D Trump Administration planning on cutting Social Security and Medicare

Medicare and social security cuts

D Trump Administration planning on cutting Social Security and Medicare

41 thoughts on “D Trump Administration planning on cutting Social Security and Medicare

  1. Why does this surprise anyone? They feel that is where the money is. People paid into that system, they better start fighting back. It’s too many baby boomers retiring at the same time for them. Pay attention family!

    • I agree. Let’s face it they are the ones receiving the benefits. Social security is not from the government it’s from the people. They just put themselves on top of the policies in a building they built.

  2. What’s up Elder❤! It doesn’t surprise me, their time is near the end and they’re trying to hurt everybody in the process lol…..I can make it 100% without this government system!

  3. Unbelievable! These draconian cuts will undoubtedly hurt white and black people.
    This t’Rump was talking about slashing funds to Social Security and Medicare for the last year or so..but hasn’t yet done so.
    Why can’t these wealthy elitist oligarch politicians cut all the foreign aid we give to other countries instead of messing with the economic livelihoods of elderly Americans? Cut the damn foreign aid off! It’s a waste of money!
    This government spends TRILLIONS of dollars aiding foreign countries , while their own citizens are left out in the cold, often homeless….go without funds…or are hungry and sick..
    Fkg hypocrites, this aint no damn democracy we are living in..this is a fascist dictatorship!

    • Why can’t the wealthy, elite, oligarch politicians cut foreign aid instead?

      Simple, because these wealthy, elite, oligarch politicians don’t care about American citizens and therefore don’t mind screwing them over.

      Also, they are INTENTIONALLY collapsing the U.S. economy and social structure. The U.S. has long been a TOOL for global control (U.S. military might to be exact). Once the global objectives of those who control the U.S. are achieved, they will abandon the U.S. and finally allow it to collapse.

  4. First it would have to be approved by congress and the senate. What I would like to know is trump going to cut back on his weekly golf trips to his resort?

  5. Brother have you looked at corporate welfare they take more than we do Jesse Ventura brought that up about corporate welfare General Motors and there are a few that got bailed out by our good tax money like some Airlines to and they want to stick it to the little man I think they need to stop all this corporate welfare

  6. 2018 was the first year more was paid out of social security than was paid in by social security tax; there are 2 solutions raise taxes or cut benefits… If you want to know the real reason you can’t retire look at the history of when companies switched from pension funds to 401k plans, but social security was only ever meant to supplement retirement it was never intended to be something retirees live off of so point the blame at corporate America not the US government on the retirement issue

    • What you say makes no sense ,if the economy is booming and everybody is working more would be put in than what is being taken out ,not everyone lives long enough to even collect full social security and baby boomers are dying out .And since there is no real account where the money goes ,nobody can know what’s going out or coming in its part of the general fund .That’s the problem ,Congress spends it as quick as they get it and then blames the people

    • Also ,when social security became law most companies had retirement plans as well ,most do not now ,so again it’s not the fault of people who have to one day rely on social security

  7. The purge starting slowly. Killing the, elderly and sick off first. Then gonna start economic based purge. Wealthy will be exempt once again.

  8. Didn’t we expect this? It’s been a long time comin, sad part, the Dems and Independents are quietly working with them, ask Hillary! The time has come,the world has to start ending at sometime! Racism is a joke,it’s always been the haves and the have nots, the chickens are coming home to roost. Now,what are “We” going to do about it?!

    • The Republicans are the real problem, they are traitors who serve the Russians and white supremacist, we have to realize when the civil war reaches it’s peak, you will have whites that will be in this war or they will die by the hands of the Russian backed Republican party, you are misled, as bad as you think the Dems are, they are not working with the Russians like Trump and the Republicans who are traitors that are hell bent on destroying you and this nation, and we live here and have to depend on whites for our survival, we do not control the water of food, and that is a fact unless you believe those silly Black Hebrews some God will come from the sky and you will be in charge with slaves, that is dead as the leaders who started that B.S. be realistic.

  9. …there’s something else very important that I want to tell the family on here who are still working and paying soc.security taxes and other taxes, but specifically social security taxes out of your paychecks.
    Family, PLEASE double or triple check and make sure that the taxes your employer is taking out of your check is being turned in to the government and state…every week, document what they take out..be consistent and do this for the entire year..then go to your soc sec branch or the appropriate state tax office and check to see if the taxes they (employer) claimed matched what they took out of your check…
    I’ve worked directly in corporate payroll offices , and I’ve seen employers steal/deduct their employees taxes and dont turn them in.they pocket it…or they turn them in on occasion, when they felt like it.. they stole especially from black employees because we have a bad habit of trusting these devils..trust me folks….
    Your soc security benefits will be directly related to what you’ve worked and put into the system through your taxes that were taken out of your checks throughout your working years.
    These “people” steal big time..especially from us!

    • I know of one payroll accounting firm that was hired to do payroll taxes for a company and they were caught stealing from the company AND their employees..smmfh at greed!!!
      Who can you trust with your money? No one…but yourself.
      Do your homework people and STOP letting these savages steal what you’ve worked so hard to get!

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