Georgia Health Insurance Medicare

Medicare, Medigap and Medicare Advantage in Georgia.

What is Medicare? Medicare is federally funded health insurance for individuals over 65 years of age and for people below 65 with disabilities.

Medicare is the largest health insurance program in the United States with approximately 40 million members.

You must follow a number of criteria to be eligible.

• You must be a US citizen.
• You must be 65 years of age or older.
• If you are under 65, you must have certain disabilities.
• If you have fatal Renal Disease, otherwise know as kidney failure that might require dialysis or a transplant.

Types of Medicare: Medicare Part A, B, C, D & Medigap

Medicare Part A covers major and fatal illnesses as well as terminal care issues. Services may include inpatient hospital care, hospice care, home health care and a portion of nursing facility costs.

Medicare Part B covers minor health issues such as doctor's visits, doctor's care, physical and occupational therapy, if needed. It is basically maintenance and preventative coverage.

Medicare Part C is also called Medicare Advantage Plan that completely replaces Medicare Part A and Part B for people who cannot afford private insurance. The plan must be Medicare approved and an additional premium payment is required.

Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs. There are multiple plans to choose however co-payments and/or deductibles may be required.

Medigap is GAP coverage for people who do not fully qualify for parts of Medicare A, B, C or D. It covers co-pays, deductibles or other expenses not covered by Medicare programs. However, if you choose a Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare Part C), your Medigap policy won't pay out.

Medicare is a great solution for many people including seniors who struggle to cover medical bills and prescriptions as well as basic health insurance coverage. Medicare helps those individuals who simply cannot afford the rising cost of health care.

We can educate you on what the Medicare program is all about. Just contact us!

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One thought on “Georgia Health Insurance Medicare

  1. I’m sure that those on Medicare probably know what Medicare is and what it
    takes to get on Medicare. Otherwise, good quality video!

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