45 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders releases Medicare plan details

    • +YesYou123333
      did you ever finish school or were you content in rolling carts for
      walmart? you can say whatever you want about Canada cause I dont think you
      even finished high school to know about the current events, trades, and
      international relations. atleast Canada doesn’t flash around guns and kill
      small children’s and be racist to non whites. I just hope that your greed
      power hungry attitude doesn’t create a nuclear Holocaust. even a stupid
      dumb mofo will see sanders will put US on the right side of the history for
      once. If you people miss this chance you will never ever get this
      revolutionary person again… never ever…. also stop corrupting Canada by
      smuggling your coward guns.

    • +proteuseffects Sanders is a socialist pig and deserves to be shoveled onto
      the dust heap of history like all other failed philosophies. No working man
      in his right mind would vote for this communist.


      As polls tighten and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders looks more
      like a serious contender than a novelty candidate for president, the
      liberal media elite have suddenly stopped calling him socialist. He’s now
      cleaned-up as a “progressive” or “pragmatist.”
      But he’s not even a socialist. He’s a communist.

      Mainstreaming Sanders requires whitewashing his radical pro-Communist past.
      It won’t be easy to do.

      If Sanders were vying for a Cabinet post, he’d never pass an FBI background
      check. There’d be too many subversive red flags popping up in his file. He
      was a Communist collaborator during the height of the Cold War.

      Rewind to 1964.

      While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young
      People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He
      also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers
      Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on
      Un-American Activities.

      After graduating with a political-science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont,
      where he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist
      propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of
      socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during
      the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as “America’s greatest Marxist.”

      This subversive hero of Sanders, denounced even by liberal Democrats as a
      “traitor,” bashed “the barons of Wall Street” and hailed the “triumphant”
      Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
      “Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered
      more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women
      anywhere on earth,” Debs proclaimed. “They have laid the foundation of the
      first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world.”

      In a 1918 speech in Canton, Ohio, Debs reaffirmed his solidarity with Lenin
      and Trotsky, despite clear evidence of their violent plunder and treachery.

      Sanders still hangs a portrait of Debs on the wall in his Senate office.

      In the early ’70s, Sanders helped found the Liberty Union Party, which
      called for the nationalization of all US banks and the public takeover of
      all private utility companies.

      “Mainstreaming Sanders requires whitewashing his radical pro-Communist
      past. It won’t be easy to do.”
      After failed runs for Congress, Sanders in 1981 managed to get elected
      mayor of Burlington, Vt., where he restricted property rights for
      landlords, set price controls and raised property taxes to pay for communal
      land trusts. Local small businesses distributed fliers complaining their
      new mayor “does not believe in free enterprise.”

      His radical activities didn’t stop at the ¬water’s edge.

      Sanders took several “goodwill” trips not only to the USSR, but also to
      Cuba and Nicaragua, where the Soviets were trying to expand their influence
      in our hemisphere.

      In 1985, he traveled to Managua to celebrate the rise to power of the
      Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. He called it a “heroic revolution.”
      Undermining anti-communist US policy, Sanders denounced the Reagan
      administration’s backing of the Contra rebels in a letter to the

      His betrayal did not end there. Sanders lobbied the White House to stop the
      proxy war and even tried to broker a peace deal. He adopted Managua as a
      sister city and invited Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega to visit the US. He
      exalted Ortega as “an impressive guy,” while attacking President Reagan.

      “The Sandinista government has more support among the Nicaraguan people —
      substantially more support — than Ronald Reagan has among the American
      people,” Sanders told Vermont government-access TV in 1985.

      Sanders also adopted a Soviet sister city outside Moscow and honeymooned
      with his second wife in the USSR. He put up a Soviet flag in his office,
      shocking even the Birkenstock-wearing local liberals. At the time, the Evil
      Empire was on the march around the world, and threatening the US with
      nuclear annihilation.
      Then, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War,
      Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council — a known
      front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to
      the Soviet Union but to “the triumph of Soviet power in the US.”

      Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua
      and other communist states to America.

      For starters, he proposes completely nationalizing our health-care system
      and putting private health insurance and drug companies “out of business.”
      He also wants to break up “big banks” and control the energy industry,
      while providing “free” college tuition, a “living wage” and guaranteed
      homeownership and jobs through massive public works projects. Price tag:
      $18 trillion.

      Who will pay for it all? You will. Sanders plans to not only soak the rich
      with a 90%-plus tax rate, while charging Wall Street a “speculation tax,”
      but hit every American with a “global-warming tax.”

      Of course, even that wouldn’t cover the cost of his communist schemes; a
      President Sanders would eventually soak the middle class he claims to
      champion. From each according to his ability, to each according to his
      need, right?

      Comrade from Vermont

      Former mayoral advisers from Burlington defend their old boss. They note
      that Sanders was never a member of the Communist Party and deny he was even
      a small-c communist, even while acknowledging he named their city softball
      squad the “People’s Republic of Burlington” and the town’s minor league
      baseball team the “Vermont Reds.”

      What about those communist sister cities he adopted? “Bernie established
      them to support people-to-people exchanges which might support peace in the
      long run,” said Bruce ¬Seifer, who was one of Sanders’ central economic
      planners directing Burlington businesses to “reinvest their profits in the

      In an interview, Seifer claimed that it was “no different than President
      Nixon opening relations with China.”

      Please. Sanders and his Sanderistas are all still pining for what Debs
      called “the Greater Revolution yet to come.”

      What’s revolting is how this hardcore commie’s campaign has gotten this
      far. With his ascendancy in both Iowa and New Hampshire, Sanders is no
      longer just a fool; he’s now a dangerous fool.

