94 thoughts on “Explaining Medicare for All with Donuts

  1. Aren’t you the guy that defended Bernie from Alex Jones? Great seeing you again did you hear Alex is getting sued by Sandy Hook parents?

  2. I don’t really understand why people would rather pay $10,000 a year in health insurance premiums, deductible, and co-pays, when they could be taxed $5,000 instead and not charged a dime for healthcare. The average American will save $5,000 a year with Medicare for all and you know where that money is coming from? The pockets of those billionaire CEOs that will no longer have a job.

    • Frederic Bastiat Dude, it says .com not .edu or .gov so it could be written by anyone, willy nilly. I made my own website when I was 15, and I know tons of kids even younger who could do the same, why put so much trust in the internet? I digress, the most important flaw I need to point out is that statistics are not a reliable source material. Statistics can be faked or easily manipulated to suit any different situation. Always take lstatistics in college. It’s a good subject to know.

    • Bernard Johnson
      LOL man you can not be this dumb. Here since it seems you can’t read ill do all the homework for you. This is the most up to date estimate for 2019.

      Healthcare + entitlements: 2.73 + 0.48 = 3.21 trillion
      Military: 0.886 + .72 = 1.61 trillion
      In Fiscal Year 2019, the federal budget will be $4.407 trillion.
      Spending is in three categories: Mandatory, which is at $2.739 trillion; Discretionary at $1.305 trillion; and Interest on the National Debt, $363 billion.

      Mandatory spending is $2.739 trillion. Social Security is by far the biggest expense at $1.046 trillion. Medicare is next at $625 billion, followed by Medicaid at $412 billion. Medicare is already underfunded. Medicare taxes don’t pay for all benefits, so this program relies on general tax dollars to pay for a portion of it. Medicaid is 100 percent funded by the general fund.

      The discretionary budget is $1.203 trillion. More than half goes toward military spending, including the Department of Veterans Affairs and other defense-related departments. The rest must pay for all other domestic programs. The largest are Health and Human Services, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. There is an emergency fund of $111.4 billion that’s not included in the budget process. Most of that, amounting to $88.9 billion, goes to Overseas Contingency Operations to pay for wars.

      Military spending is budgeted at $886 billion. The biggest expense is the Department of Defense base budget at $597.1 billion. Overseas Contingency Operations will cost $88.9 billion.
      Military spending also includes $181.3 billion for defense-related departments. These include Homeland Security, the State Department, and Veterans Affairs. These departments also receive emergency funding of $18.7 billion.

      This is what YOU SAID “The Military budget is around 55% while welfare and medical programs are what? 5%?”
      Medicare + Medicaid = 0.625 + 0.412 = 1.037 trillion divided by total budget = 1.037 /$4.407 = 23.5%, which is nowhere near 5% and does not even include other entitlements, which I added in my original comment
      Millitary cost, adding all parts both domestic and overseas. 1.61/4.407 = 36.5%. That is NOT 55%

      Soo.. no you are just wrong in every possible aspect. Stop lying or being ingnorant and admit that you are just wrong, it happens to all of us at some point.

    • Phil Targaryen sure…especially if everyone is sent back to the coal mines where their lungs get jacked up and with defunding the EPA the increased pollution makes people sick. Nice try 😉

    • p0llenp0ny Universal healthcare is like a Ferrari that costs as much as a Honda Civic.

      Current US healthcare is a bus from the 70s that we are paying Ferrari costs for because it keeps breaking down and denying people entry because they can’t afford it leading to a more expensive bus because eventually those people will need long rides instead of short rides further creating unnecessary costs that would have been prevented if everyone was let on in the first place.

  3. As someone from a country that already has universal healthcare (and someone who also uses pirvate healthcare, where possible) I can see the issue with american healthcare from a mile away. Stuff is just too bloody expensive. Honestly, it wouldnt be as bad that you guys dont have universal healthcare if you we’re being bled completely dry by the costs for procedures and medicine. Even with private healthcare in the UK (which is extremely expensive and designed to be extremely high quality) a simple blood test costs around 10% of what it costs for some people in the states at a basic level of care. It’s nuts, you guys have to stop being gouged by the healthcare industry, universal healthcare or not.

