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The single most important thing when new to Medicare and looking for help, is finding help for somebody that TRULY cares. If they truly care, they want what is best for you.
I learned that seniors are often offered only one choice in Medicare, depending on where the agent has his loyalty. I am an independent Medicare agent, which means I offer ALL of the available plans from ALL of the Top Insurance Companies. Whether its AARP, Cigna, Mutual of Omaha, Aetna, or New Era (you've probably never heard of them, but Yes, they're good), or whether its Plan G, Plan N, Medicare Part C, or even Plan F (sigh), I will support your decision.
My job is to get you all of the information you need to make an informed decision. In other words, if you seek my advice, I'll give it to you, but ultimately you're in charge and will always make the final call. We will build a relationship working together for years to make sure you can accomplish two things: 1) Obtaining the best possible coverage 2) Saving as much money as possible.
So, if you'd like an independent agent working for you, and you are new to Medicare, or just need a second opinion on your Medicare plan, give me a call.
My service is free to you and I might save you a lot of money by helping you find the right Medicare option for YOUR specific needs!
Watch this video as well about finding the right Prescription Drug Plan:
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Also searched: Best Medicare Supplement Plans 2018
What’s up Mr. Kavanagh! Honesty is always appreciated. Thanks for being a good guy -your client 🙂
Yes sir, it is. Thanks for the complement. I love complements, Jason!