      While it may be hard to hate the old codger, it’s easy — and virtuous — to
      hate his un-American ideas. They should be swept into the dustbin with the
      rest of communist history.

      Paul Sperry is a visiting Hoover Institution media fellow and author of
      “The Great American Bank Robbery,” which exposes progressive policies
      behind the mortgage bust.


    • +YesYou123333 “Waiting to see a doctor for 6 months makes it a bad idea.”

      Perhaps it would be if it were actually true, but it’s not. Your misguided
      claim is only a right wing propaganda point (pronounced LIE) derived from
      distorting and twisting the wait time for some ELECTIVE surgeries to mean
      routine doctor’s visits. Have you checked to see how long the wait is for
      some elective surgeries in this country? Stop being so gullible and do a
      little honest research for yourself for a change.

    • +Lisa Lowery “15 trillion vs what we spend now? How is that a bad deal?”

      And curiously, they NEVER mention that $15 trillion figure is over a ten
      year period. I guess $15T does sound a whole lot scarier if someone
      assumes that is per year. Just one more subtle way the corporate media
      manipulates voters in this country.

    • +YesYou123333 Except that’s not how it works. Coming from a country with a
      single payer system, I can confirm that. Or rather, the waiting times may
      not get shorter, but they won’t get longer because of the single payer

  1. We are already paying much higher healthcare taxes that’s call the premium,
    except to the insurance companies. I can’t believe these CNN reporters are
    so stupid that they can’t figure that out.

    There is an ancient Chinese story about people like this. It goes like
    this: A zoologist (yeah, they had zoology in ancient China) raised a group
    of monkeys. As he found it hard to provide them buffet style of meals, he
    suggested to them that he would give each of them 3 acorns in the morning
    and 4 acorns in the evening. All the monkeys were angry. Then he suggested
    that he would rather give them 4 acorns in the morning and 3 acorns in the
    evening. This time, all monkeys are satisfied. (I guess they had the
    conversation in the morning.)

    Lets hope Americans are not a group of monkeys.

    • They’re not stupid (well they are stupid, for other reasons)
      The News Stations all know very well that Bernie is the answer…
      they are just paid to assume that all Americans are idiots, and therefore
      cater their propagandist news with the assumption that we (Americans) will
      buy the crap.

      They are stupid because they are following a corrupt system, instead of
      empowering the American people with true knowledge/information.
      It’s just Money buying Politics buying the news spreading propaganda,
      wishfully hoping that Americans are dumb enough to take the bait.

      Empower yourselves, America


  2. Are you that fucken daft CNN! It’s basic math! You won’t be paying for
    insurance! So you’d save in the long run, both Businesses and Families!

    • 29 million people in this country are still without any health insurance.
      As Senator Sanders correctly points out, the USA is the only
      industrialized country in the world in which health care isn’t a RIGHT of
      all people! Let’s agree these private ( for-profit ) health insurance
      companies need to be put out of business and find another industry to
      fleece people instead.

    • +Steve W You’re playing russian roulette with your life dude. Get cancer
      and your financially ruined for life without insurance. Highly

    • +Steve W You’re an idiot. When you find a cancerous lump in your testicle
      we’ll be paying for your treatment because you don’t want insurance!

    • +Steve W Bullshit…. Health insurance costs were WAY higher before the
      Affordable Care Act was passed. That’s the man reason they did it.

    • +Chucky Justice “Fucking degenerate millennial deadbeats”
      You missed it again. I’m in my thirties, earn way above country’s average
      and this will save me a lot of money while provide more security… What’s
      not to support here?

    • +ominous450 you don’t listen Rich people (maybe you) are going to pay what
      they should. Wallstreet will pay for especulations. No more policing the
      world. no more blindness to money on Fiscal paradise., no more abuse from
      Insurance companies, etc..etc…Plus plus..

    • Pass those “savings” onto your grandchildren. Yay. $18 trillion dollar
      added to national debt just so that you and your family can save $8000 a
      year for 10 years. Yay

  3. These CNN media puppets and the Clinton Camp are spouting the rhetoric that
    Bernie is going to “tax” the country to pay for this program and implying
    that he is covering it up by calling it a “public premium.” For those
    people who don’t get it, THINK!

    If you STOP paying premiums to a private insurance company, you save that
    money and put it back into your pocket. Now, you pay a premium of 2.2% from
    your paycheck and get healthcare ANY TIME YOU NEED IT and NEVER GET YOUR
    CLAIM DENIED! Would you rather continue to pay a private healthcare
    insurance company and get your claims denied, resulting in either paying
    for all the medical expenses on your own or not getting care that you need?

    • +Steve W
      Not knowing your personal situation, I don’t know. How many more people
      are in your situation? I don’t know. Are you in a majority or a minority
      of the population? I don’t know. Do I think you have a legitimate gripe?
      Maybe. One question to you is, what are you going to do about your
      situation? Bernie’s campaign is about getting people involved. Maybe you
      should be getting involved and make changes in the system for people in
      your situation. Other questions are, what will you do if you get diagnosed
      with cancer or diabetes? Will you sign up for heath insurance then? Would
      you rather try to get it thru private health insurance or Obamacare?

  4. Its a 2% tax which is not that big of a deal >.> consider i wont have to
    pay for health insurance under the new system. Sign me up.

    • +Dan Harp He is attacking us, not the big insurance companies or big
      pharma, or for that matter the rising costs of the medical profession.

  5. Hey CNN person When you save Money on Health Care _ IE Business will save
    about $9,000 per person per year in Premiums savings cost and The average
    Consumer will save between $1200 and $5000 in Premium savings and NO COPAYS
    and NO DEDUCTIBLES – Saving that amount of money is NOT I Repeat NOT and
    Increase at all. #FEELTHEBERN

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