due to neglect. They held her hostage cause the dr there would not sign her discharge. After a attorney involved she was able to come home to out 24/7 care. We needed help as time went on and was recommended hospice yet she was not dying yet. Morphine every 2 hours along with Atavan was prescribed yet she had no pain or anxiety. I fought them and no longer believe in hospice. My mother is still alive and to this day has never seen the nursing home or hospice nurse. Never ever will I put a loved one in a home or hospice.

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