    • Phil Targaryen In Australia we have an insurance option. If you pay for insurance you don’t get charged the 3.5% medicare levy. Based on overall taxable income.

    • + Darth UK per capita expenditures are not even 50 % of that of the U.S. (USD 3,900 versus 9,200 – source world bank) – and most of it is covered by the NHS, plus the private sector is somewhat reigned in by the effective competition of the public non-profit sector. one comment mentioned that the blood tests do not cost as much even under private care. –

      The public non-profit NHS had the leanest budget in Europe – and THEN the Tories started defunding it into dysfunction.

      It is hard to “justify” a privatization (even a partial one) if the system runs like a charm as non-profit. Which it would – if only they had half the per capita expenditures of the U.S.

  4. Currently, it’s the private insurance companies that are “sticking their (sticky) hands into the deepest recesses of our lives”, and billing us thousands more than necessary.

    • flashfloodarea3 I agree single pay has more bargaining power but it is asking for us to trust more of our money with a government that is corrupt with zero accountability and a extremely poor record of money management.

    • george green, and yet, on Medicaid, a young relative of mine went to the ER, because there was no other Urgent Care open so late. Was given several tests, nothing was found, and there was nary a bill. The same relative got insurance through an employer, a year later. Again had severe stomach pains, and ended up in a hospital for Urgent Care late at night. The hospital had him do all the same tests as before. Again they found nothing, and sent him home. But this time, with private insurance, he was billed 3,000.

    • flashfloodarea3 Medicare is already a massive unfunded liability. The govt couldnt run it when it was limited. That bill they didnt have cost the same, it was just passed onto the taxpeyer burden.

    • Luchamasterfit I’m not an expert on it by any stretch of the imagination, but other countries pay way less than we do in the US. The involvement of for profit insurance companies inflates costs.

    • I agree, insurance companies are a big part of it. The other part is that the US subsidizes the costs of pharmaceutical and medical research that other countries benefit from

  5. God I hope this passes. I pay so much for insurance as it is. I believe I’d end up paying less personally for this overall.

  6. As a Canadian, I have a real belly laugh hearing Americans talk about the pros and cons of single payer health care, when you share the world’s longest undefended border with a country that has had a single payer system for years – and we LOVE it! Is it perfect? Well nothing is perfect, but you know all the cons you keep hearing about…well they’re all lies from American insurance companies (who stand to lose a fortune when they can no longer hold your health for ransom!)
    I’ve had open heart surgery, kidney surgery, back surgery, gall bladder surgery (hey I’m old, what can I say?), with no wait times for any of it, I got to pick my own surgeons, and it all cost me $0! How can you continue to say you are the greatest country on earth, when you can’t even get this one simple basic right right? Baffles the mind.

    • Seth Washburn, Some Canadians complains about it. The majority appreciate it. We do have a shortage of doctors and that creates waiting period. Many of our Doctors leaves for the US because it pays more….. It’s good in some ways because we want doctors who are passionate about their work and not only in it for the money. We are working on incentive to keep more doctors. Canadians are actually asking the government to invest more in our universal health care. Very few wants privatizing.

    • Brandy B, It way better to be on a waiting list than having no chance on getting to see a doctor at all. Isn’t that hypocrite of your part? Of course you don’t have big waiting list in the States….you don’t treat everyone. At least in Canada priority is given to patient who needs urgent medical attention….. you give priority to those with more money. Those 2 articles of yours don’t represent the big picture. Like seriously reports from the heritage foundation? who takes those seriously?

    • And anyone who pays taxes loses as your taxes will inevitably get raised, while your income will undoubtedly stay the same. America is slowly becoming Mexico and pretty soon liberals will have a lot more than medical bills to worry about.

    • John C and at the same time you don’t have to pay deductibles, premiums and whatnots, making you net-save money even when paying little more in taxes.

