Bernie’s ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Poses a “Dilemma” for 2020-Minded Democrats

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for All' bill is reportedly posing a dilemma for Democrats contemplating a presidential run in 2020. They're not stating whether or not they'll be signing on to Bernie's bill just yet, but those closest to them are put in a difficult position with this bill, because they want to be able to pander to progressives and pretend to support single-payer while never actually fighting for it, but this bill forces them to put up or shut up—and they're not too happy about that.


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Bernie's 'Medicare for All' Bill Poses a "Dilemma" for 2020-Minded Democrats

25 thoughts on “Bernie’s ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Poses a “Dilemma” for 2020-Minded Democrats

  1. Notice how they say “conservative-leaning ” voters and not “moderates “. Bullshit logic. You have a huge base of progressives and liberal Democrats to support you. Stop surrendering to the right wing already.

    • The main problem with that is that it basically implies losing control of the Senate. The democrats have an advantage in the EC because blue states are highly populated, but they would be in the minority in the Senate in a period of 5-10 years if they decide not to support the right wing and moderate factions of the country

  2. We will remember these names, thanks for the information Mike.

    You still trust Kamala more than I do, though … 😉

    #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll #BernieCare

  3. If you can’t support healthcare for everyone why should anyone support you?

    Only a monster or a coward could be against healthcare for all. Which are you?

  4. Why limit this as litmus test for just Democrats? Republicans who don’t support it are going on the hit list too. Calling it a litmus test is way too nice. This is a hit list and anyone who doesn’t get on board is going down. That’s how you get things done. Medicare For All is going to be ‘the issue’ in 2018 for both sides of the aisle. You can’t hide behind party lines on this, this effects everyone Democrat and Republican, Independent and Libertarian (I’m pretty sure they get sick too). Democrats need to get on board with this, the sooner the better, so they can hit the Republicans hard with their failed and horrific health care reform in 2018 and 2020.

  5. Wait, when was this video made???? A few of the people that were mentioned in this video are NOW cosponsoring Bernie Sanders Medicare for all Bill !!!!!!!

  6. There is no Democratic district where Medicare for all is a losing policy. In fact, there may be no Republican district where it is a losing policy.

  7. This is not *just* about presidential race 2020. Use it as leverage! For example, I just Emailed diane feinstein asking why if a corporatist like cory booker can co-sponsor Medicare for All why can’t she? Progressives will work to make sure she loses her 2018 election. Litmus test? YES! Try it on your senator or congressman!

  8. I feel that these Corp Dems that are going to sign on to Bernie’s Medicare For All Bill are just giving lip service for their BigPharm/Health Ins Ind donors and trying to appease progressives.

  9. Bernie cannot be taken on his word. He will easily lie to distract and deceive. 
    Bernie is trying and unfortunately succeeding in playing many progressives for fools. Even some intelligent folks are falling for his deceptions.

  10. They need to be focusing on pulling in Independents instead of Republicans, which Bernie showed are interested in Medicare for All among other things.

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