Beware Of These Medicare For All Weasel Words

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Beware Of These Medicare For All Weasel Words

85 thoughts on “Beware Of These Medicare For All Weasel Words

  1. If they don’t simply say yes to medicare for all, then they aren’t worthy of a vote.

    No more of this “access to good healthcare” nonsense.

    • Nathan Stebbins – You could be helpful and present us with the source of those numbers, rather than just tossing around insults.

    • *_”expand access”_** to **_”quality affordable”_** care.*

      Imagine using that language in everyday situations:
      Instead of saying: “I’m going to the drugstore”, you instead say: “I’m going to _expand access_ towards going to the drugstore.”

      Or: If you want to order a pizza. Expanding access to ordering a pizza is not the same as actually just ordering the pizza. “Expanding access” sounds more like having a flyer or a thumbnail ready, in case you feel like ordering a pizza.
      You can tell that the backdoor for a middleman (private insurance company) is left wide open.


    • +AslapOF Reality You must be an idiot!! There is no planing of someone getting a broken leg. I got kicked by a 2000lb. cow when working cattle, and had to have a titanium rod and pins put in my tibia. Gosh i wish i would of planned that better! Moron!

    • *_”expand access”_** to **_”quality affordable”_** care.*

      Imagine using that language in everyday situations:
      Instead of saying: “I’m going to the drugstore”, you instead say: “I’m going to _expand access_ towards going to the drugstore.”

      Or: If you want to order a pizza. Expanding access to ordering a pizza is not the same as actually just ordering the pizza. “Expanding access” sounds more like having a flyer or a thumbnail ready, in case you feel like ordering a pizza.
      You can tell that the backdoor for a middleman (private insurance company) is left wide open.

  2. I just love how people act like the NHS hasn’t been around half a century. Like the UK is totally sovereign country with a functioning economy. Can we stop acting like socialized medicine doesn’t work. It’s insanity

    • As a Scandinavian, I simply cannot grasp how the Americans insist that yr system is better. It has been proven time and time again that yr system is the most expensive system in the world and only helps those who can afford it. Here we pay a few% in tax and everything from childbirth, cancer treatment or a new heart costs – nada. It’s not for profit so it helps everyone. We can choose which doctor we want and for special treatment we go to the hospital that provides this. No extra or hidden costs. In Europe, we think u guys are either stupid or simply don’t want to understand.

    • +Kim Worm Welp if that was not one good point I do not know what it is. These people simply will not understand since so many years they get told how anything social is bad and so on without ever have read about what really social things are. They simply do not want to understand and by how their education system works they are stupid.

    • +Daniel Nikitin Thanks. In addition, for another few % in tax everyone can get any education they want. If one of your parents work at McDonalds and the other is unemployed but you want to study to be doctor or a lawyer – go ahead. No extra costs (in fact we are given a stipend to study). It’s not the size of yr wallet, it’s the size of yr brain that matters.

    • +Kim Worm That is how it should be and no other way but we still have people who seriously argue that because either A: It’s rich or somewhat rich people who want to nit pay money at all for others. B: People who think they can be rich in the future so they do not also want to pay and C: Really uneducated or uncaring people but at least you and other more open minded people see how it should be.

  3. “Debt-Free College” IS NOT “Tuition-Free College”

    “Universal Healthcare Acess” IS NOT “Universal Healthcare”

    • Because the criminals in congress look after their own, and they need corporatist bootlicking puppets to rig elections. And who’s more qualified at that than Debbie Wasserman Schitz?

  4. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is one of the most disgusting individuals in liberal US politics. On the same level with republicans.

    • +Jae Lynn Actually it’s illegal to take out a policy on someone without their consent and you have to have some kind of relationship, not necessarily familial but some kind of reason you’d need that person insured. If Walmart did this, I would think you could take legal action.
      Unfortunately, there have been instances of people forging signatures and then the insured turns up dead but that’s certainly not the norm. Insurance companies do investigate before paying a claim as they have a vested interest in finding out if the beneficiary had anything to do with the death. Funerals are expensive, spouses can die leaving the other with debt and children to raise alone so life insurance does serve a purpose.

    • +kristabella222 I wouldn’t even go that far. In the UK, we have the NHS. Not without its problems, but if you ask anybody, most will agree we are better off with it. Part of the reason we’ve had it for 70.5 years. However, it does not preclude private health insurance. It does become a source of competition for them, though.

    • Insurance companies deserve to be tortured endlessly before being put to death!! Them, and every crooked greed monger bankster on Wall Street!!

    • kristabella222 What makes all those other entities good but not healthcare? The answer is free market and competition. That’s all we need to do with healthcare. The government is holding it back. People need to be responsible for their lives and go out and buy healthcare on an open free market without government interference. Just like buying car insurance.

    • No, most Nations with a single payer healthcare also have private insurance. New Zealand has a great example of this system.

    • she’s a representative of the party most of Kyle’s fans vote for. she’s no worse than Hillary, but leftists went out in droves to vote for her for President. you’d vote for DWS over trump knowing full well she lies and will only ever represent the wealthy.

    • @Charles Bradshaw I actually voted for Trump. Even knowing that HE only supports the wealthy. Which is why people like Steve Mnuchin are running the treasury, or other roles in his cabinet.

    • +Humanity is a lost cause Self centered lunatics i voted 3rd party, but at least Trump was a wild card. Republican elite hated him. his presidency has not been a typical neocon presidency. at least with trump there was a chance for some kind of change from the status quo. with hillary, kamala, DWS, etc, you get what you should expect. campaign lies. corruption.

    • @Charles Bradshaw All fair. Honestly, I didn’t believe Trump either. I knew Bernie had a long record of consistency, I didn’t see that in Trump. I also thought Hillary had the general election as rigged as the primary. Imagine my surprise when he actually did win lol.

      Were it otherwise, I’d have probably voted 3rd party, myself. But I went from Bernie in the primary to Trump in the general.

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