    • Also the drug companies we subsidized to make medicine in the first place. Wont be able to price gouge like they are currently

  7. But…but Bernie you can’t fight for healthcare for all because you own nice houses!!! But…but Venezuela!! Even thought they don’t have universal healthcare!

    • dane mathews Those are private payments. IM not paying 34 trillion, they come from individuals. The government cannot raise 34 trillion in taxes, you dolt.

    • What’s The Takeaway? Or you could just pay teachers more too you fucking moron. The government took in 3.3 trillion dollars in tax money in 2016 alone. Don’t be so naive to think they can’t take in AT LEAST 33 in 10 years.

    • BORDER WALL No I’m saying Venezuela didn’t fail because of socialism. I certainly never said that the U.S doesn’t have corruption.

  8. “We must especially beware of that small group of SELFISH MEN who would clip the wings of the American Eagle to feather their own nests” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    • Taxes are for collective goals that cannot or would not be achieved by private funding. Things like the military, legislation, judicial system. The fact is that people like you are more than capable of pooling your money to pay for socialist programs. You choose not to because you would rather steal it from other people.

    • Benjamin r Again that is like your opinion man. Where in our Constitution does it lay out this thin parameter you are laying out. No sir taxes belong to the people and the people get to decide what to do with it. There are plenty of other representative republics and parliaments all over the world that have decided to use tax dollars for social programs. That doesn’t make them socialist nations that is just an example of the will of their people. You either believe in democracy or you don’t. But if you do you have to take the good with what you feel is the bad. Thats just the nature of democracy.

    • Benjamin r Actually, many of those CAN be funded privately, it’s just that it would cost way more due to for profit middle men and seriously disadvantage the poor who couldn’t afford those services anymore. Imagine your house is on fire and you call a private fire fighting company. They’ll put out the fire but first you have to agree to pay a call out fee, a water fee, an hourly cost for all the personnel etc. This comes out to thousands of dollars. Some people go bankrupt, others simply have to let their house burn down and some even die. That’s exactly how the medical system currently functions in the U.S. and why a single payer system is needed. Healthcare is just as essential as police and fire fighters and does just as poorly in a free market. So no, using tax payer money for healthcare is not stealing.

    • Benjamin r I will sleep easy at night because millions of people who need healthcare will have it. I simply do not view it as theft. Healthcare is a human right not a privilege under a for profit system. You justifie people going bankrupt because of hospital bills. Or having to make a choice between paying a bill or get a prescription filled. You justify the cost of insulin sky rocketing under this immoral for profit system. We the majority of the American people and even many Republicans that are starting to see the light will fix things for the better wether you like it or not. Because we are fed up and we have had enough. Call it theft all you like but to me its not theft if Im claiming what was already mine. My tax revenue every bit as much as yours and I have a right to my own opinions on how it should be spent every bit as much as you do. To believe otherwise is to go against the very tenant’s of what a representative republic stands for which is a government of for and by the people and the will of that people. See you at the polls.

  9. You know what’s so ironic about all of this? This is a win for capitalism. That’s right, more of the middle class saving money that they are able to spend on what they need or want. All while being covered totally by Medicare. Because 30 million people will need insurance the demand for people to provide will go up, creating jobs. This is a win/win, and the best way forward without a doubt.

    • Darth Celcius He says that it’ll be a roughly $5,000 a year extra tax on the middle class, probably on top of a 20% or so tax increase on the wealthy, plus general consolidation cost cuts I believe. Same way we’re coming up with 60 trillion now lol. Crazy thing is as I understand they arrived at the $32.6 Trillion number by scaling up what medicare presently costs. If so that’s massively high balling the cost since it’s ignoring the fact that the reason Medicare is currently expensive as it is is because it’s presently one big high risk pool and when the risk is spread over hundreds of millions that’ll drive the cost down A LOT if it’s not currently accounted for.

    • But between how much people would you think be out of a job and how many people is there to be employed among these new jobs? Thats really my only question. I see hope in such a plan but can america really pull it off and get more out of it than right now?

