7 thoughts on “Free Medicare Cold Calling Guide

  1. I have telemarketed for 8 years and telemarketed in Medicare insurance for
    3 of those. Due to the CMS enrollment periods and underwriting/health
    issues with potential clients, you can only expect to get 1 solid lead
    every 2 or 3 hours of calling. That is the brutal truth. An automated
    dialer may help abit, but not that much.

  2. Also when cold calling, NEVER ask the person how they are doing today.
    Most intelligent people know you could care less about how they are doing
    today and you are starting an uphill battle from the word ‘hi.’ Greet the
    person, but don’t waste your nor their time asking how they are doing.

  3. Last time I checked folds, ( about 10 minutes ago) it is illegal according
    to Medicare.gov rules to cold call ANY medicare prospect. You are not
    allowed to use phone calling unless you have specific invitation in limited
    situations to call them. COLD CALLING anyone about MEDICARE is against the

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