    • JustWasted3HoursHere what about Denmark.. what about Norway, what about Sweden? Not bankrupt and not morally deprived…. and socialised medicine lol

  10. We have had single payer health care in Canada for over 50 years now. I’ve never once had to pay a hospital or insurance bill. The federal government transfers funding to the provincial government and they set health care policy and pay the bills that the hospital charges for your treatment.

    • p0llenp0ny Anything health care related is expensive and it makes much more sense for the country to pool our money together so everyone has affordable access. Now the issue of how much taxes comes out of your paycheck is debatable. Because as tax rates stand in Canada across the spectrum we are not paying enough. But at the same time our wages (not the minimum) are not rising at the rate they should. We need a dynamic business tax rate that rewards businesses that pay their workers well and give more and or better benefits. Tax cuts should be used solely to “create more jobs”, but better paying jobs.

    • What’s The Takeaway? Yes that’s true, but If I needed medical treatment I would expect others to help out and pay the same for me. That’s what a society does it helps one another.

    • Hopefully it wont happen and if it does then I will refuse to work, go on food stamps, and get government housing because I would rather spend my days doing nothing than supports some communist collective. Trump 2020.

    • Please explain how Medicare bestows dignity, whereas me saving and working for my money to spend it how I see fit is degrading. Please respond in English, thx.

  11. Thank goodness. Why do insurance companies think we don’t need our teeth or eyes? What an awful, antiquated system.

    • Martin Balber: The donuts represent the portion of the federal budget spent on healthcare. I do think he made a mistake though. In the beginning each donut represented $2 trillion but at the end they were just $1 trillion.

    • Melinda Green Yes, I heard that too. Federal Budget = Tax, the government has no money. Nordic countries rely heavily on profit of sales of fossil fuels and the dividend is split over a very tiny population in the form of healthcare, education, etc.

    • Melinda Green And which donut would pay for free heroin in Norway ?
      “Oslo (AFP) – Norway, which has one of the highest deadly drug overdose rates in Europe, will test prescribing free heroin to the most serious addicts to improve their living conditions, the government said on Friday.”

  12. So, your primary argument assumes that healthcare is scalable on a fundamental level. Healthcare, by its fundamental nature, cannot be scalable. It’s built around an individual basis, consuming time and money as each doctor looks at the patient on a case-by-case basis. A blind man is not going to have the same problems as a deaf man. Besides, if it was scalable, then the few with really obscure diseases will never be able to get the care they need.
    In short, just because we’re spending 59.7 trillion doesn’t mean that we can write off the additional 32 trillion. I can explain further if you’d like.

    • Trygve, are you suggesting that medical malpractice doesn’t happen in america? Pointing to a single case isn’t the best way to prove a national healthcare is disaster. you’re thinking narrowly here & its at your detriment.

    • It wouldn’t be an additional 32 trillion, it would be instead of 59.7 trillion. It IS scalable as well. Yes people might need different care, but we can see what types of care they need and what the cost would be and add that to the total. Also, please do not link one example of a case. I do not care about anecdotes. I care about statistics, which show the real numbers and issues.

      There are cons to universal healthcare, but if you have an option for private care as well and allow people to pay for treatment faster literally almost every issue goes away

    • The Doctors in the Alfie Evens case wanted to take him off life support because he doesn’t have a chance of ever recovering and was functionally vegetative already. Doctors in other countries would have had his family believe he had a chance of recovering while willingly taking them for a ride and draining their wallets for as long as they could while feeding off their denial. The UK court made the decision to end his life because his brain had already been functionally destroyed. I don’t know how you could ever claim this to look bad for the NHS.

      Similarly often get people in the UK trying to crowdfund money to go to America because some doctor in the US has come up with some unapproved treatment that doesn’t actually work so that they can profit off of people that have diseases like cancer and Alzheimers. When the NHS doesn’t fund treatments its because either they don’t work, or its because the money could be put into saving or improving more people lives elsewhere. Whereas in for-profit systems, they often deny treatments because its not profitable enough for the insurer instead.

    • Conveniently adding 32 trillion to the total instead of supplanting 32 trillion which is already used for the current system… Guess it’s easy to ignore reality when you think in these terms.

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